// Tests that $$USER_ROLES is not available when the server parameter is set to false. // @tags: [requires_fcv_70] (function() { "use strict"; const dbName = "test"; const collName = "coll"; const varNotAvailableErr = 51144; function runTest(conn, disableAtRunTime) { // Create a user on the admin database with the root role so that we can create users with other // roles to other databases. let admin = conn.getDB("admin"); assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({createUser: "admin", pwd: "admin", roles: ["root"]})); admin.auth("admin", "admin"); if (disableAtRunTime) { // Disable the $$USER_ROLES server parameter. This requires the admin user to be // authenticated. assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({setParameter: 1, enableAccessToUserRoles: false})); } const db = conn.getDB(dbName); // Create a user. assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({ createUser: "user", pwd: "pwd", roles: [{role: "read", db: dbName}], })); // Create a view. let pipeline = [{ $set: {"a": {$cond: {if: {$in: ["read", '$$USER_ROLES.role']}, then: "$a", else: "$$REMOVE"}}} }]; assert.commandWorked(db.createView("coll_view", collName, pipeline)); let coll = db.getCollection(collName); // Insert a document. let doc = {_id: 0, a: 1}; assert.commandWorked(coll.insert(doc)); // Logout of the admin user so that we can log into the other user. admin.logout(); // Authenticate as the user we created earlier and run a find on the view. Since the // $$USER_ROLES server parameter is disabled, the find should fail. db.auth("user", "pwd"); assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.runCommand({find: "coll_view", filter: {}}), varNotAvailableErr); db.logout(); } // Start up a mongod, and disable the parameter at runtime. const mongodDisabledAtRuntime = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: ""}); runTest(mongodDisabledAtRuntime, true); MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongodDisabledAtRuntime); // Start up a mongod with the parameter disabled. const mongodDisabledAtStartup = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: "", setParameter: {enableAccessToUserRoles: false}}); runTest(mongodDisabledAtStartup, false); MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongodDisabledAtStartup); }());