/** * This test checks that cluster IP whitelists can be set and respected. */ (function() { 'use strict'; print("When whitelist is empty, the server does not start."); assert.eq(null, MongoRunner.runMongod( {auth: null, keyFile: "jstests/libs/key1", clusterIpSourceWhitelist: ""})); function testIpWhitelist(description, whitelistString, authResult) { print(description); var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod( {auth: null, keyFile: "jstests/libs/key1", clusterIpSourceWhitelist: whitelistString}); assert.eq(authResult, conn.getDB("local").auth("__system", "foopdedoop")); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); } testIpWhitelist( "When is whitelisted, a client connected via localhost may auth as __system.", "", true); testIpWhitelist( "When is whitelisted as a 24-bit CIDR block, a client connected via localhost may auth as __system.", "", true); testIpWhitelist( "When is whitelisted as a 24-bit CIDR block, a client connected via localhost may auth as __system.", "", true); testIpWhitelist( "When is whitelisted as a 8-bit CIDR block, a client connected via localhost may auth as __system.", "", true); testIpWhitelist( "When the IP block reserved for documentation and the block are both whitelisted, a client connected via localhost may auth as __system.", ",", true); testIpWhitelist( "When and the IP block reserved for documentation are both whitelisted, a client connected via localhost may auth as __system.", ",", true); testIpWhitelist( "When the IP block reserved for documentation and examples is whitelisted, a client connected via localhost may not auth as __system.", "", false); }());