/** * Test that the replica set connections to the secondaries will have the right auth credentials * even when these connections are shared within the same connection pool. */ var NUM_NODES = 3; var rsTest = new ReplSetTest({nodes: NUM_NODES}); rsTest.startSet({oplogSize: 10, keyFile: 'jstests/libs/key1'}); rsTest.initiate(); rsTest.awaitSecondaryNodes(); var setupConn = rsTest.getPrimary(); var admin = setupConn.getDB('admin'); // Setup initial data admin.createUser({user: 'admin', pwd: 'password', roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles}); admin.auth('admin', 'password'); setupConn.getDB('foo').createUser({user: 'foo', pwd: 'foopwd', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}, {w: NUM_NODES}); setupConn.getDB('foo').logout(); setupConn.getDB('bar').createUser({user: 'bar', pwd: 'barpwd', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}, {w: NUM_NODES}); setupConn.getDB('bar').logout(); var replConn0 = new Mongo(rsTest.getURL()); var replConn1 = new Mongo(rsTest.getURL()); var fooDB0 = replConn0.getDB('foo'); var barDB0 = replConn0.getDB('bar'); var fooDB1 = replConn1.getDB('foo'); var barDB1 = replConn1.getDB('bar'); fooDB0.auth('foo', 'foopwd'); barDB1.auth('bar', 'barpwd'); assert.writeOK(fooDB0.user.insert({x: 1}, {writeConcern: {w: NUM_NODES}})); assert.writeError(barDB0.user.insert({x: 1}, {writeConcern: {w: NUM_NODES}})); assert.writeError(fooDB1.user.insert({x: 2}, {writeConcern: {w: NUM_NODES}})); assert.writeOK(barDB1.user.insert({x: 2}, {writeConcern: {w: NUM_NODES}})); // Make sure replica set connection in the shell is ready. _awaitRSHostViaRSMonitor(rsTest.getPrimary().name, {ok: true, ismaster: true}, rsTest.name); rsTest.getSecondaries().forEach(function(sec) { _awaitRSHostViaRSMonitor(sec.name, {ok: true, secondary: true}, rsTest.name); }); // Note: secondary nodes are selected randomly and connections will only be returned to the // pool if a different secondary is selected from the previous one so we have to iterate // a couple of times. for (var x = 0; x < 20; x++) { var explain = fooDB0.user.find().readPref('secondary').explain('executionStats'); assert.eq(1, explain.executionStats.nReturned); assert.throws(function() { explain = barDB0.user.find().readPref('secondary').explain('executionStats'); }); assert.throws(function() { explain = fooDB1.user.find().readPref('secondary').explain('executionStats'); }); explain = barDB1.user.find().readPref('secondary').explain('executionStats'); assert.eq(1, explain.executionStats.nReturned); } rsTest.stopSet();