/* Exhaustive test for authorization of commands with user-defined roles. The test logic implemented here operates on the test cases defined in jstests/auth/commands.js. */ // constants var testUser = "userDefinedRolesTestUser"; var testRole = "userDefinedRolesTestRole"; load("jstests/auth/lib/commands_lib.js"); function testProperAuthorization(conn, t, testcase) { var out = ""; var runOnDb = conn.getDB(testcase.runOnDb); var firstDb = conn.getDB(firstDbName); var adminDb = conn.getDB(adminDbName); authCommandsLib.setup(conn, t, runOnDb); adminDb.auth("admin", "password"); assert.commandWorked(adminDb.runCommand({ updateRole: testRole, privileges: testcase.privileges })); adminDb.logout(); assert(adminDb.auth(testUser, "password")); var res = runOnDb.runCommand(t.command); if (!testcase.expectFail && res.ok != 1 && res.code != commandNotSupportedCode) { // don't error if the test failed with code commandNotSupported since // some storage engines (e.g wiredTiger) don't support some commands (e.g. touch) out = "command failed with " + tojson(res) + " on db " + testcase.runOnDb + " with privileges " + tojson(testcase.privileges); } else if (testcase.expectFail && res.code == authErrCode) { out = "expected authorization success" + " but received " + tojson(res) + " on db " + testcase.runOnDb + " with privileges " + tojson(testcase.privileges); } firstDb.logout(); authCommandsLib.teardown(conn, t, runOnDb); return out; } function testInsufficientPrivileges(conn, t, testcase, privileges) { var out = ""; var runOnDb = conn.getDB(testcase.runOnDb); var firstDb = conn.getDB(firstDbName); var adminDb = conn.getDB(adminDbName); authCommandsLib.setup(conn, t, runOnDb); adminDb.auth("admin", "password"); assert.commandWorked(adminDb.runCommand({ updateRole: testRole, privileges: privileges })); adminDb.logout(); assert(adminDb.auth(testUser, "password")); var res = runOnDb.runCommand(t.command); if (res.ok == 1 || res.code != authErrCode) { out = "expected authorization failure " + " but received " + tojson(res) + " with privileges " + tojson(privileges); } firstDb.logout(); authCommandsLib.teardown(conn, t, runOnDb); return out; } function runOneTest(conn, t) { var failures = []; var msg; for (var i = 0; i < t.testcases.length; i++) { var testcase = t.testcases[i]; if (!("privileges" in testcase)) { continue; } // Make a copy of the priviliges array since it will be modified. var privileges = testcase.privileges.map(function(p) { return Object.extend({}, p, true); }); if (testcase.expectAuthzFailure) { msg = testInsufficientPrivileges(conn, t, testcase, privileges); if (msg) { failures.push(t.testname + ": " + msg); } continue; } if ((privileges.length == 1 && privileges[0].actions.length > 1) || privileges.length > 1) { for (var j = 0; j < privileges.length; j++) { var p = privileges[j]; var resource = p.resource; var actions = p.actions; for (var k = 0; k < actions.length; k++) { var privDoc = { resource: resource, actions: [actions[k]] }; msg = testInsufficientPrivileges(conn, t, testcase, [privDoc]); if (msg) { failures.push(t.testname + ": " + msg); } } } } msg = testProperAuthorization(conn, t, testcase); if (msg) { failures.push(t.testname + ": " + msg); } // test resource pattern where collection is "" privileges.forEach(function(j) { if (j.resource.collection && !j.resource.collection.startsWith('system.')) { j.resource.collection = ""; } }); msg = testProperAuthorization(conn, t, testcase); if (msg) { failures.push(t.testname + ": " + msg); } // test resource pattern where database is "" privileges.forEach(function(j) { if (j.resource.db) { j.resource.db = ""; } }); msg = testProperAuthorization(conn, t, testcase); if (msg) { failures.push(t.testname + ": " + msg); } } return failures; } function createUsers(conn) { var adminDb = conn.getDB(adminDbName); var firstDb = conn.getDB(firstDbName); adminDb.createUser({ user: "admin", pwd: "password", roles: ["__system"] }); assert(adminDb.auth("admin", "password")); assert.commandWorked(adminDb.runCommand({ createRole: testRole, privileges: [ ], roles: [ ] })); assert.commandWorked(adminDb.runCommand({ createUser: testUser, pwd: "password", roles: [ { role: testRole, db: adminDbName } ] })); adminDb.logout(); } var opts = { auth:"", enableExperimentalStorageDetailsCmd: "" }; var impls = { createUsers: createUsers, runOneTest: runOneTest }; // run all tests standalone var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod(opts); authCommandsLib.runTests(conn, impls); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); // run all tests sharded conn = new ShardingTest({ shards: 2, mongos: 1, keyFile: "jstests/libs/key1", other: { shardOptions: opts } }); authCommandsLib.runTests(conn, impls); conn.stop();