/* * Tests that resource pattern matching rules work as expected. * @tags: [requires_replication, requires_sharding] */ // This test logs in users on the admin database, but doesn't log them out, which can fail with // implicit sessions and ReplSetTest when the fixture attempts to verify data hashes at shutdown by // authenticating as the __system user. TestData.disableImplicitSessions = true; (function() { 'use strict'; function setup_users(granter) { const admin = granter.getSiblingDB("admin"); assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({ createUser: "admin", pwd: "admin", roles: ["userAdminAnyDatabase", "dbAdminAnyDatabase", "clusterAdmin", "readWriteAnyDatabase"] })); assert(admin.auth("admin", "admin")); printjson(admin.runCommand({createRole: "test_role", privileges: [], roles: []})); printjson(admin.runCommand({createUser: "test_user", pwd: "password", roles: ["test_role"]})); admin.logout(); } function setup_dbs_and_cols(db) { const admin = db.getSiblingDB('admin'); const test_db_a = db.getSiblingDB('a'); const test_db_b = db.getSiblingDB('b'); assert(admin.auth('admin', 'admin')); assert.commandWorked(test_db_a.dropDatabase({w: 'majority'})); assert.commandWorked(test_db_b.dropDatabase({w: 'majority'})); assert.commandWorked(test_db_a.createCollection("a", {writeConcern: {w: 'majority'}})); assert.commandWorked(test_db_a.createCollection("b", {writeConcern: {w: 'majority'}})); assert.commandWorked(test_db_b.createCollection("a", {writeConcern: {w: 'majority'}})); assert.commandWorked(test_db_b.createCollection("b", {writeConcern: {w: 'majority'}})); admin.logout(); } function grant_privileges(granter, privileges) { const admin = granter.getSiblingDB("admin"); assert(admin.auth("admin", "admin")); const result = admin.runCommand({ grantPrivilegesToRole: "test_role", privileges: privileges, writeConcern: {w: 'majority'} }); admin.logout(); return result; } function revoke_privileges(granter, privileges) { const admin = granter.getSiblingDB("admin"); assert(admin.auth("admin", "admin")); const result = admin.runCommand({ revokePrivilegesFromRole: "test_role", privileges: privileges, writeConcern: {w: 'majority'} }); admin.logout(); return result; } function invalidateUserCache(verifier) { const admin = verifier.getSiblingDB("admin"); assert(admin.auth('admin', 'admin')); assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand("invalidateUserCache")); admin.logout(); } function run_test(name, granter, verifier, privileges, collections) { print("\n=== testing " + name + "() ===\n"); grant_privileges(granter, privileges); invalidateUserCache(verifier); const verifierDB = verifier.getSiblingDB('admin'); assert(verifierDB.auth("test_user", "password")); for (var key in collections) { const parts = key.split("."); const testdb = verifier.getSiblingDB(parts[0]); const col = testdb.getCollection(parts[1]); const cb = collections[key]; cb(testdb, col); } verifierDB.logout(); revoke_privileges(granter, privileges); } function run_test_bad_resource(name, granter, resource) { print("\n=== testing resource fail " + name + "() ===\n"); assert.commandFailed(grant_privileges(granter, [{resource: resource, actions: ["find"]}])); } function should_insert(testdb, testcol) { assert.doesNotThrow(function() { testcol.insert({a: "b"}); }); } function should_fail_insert(testdb, testcol) { assert.throws(function() { testcol.insert({a: "b"}); }); } function should_find(testdb, testcol) { assert.doesNotThrow(function() { testcol.findOne(); }); } function should_fail_find(testdb, testcol) { assert.throws(function() { testcol.findOne(); }); } function run_tests(granter, verifier) { setup_users(granter); setup_dbs_and_cols(granter); run_test("specific", granter, verifier, [{resource: {db: "a", collection: "a"}, actions: ["find"]}], { "a.a": should_find, "a.b": should_fail_find, "b.a": should_fail_find, "b.b": should_fail_find }); run_test( "glob_collection", granter, verifier, [{resource: {db: "a", collection: ""}, actions: ["find"]}], {"a.a": should_find, "a.b": should_find, "b.a": should_fail_find, "b.b": should_fail_find}); run_test( "glob_database", granter, verifier, [{resource: {db: "", collection: "a"}, actions: ["find"]}], {"a.a": should_find, "a.b": should_fail_find, "b.a": should_find, "b.b": should_fail_find}); run_test("glob_all", granter, verifier, [{resource: {db: "", collection: ""}, actions: ["find"]}], {"a.a": should_find, "a.b": should_find, "b.a": should_find, "b.b": should_find}); run_test( "any_resource", granter, verifier, [{resource: {anyResource: true}, actions: ["find"]}], { "a.a": should_find, "a.b": should_find, "b.a": should_find, "b.b": should_find, "c.a": should_find }); run_test("no_global_access", granter, verifier, [{resource: {db: "$", collection: "cmd"}, actions: ["find"]}], { "a.a": function(testdb, testcol) { var r = testdb.stats(); if (r["ok"]) throw ("db.$.cmd shouldn't give a.stats()"); } }); run_test_bad_resource("empty_resource", granter, {}); run_test_bad_resource("users_collection_any_db", granter, {collection: "users"}); run_test_bad_resource("bad_key", granter, {myResource: "users"}); run_test_bad_resource("extra_key", granter, {db: "test", collection: "users", cluster: true}); run_test_bad_resource("bad_value_type", granter, {cluster: "false"}); run_test_bad_resource("bad_collection", granter, {db: "test", collection: "$$$$"}); run_test("mixed_find_write", granter, verifier, [ {resource: {db: "a", collection: "a"}, actions: ["find"]}, {resource: {db: "", collection: ""}, actions: ["insert"]} ], { "a.a": function(testdb, testcol) { should_insert(testdb, testcol); should_find(testdb, testcol); }, "a.b": function(testdb, testcol) { should_insert(testdb, testcol); should_fail_find(testdb, testcol); }, "b.a": function(testdb, testcol) { should_insert(testdb, testcol); should_fail_find(testdb, testcol); }, "b.b": function(testdb, testcol) { should_insert(testdb, testcol); should_fail_find(testdb, testcol); }, }); } const keyfile = "jstests/libs/key1"; { print('--- standalone node test ---'); const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: null, keyFile: keyfile}); run_tests(conn.getDB('test'), conn.getDB('test')); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); print('--- done standalone node test ---'); } { print('--- replica set test ---'); const rst = new ReplSetTest({name: 'testset', nodes: 2, nodeOptions: {'auth': null}, keyFile: keyfile}); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); const primary = rst.getPrimary().getDB('admin'); rst.awaitSecondaryNodes(); const secondary = rst.getSecondaries()[0].getDB('admin'); run_tests(primary, secondary); rst.stopSet(); print('--- done with the rs tests ---'); } { print('--- sharding test ---'); const st = new ShardingTest({ mongos: 2, shard: 1, keyFile: keyfile, other: { mongosOptions: {'auth': null}, configOptions: {'auth': null}, shardOptions: {'auth': null} } }); run_tests(st.s0.getDB('admin'), st.s1.getDB('admin')); st.stop(); print('--- sharding test done ---'); } })();