/** * This tests that all the different commands for role manipulation all properly handle invalid * and atypical inputs. */ function runTest(conn) { var db = conn.getDB('test'); var admin = conn.getDB('admin'); admin.createUser({user: 'userAdmin', pwd: 'pwd', roles: ['userAdminAnyDatabase']}); admin.auth('userAdmin', 'pwd'); (function testCreateRole() { jsTestLog("Testing createRole"); // Role with no privs db.createRole({role: "role1", roles: [], privileges: []}); // Role with duplicate other roles db.createRole({role: "role2", roles: ['read', 'read', 'role1', 'role1'], privileges: []}); assert.eq(2, db.getRole("role2").roles.length); // Role with duplicate privileges db.createRole({ role: "role3", roles: ['role2'], privileges: [ {resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['find']}, {resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['find']} ] }); assert.eq(1, db.getRole("role3", {showPrivileges: true}).privileges.length); // Try to create role that already exists. assert.throws(function() { db.createRole({role: 'role2', roles: [], privileges: []}); }); // Try to create role with no name assert.throws(function() { db.createRole({role: '', roles: [], privileges: []}); }); // Try to create a role the wrong types for the arguments assert.throws(function() { db.createRole({role: 1, roles: [], privileges: []}); }); assert.throws(function() { db.createRole({role: ["role4", "role5"], roles: [], privileges: []}); }); assert.throws(function() { db.createRole({role: 'role6', roles: 1, privileges: []}); }); assert.throws(function() { db.createRole({role: 'role7', roles: [], privileges: 1}); }); // Try to create a role with an invalid privilege assert.throws(function() { db.createRole( {role: 'role8', roles: [], privileges: [{resource: {}, actions: ['find']}]}); }); assert.throws(function() { db.createRole({ role: 'role9', roles: [], privileges: [{resource: {db: "test", collection: "foo"}, actions: []}] }); }); assert.throws(function() { db.createRole({ role: 'role10', roles: [], privileges: [{resource: {db: "test"}, actions: ['find']}] }); }); assert.throws(function() { db.createRole({ role: 'role11', roles: [], privileges: [{resource: {collection: "foo"}, actions: ['find']}] }); }); assert.throws(function() { db.createRole({ role: 'role12', roles: [], privileges: [{resource: {anyResource: false}, actions: ['find']}] }); }); assert.throws(function() { db.createRole({ role: 'role13', roles: [], privileges: [{ resource: {db: "test", collection: "foo", cluster: true}, actions: ['find'] }] }); }); assert.throws(function() { db.createRole({ role: 'role14', roles: [], privileges: [{resource: {cluster: false}, actions: ['find']}] }); }); assert.throws(function() { db.createRole({ role: 'role15', roles: [], privileges: [{resource: {db: "test", collection: "$cmd"}, actions: ['find']}] }); }); assert.throws(function() { db.createRole({ role: 'role16', roles: [], privileges: [{resource: {db: "test", collection: "foo"}, actions: ['fakeAction']}] }); }); // Try to create role containing itself in its roles array assert.throws(function() { db.createRole({role: 'role17', roles: ['role10'], privileges: []}); }); assert.eq(3, db.getRoles().length); })(); (function testUpdateRole() { jsTestLog("Testing updateRole"); // Try to update role that doesn't exist assert.throws(function() { db.updateRole("fakeRole", {roles: []}); }); // Try to update role to have a role that doesn't exist assert.throws(function() { db.updateRole("role1", {roles: ['fakeRole']}); }); // Try to update a built-in role assert.throws(function() { db.updateRole("read", {roles: ['readWrite']}); }); // Try to create a cycle in the role graph assert.throws(function() { db.updateRole("role1", {roles: ['role1']}); }); assert.eq(0, db.getRole('role1').roles.length); assert.throws(function() { db.updateRole("role1", {roles: ['role2']}); }); assert.eq(0, db.getRole('role1').roles.length); assert.throws(function() { db.updateRole("role1", {roles: ['role3']}); }); assert.eq(0, db.getRole('role1').roles.length); })(); (function testGrantRolesToRole() { jsTestLog("Testing grantRolesToRole"); // Grant role1 to role2 even though role2 already has role1 db.grantRolesToRole("role2", ['role1']); assert.eq(2, db.getRole('role2').roles.length); // Try to grant a role that doesn't exist assert.throws(function() { db.grantRolesToRole("role1", ['fakeRole']); }); // Try to grant *to* a role that doesn't exist assert.throws(function() { db.grantRolesToRole("fakeRole", ['role1']); }); // Must specify at least 1 role assert.throws(function() { db.grantRolesToRole("role1", []); }); // Try to grant to a built-in role assert.throws(function() { db.grantRolesToRole("read", ['role1']); }); // Try to create a cycle in the role graph assert.throws(function() { db.grantRolesToRole("role1", ['role1']); }); assert.eq(0, db.getRole('role1').roles.length); assert.throws(function() { db.grantRolesToRole("role1", ['role2']); }); assert.eq(0, db.getRole('role1').roles.length); assert.throws(function() { db.grantRolesToRole("role1", ['role3']); }); assert.eq(0, db.getRole('role1').roles.length); })(); (function