/** * This tests that updates to user and role definitions made on one mongos propagate properly * to other mongoses. */ var authzErrorCode = 13; var hasAuthzError = function(result) { assert(result.hasWriteError()); assert.eq(authzErrorCode, result.getWriteError().code); }; var st = new ShardingTest({ shards: 2, config: 3, mongos: [ {}, {setParameter: "userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs=5"}, {setParameter: "userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs=600"} ], keyFile: 'jstests/libs/key1' }); st.s1.getDB('admin').createUser({user: 'root', pwd: 'pwd', roles: ['root']}); st.s1.getDB('admin').auth('root', 'pwd'); var res = st.s1.getDB('admin').runCommand({setParameter: 1, userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs: 0}); assert.commandFailed(res, "Setting the invalidation interval to an disallowed value should fail"); res = st.s1.getDB('admin').runCommand({setParameter: 1, userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs: 100000}); assert.commandFailed(res, "Setting the invalidation interval to an disallowed value should fail"); res = st.s1.getDB('admin').runCommand({getParameter: 1, userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs: 1}); assert.eq(5, res.userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs); assert.writeOK(st.s1.getDB('test').foo.insert({a: 1})); // initial data assert.writeOK(st.s1.getDB('test').bar.insert({a: 1})); // initial data st.s1.getDB('admin').createUser({user: 'admin', pwd: 'pwd', roles: ['userAdminAnyDatabase']}); st.s1.getDB('admin').logout(); st.s0.getDB('admin').auth('admin', 'pwd'); st.s0.getDB('admin').createRole({ role: 'myRole', roles: [], privileges: [{resource: {cluster: true}, actions: ['invalidateUserCache', 'setParameter']}] }); st.s0.getDB('test').createUser({ user: 'spencer', pwd: 'pwd', roles: ['read', {role: 'myRole', db: 'admin'}, {role: 'userAdminAnyDatabase', db: 'admin'}] }); st.s0.getDB('admin').logout(); var db1 = st.s0.getDB('test'); db1.auth('spencer', 'pwd'); var db2 = st.s1.getDB('test'); db2.auth('spencer', 'pwd'); var db3 = st.s2.getDB('test'); db3.auth('spencer', 'pwd'); /** * At this point we have 3 handles to the "test" database, each of which are on connections to * different mongoses. "db1", "db2", and "db3" are all auth'd as spencer@test and will be used * to verify that user and role data changes get propaged to their mongoses. * "db2" is connected to a mongos with a 5 second user cache invalidation interval, * while "db3" is connected to a mongos with a 10 minute cache invalidation interval. */ (function testChangingInvalidationInterval() { jsTestLog("Test that changing the invalidation interval takes effect immediately"); assert.commandFailedWithCode(db3.bar.runCommand("drop"), authzErrorCode); assert.eq(1, db3.bar.findOne().a); db1.getSiblingDB('admin').grantPrivilegesToRole( "myRole", [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['dropCollection']}]); // At first db3 should still think we're unauthorized because it hasn't invalidated it's cache. assert.commandFailedWithCode(db3.bar.runCommand('drop'), authzErrorCode); // Changing the value of the invalidation interval should make it invalidate its cache quickly. assert.commandWorked(db3.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs: 1})); sleep(2000); assert.commandWorked(db3.bar.runCommand('drop')); assert.eq(0, db3.bar.count()); // Set the invalidation interval back for the rest of the tests db3.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs: 600}); })(); (function testGrantingPrivileges() { jsTestLog("Testing propagation of granting privileges"); hasAuthzError(db1.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); hasAuthzError(db2.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); hasAuthzError(db3.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); assert.eq(1, db1.foo.findOne().a); assert.eq(1, db2.foo.findOne().a); assert.eq(1, db3.foo.findOne().a); db1.getSiblingDB('admin').grantPrivilegesToRole( "myRole", [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['update']}]); // s0/db1 should update its cache instantly assert.writeOK(db1.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); assert.eq(2, db1.foo.findOne().a); // s1/db2 should update its cache in 10 seconds. assert.soon(function() { var res = db2.