/** * This test checks that cluster IP allowlists can be set and respected. */ (function() { 'use strict'; print("When allowlist is empty, the server does not start."); assert.throws(() => MongoRunner.runMongod( {auth: null, keyFile: "jstests/libs/key1", clusterIpSourceAllowlist: ""}), [], "The server unexpectedly started"); // Check that the same behavior is seen with the deprecated 'clusterIpSourceWhiteList' flag. assert.throws(() => MongoRunner.runMongod( {auth: null, keyFile: "jstests/libs/key1", clusterIpSourceWhitelist: ""}), [], "The server unexpectedly started"); function emitWarningAuthErrorIsExpected(authResult) { if (!authResult) { print("***** NOTE: an authentication error is expected"); } } function testIpAllowlistStartup(description, allowlistString, authResult) { print("Startup: " + description); let conn = MongoRunner.runMongod( {auth: null, keyFile: "jstests/libs/key1", clusterIpSourceAllowlist: allowlistString}); assert.eq(authResult, conn.getDB("local").auth("__system", "foopdedoop")); emitWarningAuthErrorIsExpected(authResult); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); // Verify that the deprecated 'clusterIpSourceWhitelist' flag still exhibits the same behavior. conn = MongoRunner.runMongod( {auth: null, keyFile: "jstests/libs/key1", clusterIpSourceWhitelist: allowlistString}); assert.eq(authResult, conn.getDB("local").auth("__system", "foopdedoop")); emitWarningAuthErrorIsExpected(authResult); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); } function testIpAllowlistRuntime(description, allowlistString, authResult) { print("Runtime: " + description); const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({keyFile: "jstests/libs/key1"}); const admin = conn.getDB('admin'); const local = conn.getDB('local'); // Must create a user to verify that we don't fallback to localhost exception for auth. assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({createUser: 'admin', pwd: 'admin', roles: ['root']})); assert(local.auth("__system", "foopdedoop")); print("Testing whether __system can login after set to: " + allowlistString); assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand( {setParameter: 1, "clusterIpSourceAllowlist": allowlistString.split(",")})); if (!authResult) { // At this time we have no valid authentication, and existing session should reset. // We should expect admin commands to fail. print("Verifying that there is no longer authenticated session and admin commands fail"); assert.commandFailed(conn.adminCommand({fsync: 1})); } let authDB = local; assert.eq(authResult, local.auth("__system", "foopdedoop")); emitWarningAuthErrorIsExpected(authResult); if (!authResult) { print("Authenticating with admin user since __system is barred"); assert(admin.auth('admin', 'admin')); authDB = admin; } print("Testing that __system can login after reset to null"); assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({setParameter: 1, "clusterIpSourceAllowlist": null})); authDB.logout(); assert.eq(true, local.auth("__system", "foopdedoop")); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); } function testIpAllowlist(description, allowlistString, authResult) { testIpAllowlistStartup(description, allowlistString, authResult); testIpAllowlistRuntime(description, allowlistString, authResult); } function testIpAllowlistRuntimeGarbage() { print("Testing that garbage input is handled"); const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: null, keyFile: "jstests/libs/key1"}); assert.eq(true, conn.getDB("local").auth("__system", "foopdedoop")); const BAD_INPUTS = [ [""], ["abcxyz"], ["", "abcxyz"], [""], "", 1, {"something": "something else"}, ["", {"something": "something else"}], ]; for (let bi in BAD_INPUTS) { print(bi); assert.commandFailed(conn.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, "clusterIpSourceAllowlist": bi})); } print("Testing that __system can login after reset to null"); assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, "clusterIpSourceAllowlist": null})); conn.getDB("local").logout(); assert.eq(true, conn.getDB("local").auth("__system", "foopdedoop")); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); } testIpAllowlist( "When is allowlisted, a client connected via localhost may auth as __system.", "", true); testIpAllowlist( "When is allowlisted as a 24-bit CIDR block, a client connected via localhost may auth as __system.", "", true); testIpAllowlist( "When is allowlisted as a 24-bit CIDR block, a client connected via localhost may auth as __system.", "", true); testIpAllowlist( "When is allowlisted as a 8-bit CIDR block, a client connected via localhost may auth as __system.", "", true); testIpAllowlist( "When the IP block reserved for documentation and the block are both allowlisted, a client connected via localhost may auth as __system.", ",", true); testIpAllowlist( "When and the IP block reserved for documentation are both allowlisted, a client connected via localhost may auth as __system.", ",", true); testIpAllowlist( "When the IP block reserved for documentation and examples is allowlisted, a client connected via localhost may not auth as __system.", "", false); testIpAllowlistRuntimeGarbage(); }());