testRevokeRolesFromRole() { jsTestLog("Testing revokeRolesFromRole"); // Try to revoke a role that doesn't exist // Should not error but should do nothing. assert.doesNotThrow(function() { db.revokeRolesFromRole("role2", ['fakeRole']); }); // Try to revoke role3 from role2 even though role2 does not contain role3. // Should not error but should do nothing. assert.doesNotThrow(function() { db.revokeRolesFromRole("role2", ['role3']); }); assert.eq(2, db.getRole("role2").roles.length); // Must revoke something assert.throws(function() { db.revokeRolesFromRole("role2", []); }); // Try to remove from built-in role assert.throws(function() { db.revokeRolesFromRole("readWrite", ['read']); }); })(); (function testGrantPrivilegesToRole() { jsTestLog("Testing grantPrivilegesToRole"); // Must grant something assert.throws(function() { db.grantPrivilegesToRole("role1", []); }); var basicPriv = {resource: {db: 'test', collection: ""}, actions: ['find']}; // Invalid first argument assert.throws(function() { db.grantPrivilegesToRole(["role1", "role2"], [basicPriv]); }); // Try to grant to role that doesn't exist assert.throws(function() { db.grantPrivilegesToRole("fakeRole", [basicPriv]); }); // Test with invalid privileges var badPrivs = []; badPrivs.push("find"); badPrivs.push({resource: {db: 'test', collection: ""}, actions: ['fakeAction']}); badPrivs.push({resource: {db: ['test'], collection: ""}, actions: ['find']}); badPrivs.push({resource: {db: 'test', collection: ""}}); badPrivs.push({actions: ['find']}); badPrivs.push({resource: {db: 'test', collection: ""}, actions: []}); badPrivs.push({resource: {db: 'test'}, actions: ['find']}); badPrivs.push({resource: {collection: 'test'}, actions: ['find']}); badPrivs.push({resource: {}, actions: ['find']}); badPrivs.push({resource: {db: 'test', collection: "", cluster: true}, actions: ['find']}); for (var i = 0; i < badPrivs.length; i++) { assert.throws(function() { db.grantPrivilegesToRole("role1", [badPrivs[i]]); }); } assert.eq(0, db.getRole('role1', {showPrivileges: true}).privileges.length); })(); (function testRevokePrivilegesFromRole() { jsTestLog("Testing revokePrivilegesFromRole"); // Try to revoke a privilege the role doesn't have // Should not error but should do nothing. assert.doesNotThrow(function() { db.revokePrivilegesFromRole( "role3", [{resource: {db: "test", collection: "foobar"}, actions: ["insert"]}]); }); assert.eq(0, db.getRole("role2", {showPrivileges: true}).privileges.length); // Must revoke something assert.throws(function() { db.revokePrivilegesFromRole("role3", []); }); // Try to remove from built-in role assert.throws(function() { db.revokePrivilegesFromRole( "readWrite", [{resource: {db: 'test', collection: ''}, actions: ['find']}]); }); var basicPriv = {resource: {db: 'test', collection: ""}, actions: ['find']}; // Invalid first argument assert.throws(function() { db.revokePrivilegesFromRole(["role3", "role2"], [basicPriv]); }); // Try to revoke from role that doesn't exist assert.throws(function() { db.revokePrivilegesToRole("fakeRole", [basicPriv]); }); // Test with invalid privileges var badPrivs = []; badPrivs.push("find"); badPrivs.push({resource: {db: 'test', collection: ""}, actions: ['fakeAction']}); badPrivs.push({resource: {db: ['test'], collection: ""}, actions: ['find']}); badPrivs.push({resource: {db: 'test', collection: ""}}); badPrivs.push({actions: ['find']}); badPrivs.push({resource: {db: 'test', collection: ""}, actions: []}); badPrivs.push({resource: {db: 'test'}, actions: ['find']}); badPrivs.push({resource: {collection: 'test'}, actions: ['find']}); badPrivs.push({resource: {}, actions: ['find']}); badPrivs.push({resource: {db: 'test', collection: "", cluster: true}, actions: ['find']}); for (var i = 0; i < badPrivs.length; i++) { assert.throws(function() { db.revokePrivilegesFromRole("role3", [badPrivs[i]]); }); } assert.eq(1, db.getRole('role3', {showPrivileges: true}).privileges.length); })(); (function testRolesInfo() { jsTestLog("Testing rolesInfo"); // Try to get role that does not exist assert.eq(null, db.getRole('fakeRole')); // Pass wrong type for role name assert.throws(function() { db.getRole(5); }); assert.throws(function() { db.getRole([]); }); assert.throws(function() { db.getRole(['role1', 'role2']); }); })(); (function testDropRole() { jsTestLog("Testing dropRole"); // Try to drop a role that doesn't exist // Should not error but should do nothing assert.doesNotThrow(function() { db.dropRole('fakeRole'); }); // Try to drop a built-in role assert.throws(function() { db.dropRole('read'); }); assert.eq(3, db.getRoles().length); })(); // dropAllRolesFromDatabase ignores its arguments, so there's nothing to test for it. } jsTest.log('Test standalone'); var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: ''}); runTest(conn); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn.port); jsTest.log('Test sharding'); var st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, config: 3, keyFile: 'jstests/libs/key1'}); runTest(st.s); st.stop();