// Test copyDatabase command inside a sharded cluster with and without auth. Tests with auth are // currently disabled due to SERVER-13080. var baseName = "jstests_clone_copyauth_between_shards"; function copydbWithinShardedCluster(useReplSets, passCredentials, useAuth) { var clusterConfig = {shards: 1, mongos: 1, config: 1}; if (useAuth) { clusterConfig.auth = ""; clusterConfig.keyFile = "jstests/libs/key1"; } if (useReplSets) { clusterConfig.rs = {}; } var st = new ShardingTest(clusterConfig); var mongos = st.s; var test1 = mongos.getDB('test1'); var test2 = mongos.getDB('test2'); if (useAuth) { mongos.getDB("admin").createUser({user: "super", pwd: "super", roles: ["root"]}); assert.throws(function() { mongos.getDB("test1")["test1"].findOne(); }); mongos.getDB("admin").auth("super", "super"); } test1.getCollection('test').insert({foo: 'bar'}); jsTestLog('Test document on source db:'); printjson(test1.getCollection('test').findOne()); jsTestLog('copydb'); // The copyDatabase command acts differently depending on whether we pass username and password if (passCredentials) { var result = mongos.getDB('admin').copyDatabase('test1', 'test2', undefined, "super", "super"); } else { var result = mongos.getDB('admin').copyDatabase('test1', 'test2'); } printjson(result); assert.eq(result.ok, 1.0); jsTestLog('Test document on destination db:'); printjson(test2.getCollection('test').findOne()); st.stop(); } // SERVER-13080 // copydbWithinShardedCluster(true, true, true); // copydbWithinShardedCluster(false, true, true); // copydbWithinShardedCluster(true, false, true); // copydbWithinShardedCluster(false, false, true); copydbWithinShardedCluster(true, false, false); copydbWithinShardedCluster(false, false, false); print(baseName + " success!");