// Basic $changeStream tests. // Mark as assumes_read_preference_unchanged since reading from the non-replicated "system.profile" // collection results in a failure in the secondary reads suite. // @tags: [assumes_read_preference_unchanged] (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/collection_drop_recreate.js"); // For assert[Drop|Create]Collection. load("jstests/libs/fixture_helpers.js"); // For FixtureHelpers. load("jstests/libs/change_stream_util.js"); // For ChangeStreamTest and // assert[Valid|Invalid]ChangeStreamNss. const isMongos = FixtureHelpers.isMongos(db); // Drop and recreate the collections to be used in this set of tests. assertDropAndRecreateCollection(db, "t1"); assertDropAndRecreateCollection(db, "t2"); // Test that $changeStream only accepts an object as its argument. function checkArgFails(arg) { assert.commandFailedWithCode( db.runCommand({aggregate: "t1", pipeline: [{$changeStream: arg}], cursor: {}}), 50808); } checkArgFails(1); checkArgFails("invalid"); checkArgFails(false); checkArgFails([1, 2, "invalid", {x: 1}]); // Test that a change stream cannot be opened on collections in the "admin", "config", or // "local" databases. assertInvalidChangeStreamNss("admin", "testColl"); assertInvalidChangeStreamNss("config", "testColl"); // Not allowed to access 'local' database through mongos. if (!isMongos) { assertInvalidChangeStreamNss("local", "testColl"); } // Test that a change stream cannot be opened on 'system.' collections. assertInvalidChangeStreamNss(db.getName(), "system.users"); assertInvalidChangeStreamNss(db.getName(), "system.profile"); assertInvalidChangeStreamNss(db.getName(), "system.version"); // Test that a change stream can be opened on namespaces with 'system' in the name, but not // considered an internal 'system dot' namespace. assertValidChangeStreamNss(db.getName(), "systemindexes"); assertValidChangeStreamNss(db.getName(), "system_users"); // Similar test but for DB names that are not considered internal. assert.commandWorked(db.getSiblingDB("admincustomDB")["test"].insert({})); assertValidChangeStreamNss("admincustomDB"); assert.commandWorked(db.getSiblingDB("local_")["test"].insert({})); assertValidChangeStreamNss("local_"); assert.commandWorked(db.getSiblingDB("_config_")["test"].insert({})); assertValidChangeStreamNss("_config_"); let cst = new ChangeStreamTest(db); let cursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: db.t1}); jsTestLog("Testing single insert"); // Test that if there are no changes, we return an empty batch. assert.eq(0, cursor.firstBatch.length, "Cursor had changes: " + tojson(cursor)); assert.commandWorked(db.t1.insert({_id: 0, a: 1})); let expected = { documentKey: {_id: 0}, fullDocument: {_id: 0, a: 1}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "t1"}, operationType: "insert", }; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: cursor, expectedChanges: [expected]}); // Test that if there are no changes during a subsequent 'getMore', we return an empty batch. cursor = cst.getNextBatch(cursor); assert.eq(0, cursor.nextBatch.length, "Cursor had changes: " + tojson(cursor)); jsTestLog("Testing second insert"); cursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: db.t1}); assert.commandWorked(db.t1.insert({_id: 1, a: 2})); expected = { documentKey: {_id: 1}, fullDocument: {_id: 1, a: 2}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "t1"}, operationType: "insert", }; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: cursor, expectedChanges: [expected]}); jsTestLog("Testing update"); cursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: db.t1}); assert.commandWorked(db.t1.update({_id: 0}, {_id: 0, a: 3})); expected = { documentKey: {_id: 0}, fullDocument: {_id: 0, a: 3}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "t1"}, operationType: "replace", }; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: cursor, expectedChanges: [expected]}); jsTestLog("Testing update of another field"); cursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: db.t1}); assert.commandWorked(db.t1.update({_id: 0}, {_id: 0, b: 3})); expected = { documentKey: {_id: 0}, fullDocument: {_id: 0, b: 3}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "t1"}, operationType: "replace", }; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: cursor, expectedChanges: [expected]}); jsTestLog("Testing upsert"); cursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: db.t1}); assert.commandWorked(db.t1.update({_id: 2}, {_id: 2, a: 4}, {upsert: true})); expected = { documentKey: {_id: 2}, fullDocument: {_id: 2, a: 4}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "t1"}, operationType: "insert", }; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: cursor, expectedChanges: [expected]}); jsTestLog("Testing partial update with $inc"); assert.commandWorked(db.t1.insert({_id: 3, a: 5, b: 1})); cursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: db.t1}); assert.commandWorked(db.t1.update({_id: 3}, {$inc: {b: 2}})); expected = { documentKey: {_id: 3}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "t1"}, operationType: "update", updateDescription: {removedFields: [], updatedFields: {b: 3}}, }; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: