/** * This tests that CLAC (collection level access control) handles system collections properly. * @tags: [requires_sharding] */ // Verify that system collections are treated correctly function runTest(admindb) { var authzErrorCode = 13; admindb.createUser({user: "admin", pwd: "pwd", roles: ["userAdminAnyDatabase"]}); assert.eq(1, admindb.auth("admin", "pwd")); var sysCollections = ["system.js", "system.profile", "system.roles", "system.users"]; var sysPrivs = new Array(); for (var i in sysCollections) { sysPrivs.push( {resource: {db: admindb.getName(), collection: sysCollections[i]}, actions: ['find']}); } var findPriv = {resource: {db: admindb.getName(), collection: ""}, actions: ['find']}; admindb.createRole({role: "FindInDB", roles: [], privileges: [findPriv]}); admindb.createRole({role: "FindOnSysRes", roles: [], privileges: sysPrivs}); admindb.createUser({user: "sysUser", pwd: "pwd", roles: ["FindOnSysRes"]}); admindb.createUser({user: "user", pwd: "pwd", roles: ["FindInDB"]}); // Verify the find on all collections exludes system collections assert.eq(1, admindb.auth("user", "pwd")); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { admindb.foo.findOne(); }); for (var i in sysCollections) { assert.commandFailed(admindb.runCommand({count: sysCollections[i]})); } // Verify that find on system collections gives find permissions assert.eq(1, admindb.auth("sysUser", "pwd")); assert.throws(function() { admindb.foo.findOne(); }); for (var i in sysCollections) { assert.commandWorked(admindb.runCommand({count: sysCollections[i]})); } admindb.logout(); } jsTest.log('Test standalone'); var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: ''}); runTest(conn.getDB("admin")); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); jsTest.log('Test sharding'); // TODO: Remove 'shardAsReplicaSet: false' when SERVER-32672 is fixed. var st = new ShardingTest( {shards: 2, config: 3, keyFile: 'jstests/libs/key1', other: {shardAsReplicaSet: false}}); runTest(st.s.getDB("admin")); st.stop();