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}}); if (res.hasWriteError()) { return false; } return db2.foo.findOne().a == 3; }, "Mongos did not update its user cache after 10 seconds", 10 * 1000); // We manually invalidate the cache on s2/db3. db3.adminCommand("invalidateUserCache"); assert.writeOK(db3.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); assert.eq(4, db3.foo.findOne().a); })(); (function testRevokingPrivileges() { jsTestLog("Testing propagation of revoking privileges"); db1.getSiblingDB('admin').revokePrivilegesFromRole( "myRole", [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['update']}]); // s0/db1 should update its cache instantly hasAuthzError(db1.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); jsTest.log("Beginning wait for s1/db2 cache update."); // s1/db2 should update its cache in 10 seconds. assert.soon(function() { var res = db2.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}}); return res.hasWriteError() && res.getWriteError().code == authzErrorCode; }, "Mongos did not update its user cache after 10 seconds", 10 * 1000); // We manually invalidate the cache on s1/db3. db3.adminCommand("invalidateUserCache"); hasAuthzError(db3.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); })(); (function testModifyingUser() { jsTestLog("Testing propagation modifications to a user, rather than to a role"); hasAuthzError(db1.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); hasAuthzError(db2.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); hasAuthzError(db3.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); db1.getSiblingDB('test').grantRolesToUser("spencer", ['readWrite']); // s0/db1 should update its cache instantly assert.writeOK(db1.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); // s1/db2 should update its cache in 5 seconds. assert.soon( function() { return !db2.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}}).hasWriteError(); }, "Mongos did not update its user cache after 5 seconds", 6 * 1000); // Give an extra 1 second to avoid races // We manually invalidate the cache on s1/db3. db3.adminCommand("invalidateUserCache"); assert.writeOK(db3.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); })(); (function testConcurrentUserModification() { jsTestLog("Testing having 2 mongoses modify the same user at the same time"); // SERVER-13850 assert.writeOK(db1.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); assert.writeOK(db3.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); db1.getSiblingDB('test').revokeRolesFromUser("spencer", ['readWrite']); // At this point db3 still thinks "spencer" has readWrite. Use it to add a different role // and make sure it doesn't add back readWrite hasAuthzError(db1.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); assert.writeOK(db3.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); db3.getSiblingDB('test').grantRolesToUser("spencer", ['dbAdmin']); hasAuthzError(db1.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); // modifying "spencer" should force db3 to update its cache entry for "spencer" hasAuthzError(db3.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); // Make sure nothing changes from invalidating the cache db1.adminCommand('invalidateUserCache'); db3.adminCommand('invalidateUserCache'); hasAuthzError(db1.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); hasAuthzError(db3.foo.update({}, {$inc: {a: 1}})); })(); (function testDroppingUser() { jsTestLog("Testing propagation of dropping users"); assert.commandWorked(db1.foo.runCommand("collStats")); assert.commandWorked(db2.foo.runCommand("collStats")); assert.commandWorked(db3.foo.runCommand("collStats")); db1.dropUser('spencer'); // s0/db1 should update its cache instantly assert.commandFailedWithCode(db1.foo.runCommand("collStats"), authzErrorCode); // s1/db2 should update its cache in 5 seconds. assert.soon( function() { return db2.foo.runCommand("collStats").code == authzErrorCode; }, "Mongos did not update its user cache after 5 seconds", 6 * 1000); // Give an extra 1 second to avoid races // We manually invalidate the cache on s2/db3. db3.adminCommand("invalidateUserCache"); assert.commandFailedWithCode(db3.foo.runCommand("collStats"), authzErrorCode); })(); st.stop(); print("SUCCESS Completed mongos_cache_invalidation.js");