/* * Regression test for SERVER-4892. * * Verify that a client can delete cursors that it creates, when mongod is running with "auth" * enabled. */ var baseName = 'jstests_auth_server4892'; var dbpath = MongoRunner.dataPath + baseName; var port = allocatePorts( 1 )[ 0 ]; var mongod_common_args = [ '--port', port, '--dbpath', dbpath, '--bind_ip', '', '--nohttpinterface' ]; /* * Start an instance of mongod, pass it as a parameter to operation(), then stop the instance of * mongod before unwinding or returning out of with_mongod(). * * extra_mongod_args are extra arguments to pass on the mongod command line, in an Array. */ function with_mongod( extra_mongod_args, operation ) { var mongod = startMongoProgram.apply( null, ['mongod'].concat( mongod_common_args, extra_mongod_args ) ); try { operation( mongod ); } finally { stopMongod( port ); } } /* * Fail an assertion if the given "mongod" instance does not have exactly expectNumLiveCursors live * cursors on the server. */ function expectNumLiveCursors(mongod, expectedNumLiveCursors) { var conn = new Mongo( mongod.host ); var db = mongod.getDB( 'admin' ); db.auth( 'admin', 'admin' ); var actualNumLiveCursors = db.serverStatus().cursors.totalOpen; assert( actualNumLiveCursors == expectedNumLiveCursors, "actual num live cursors (" + actualNumLiveCursors + ") != exptected (" + expectedNumLiveCursors + ")"); } resetDbpath( dbpath ); with_mongod( ['--noauth'], function setupTest( mongod ) { var admin, somedb, conn; conn = new Mongo( mongod.host ); admin = conn.getDB( 'admin' ); somedb = conn.getDB( 'somedb' ); admin.createUser({user: 'admin', pwd: 'admin', roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles}); admin.auth('admin', 'admin'); somedb.createUser({user: 'frim', pwd: 'fram', roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}); somedb.data.drop(); for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { somedb.data.insert( { val: i } ); assert ( ! somedb.getLastError() ); } admin.logout(); } ); with_mongod( ['--auth'], function runTest( mongod ) { var conn = new Mongo( mongod.host ); var somedb = conn.getDB( 'somedb' ); somedb.auth('frim', 'fram'); expectNumLiveCursors( mongod, 0 ); var cursor = somedb.data.find({}, ['_id']).batchSize(1); cursor.next(); expectNumLiveCursors( mongod, 1 ); cursor = null; // NOTE(schwerin): We assume that after setting cursor = null, there are no remaining references // to the cursor, and that gc() will deterministically garbage collect it. gc(); // NOTE(schwerin): dbKillCursors gets piggybacked on subsequent messages on the connection, so we // have to force a message to the server. somedb.data.findOne(); expectNumLiveCursors( mongod, 0 ); });