cursor, expectedChanges: [expected]}); jsTestLog("Testing multi:true update"); assert.commandWorked(db.t1.insert({_id: 4, a: 0, b: 1})); assert.commandWorked(db.t1.insert({_id: 5, a: 0, b: 1})); cursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: db.t1}); assert.commandWorked(db.t1.update({a: 0}, {$set: {b: 2}}, {multi: true})); expected = [ { documentKey: {_id: 4}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "t1"}, operationType: "update", updateDescription: {removedFields: [], updatedFields: {b: 2}} }, { documentKey: {_id: 5}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "t1"}, operationType: "update", updateDescription: {removedFields: [], updatedFields: {b: 2}} } ]; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: cursor, expectedChanges: expected}); jsTestLog("Testing delete"); cursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: db.t1}); assert.commandWorked(db.t1.remove({_id: 1})); expected = { documentKey: {_id: 1}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "t1"}, operationType: "delete", }; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: cursor, expectedChanges: [expected]}); jsTestLog("Testing justOne:false delete"); assert.commandWorked(db.t1.insert({_id: 6, a: 1, b: 1})); assert.commandWorked(db.t1.insert({_id: 7, a: 1, b: 1})); cursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: db.t1}); assert.commandWorked(db.t1.remove({a: 1}, {justOne: false})); expected = [ { documentKey: {_id: 6}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "t1"}, operationType: "delete", }, { documentKey: {_id: 7}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "t1"}, operationType: "delete", } ]; cst.assertNextChangesEqualUnordered({cursor: cursor, expectedChanges: expected}); jsTestLog("Testing intervening write on another collection"); cursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: db.t1}); let t2cursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: db.t2}); assert.commandWorked(db.t2.insert({_id: 100, c: 1})); cst.assertNoChange(cursor); expected = { documentKey: {_id: 100}, fullDocument: {_id: 100, c: 1}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "t2"}, operationType: "insert", }; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: t2cursor, expectedChanges: [expected]}); jsTestLog("Testing drop of unrelated collection"); assert.commandWorked(db.dropping.insert({})); assertDropCollection(db, db.dropping.getName()); // Should still see the previous change from t2, shouldn't see anything about 'dropping'. jsTestLog("Testing insert that looks like rename"); assertDropCollection(db, "dne1"); assertDropCollection(db, "dne2"); const dne1cursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: db.dne1}); const dne2cursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: db.dne2}); assert.commandWorked(db.t2.insert({_id: 101, renameCollection: "test.dne1", to: "test.dne2"})); cst.assertNoChange(dne1cursor); cst.assertNoChange(dne2cursor); if (!isMongos) { jsTestLog("Ensuring attempt to read with legacy operations fails."); db.getMongo().forceReadMode('legacy'); const legacyCursor = db.tailable2.aggregate([{$changeStream: {}}], {cursor: {batchSize: 0}}); assert.throws(function() { legacyCursor.next(); }, [], "Legacy getMore expected to fail on changeStream cursor."); db.getMongo().forceReadMode('commands'); } jsTestLog("Testing resumability"); assertDropAndRecreateCollection(db, "resume1"); // Note we do not project away 'id.ts' as it is part of the resume token. let resumeCursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], collection: db.resume1}); // Insert a document and save the resulting change stream. assert.commandWorked(db.resume1.insert({_id: 1})); const firstInsertChangeDoc = cst.getOneChange(resumeCursor); assert.docEq(firstInsertChangeDoc.fullDocument, {_id: 1}); jsTestLog("Testing resume after one document."); resumeCursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({ pipeline: [{$changeStream: {resumeAfter: firstInsertChangeDoc._id}}], collection: db.resume1, aggregateOptions: {cursor: {batchSize: 0}}, }); jsTestLog("Inserting additional documents."); assert.commandWorked(db.resume1.insert({_id: 2})); const secondInsertChangeDoc = cst.getOneChange(resumeCursor); assert.docEq(secondInsertChangeDoc.fullDocument, {_id: 2}); assert.commandWorked(db.resume1.insert({_id: 3})); const thirdInsertChangeDoc = cst.getOneChange(resumeCursor); assert.docEq(thirdInsertChangeDoc.fullDocument, {_id: 3}); jsTestLog("Testing resume after first document of three."); resumeCursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({ pipeline: [{$changeStream: {resumeAfter: firstInsertChangeDoc._id}}], collection: db.resume1, aggregateOptions: {cursor: {batchSize: 0}}, }); assert.docEq(cst.getOneChange(resumeCursor), secondInsertChangeDoc); assert.docEq(cst.getOneChange(resumeCursor), thirdInsertChangeDoc); jsTestLog("Testing resume after second document of three."); resumeCursor = cst.startWatchingChanges({ pipeline: [{$changeStream: {resumeAfter: secondInsertChangeDoc._id}}], collection: db.resume1, aggregateOptions: {cursor: {batchSize: 0}}, }); assert.docEq(cst.getOneChange(resumeCursor), thirdInsertChangeDoc); cst.cleanUp(); }());