// Test for SERVER-9129 // Verify global scope data does not persist past logout or auth. // NOTE: Each test case covers 3 state transitions: // no auth -> auth user 'a' // auth user 'a' -> auth user 'b' // auth user 'b' -> logout // // These transitions are tested for dbEval, $where, MapReduce and $group var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({ smallfiles: ""}); var test = conn.getDB("test"); // insert a single document and add two test users test.foo.insert({a:1}); assert.eq(1, test.foo.findOne().a); test.createUser({user:'a', pwd: 'a', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}); test.createUser({user:'b', pwd: 'b', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}); function missingOrEquals(string) { return 'function() { ' + 'var global = function(){return this;}.call();' // Uncomment the next line when debugging. // + 'print(global.hasOwnProperty("someGlobal") ? someGlobal : "MISSING" );' + 'return !global.hasOwnProperty("someGlobal")' + ' || someGlobal == unescape("' + escape(string) + '");' +'}()'; } function testDbEval() { // set the global variable 'someGlobal' before authenticating test.eval('someGlobal = "noUsers";'); // test new user auth causes scope to be cleared test.auth('a', 'a'); assert(test.eval('return ' + missingOrEquals('a')), "dbEval: Auth user 'a'"); // test auth as another user causes scope to be cleared test.eval('someGlobal = "a";'); test.auth('b', 'b'); assert(test.eval('return ' + missingOrEquals('a&b')), "dbEval: Auth user 'b'"); // test user logout causes scope to be cleared test.eval('someGlobal = "a&b";'); test.logout(); assert(test.eval('return ' + missingOrEquals('noUsers')), "dbEval: log out"); } testDbEval(); testDbEval(); // test $where function testWhere() { // set the global variable 'someGlobal' before authenticating test.foo.findOne({$where:'someGlobal = "noUsers";'}); // test new user auth causes scope to be cleared test.auth('a', 'a'); assert.eq(1, test.foo.count({$where: 'return ' + missingOrEquals('a')}), "$where: Auth user 'a"); // test auth as another user causes scope to be cleared test.foo.findOne({$where:'someGlobal = "a";'}); test.auth('b', 'b'); assert(test.foo.count({$where: 'return ' + missingOrEquals('a&b')}), "$where: Auth user 'b'"); // test user logout causes scope to be cleared test.foo.findOne({$where:'someGlobal = "a&b";'}); test.logout(); assert(test.foo.count({$where: 'return ' + missingOrEquals('noUsers')}), "$where: log out"); } testWhere(); testWhere(); function testMapReduce() { var mapSet = function(string) { return Function('someGlobal = "' + string + '"'); }; var mapGet = function(string) { return Function('assert(' + missingOrEquals(string) +')'); }; var reduce = function(k, v) { }; var setGlobalInMap = function(string) { test.foo.mapReduce(mapSet(string), reduce, {out:{inline:1}}); }; var getGlobalFromMap = function(string) { test.foo.mapReduce(mapGet(string), reduce, {out:{inline:1}}); }; // set the global variable 'someGlobal' before authenticating setGlobalInMap('noUsers'); // test new user auth causes scope to be cleared test.auth('a', 'a'); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { getGlobalFromMap('a'); }, [], "M/R: Auth user 'a'"); // test auth as another user causes scope to be cleared setGlobalInMap('a'); test.auth('b', 'b'); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { getGlobalFromMap('a&b'); }, [], "M/R: Auth user 'b'"); // test user logout causes scope to be cleared setGlobalInMap('a&b'); test.logout(); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { getGlobalFromMap('noUsers'); }, [], "M/R: Log out"); } testMapReduce(); testMapReduce(); function testGroup() { var setGlobalInGroup = function(string) { return test.foo.group({key: 'a', reduce: Function('doc1', 'agg', 'someGlobal = "' + string + '"'), initial:{}}); }; var getGlobalFromGroup = function(string) { return test.foo.group({key: 'a', reduce: Function('doc1', 'agg', 'assert(' + missingOrEquals(string) +')'), initial:{}}); }; // set the global variable 'someGlobal' before authenticating setGlobalInGroup('noUsers'); // test new user auth causes scope to be cleared test.auth('a', 'a'); assert.doesNotThrow(getGlobalFromGroup, ['a'], "Group: Auth user 'a'"); // test auth as another user causes scope to be cleared setGlobalInGroup('a'); test.auth('b', 'b'); assert.doesNotThrow(getGlobalFromGroup, ['a&b'], "Group: Auth user 'b'"); // test user logout causes scope to be cleared setGlobalInGroup('a&b'); test.logout(); assert.doesNotThrow(getGlobalFromGroup, ['noUsers'], "Group: Log out"); } testGroup(); testGroup();