/** * Test change stream 'updateDescription' with 'showExpandedEvents'. * * @tags: [ * requires_fcv_61, * featureFlagChangeStreamsFurtherEnrichedEvents, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/change_stream_util.js"); // For ChangeStreamTest load("jstests/libs/collection_drop_recreate.js"); // For assert[Drop|Create]Collection. // Drop and recreate the collections to be used in this set of tests. assertDropAndRecreateCollection(db, "coll"); const cst = new ChangeStreamTest(db); const kLargeStr = '*'.repeat(128); assert.commandWorked(db.coll.insert({ _id: 100, "topLevelArray": [{subArray: [0, [0, [{bottomArray: [1, 2, kLargeStr]}]], 2, 3, kLargeStr]}], "arrayForReplacement": [0, 1, 2, 3], "arrayForResize": [kLargeStr, 1], obj: { 'sub.obj': {'d.o.t.t.e.d.a.r.r.a.y..': [[{a: {'b.c': 1, field: kLargeStr}}, "truncated"]]} }, 'd.o.t.t.e.d.o.b.j.': {'sub.obj': {'b.c': 2}}, 'objectWithNumericField': {'0': {'1': 'numeric', field: kLargeStr}}, "arrayWithNumericField": [[{'0': "numeric", a: {'b.c': 1}, field: kLargeStr}]], "arrayWithDotted.AndNumericFields": [[{'0': [{'1.2': {'a.b': null, c: kLargeStr}}]}]], })); const changeStreamCursor = cst.startWatchingChanges( {pipeline: [{$changeStream: {showExpandedEvents: true}}], collection: db.coll}); // Test that a path which only contains non-dotted fields and array indices is not reported under // 'disambiguatedPaths'. assert.commandWorked(db.coll.update({_id: 100}, { $set: {"a": 2, "topLevelArray.0.subArray.1.1.0.bottomArray.2": 3, "arrayForReplacement": [0]} })); let expected = { documentKey: {_id: 100}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "coll"}, operationType: "update", updateDescription: { updatedFields: {"arrayForReplacement": [0], "a": 2, "topLevelArray.0.subArray.1.1.0.bottomArray.2": 3}, removedFields: [], truncatedArrays: [], disambiguatedPaths: {} }, }; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: changeStreamCursor, expectedChanges: [expected]}); // Tests that an update modifying a non-array numeric field name is reported as a string rather than // as an integer under 'disambiguatedPaths'. Array indexes are reported as integers. assert.commandWorked( db.coll.update({_id: 100}, {$set: {"arrayWithNumericField.0.0.1": {"b.c": 1}}})); expected = { documentKey: {_id: 100}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "coll"}, operationType: "update", updateDescription: { updatedFields: {"arrayWithNumericField.0.0.1": {"b.c": 1}}, removedFields: [], truncatedArrays: [], disambiguatedPaths: {"arrayWithNumericField.0.0.1": ["arrayWithNumericField", 0, 0, "1"]} }, }; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: changeStreamCursor, expectedChanges: [expected]}); // Tests that an update modifying a non-array numeric field name is reported when no array indices // or dotted fields are present. assert.commandWorked(db.coll.update({_id: 100}, {$set: {"objectWithNumericField.0.1": "updated"}})); expected = { documentKey: {_id: 100}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "coll"}, operationType: "update", updateDescription: { updatedFields: {"objectWithNumericField.0.1": "updated"}, removedFields: [], truncatedArrays: [], disambiguatedPaths: {"objectWithNumericField.0.1": ["objectWithNumericField", "0", "1"]} }, }; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: changeStreamCursor, expectedChanges: [expected]}); // Tests that an update with $unset array does not report the array under 'disambiguatedPaths'. assert.commandWorked(db.coll.update({_id: 100}, [{$unset: ["arrayForReplacement"]}])); expected = { documentKey: {_id: 100}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "coll"}, operationType: "update", updateDescription: { updatedFields: {}, removedFields: ["arrayForReplacement"], truncatedArrays: [], disambiguatedPaths: {} }, }; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: changeStreamCursor, expectedChanges: [expected]}); // Tests that an update with 'truncatedArrays' does not report the array under 'disambiguatedPaths'. assert.commandWorked(db.coll.update({_id: 100}, [ {$replaceWith: {$setField: {field: "arrayForResize", input: '$$ROOT', value: [kLargeStr]}}}, ])); expected = { documentKey: {_id: 100}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "coll"}, operationType: "update", updateDescription: { updatedFields: {}, removedFields: [], truncatedArrays: [{field: "arrayForResize", newSize: 1}], disambiguatedPaths: {} }, }; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: changeStreamCursor, expectedChanges: [expected]}); // Verify that top-level dotted fields are reported under 'disambiguatedPaths'. assert.commandWorked(db.coll.update({_id: 100}, [ { $replaceWith: {$setField: {field: "d.o.t.t.e.d.o.b.j.", input: '$$ROOT', value: {'subObj': 1}}} }, {$replaceWith: {$setField: {field: "new.Field.", input: '$$ROOT', value: 1}}} ])); expected = { documentKey: {_id: 100}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "coll"}, operationType: "update", updateDescription: { updatedFields: {"d.o.t.t.e.d.o.b.j.": {subObj: 1}, "new.Field.": 1}, removedFields: [], truncatedArrays: [], disambiguatedPaths: {"d.o.t.t.e.d.o.b.j.": ["d.o.t.t.e.d.o.b.j."], "new.Field.": ["new.Field."]} }, }; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: changeStreamCursor, expectedChanges: [expected]}); // Test that a combination of dotted fields and array indices are reported in 'disambiguatedPaths'. assert.commandWorked(db.coll.update( {_id: 100}, [{ $set: { obj: { $setField: { field: "sub.obj", input: '$obj', value: { $literal: {'d.o.t.t.e.d.a.r.r.a.y..': [[{a: {'b.c': 2, field: kLargeStr}}]]} } } } } }])); expected = { documentKey: {_id: 100}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "coll"}, operationType: "update", updateDescription: { updatedFields: {"obj.sub.obj.d.o.t.t.e.d.a.r.r.a.y...0.0.a.b.c": 2}, removedFields: [], truncatedArrays: [{field: "obj.sub.obj.d.o.t.t.e.d.a.r.r.a.y...0", newSize: 1}], disambiguatedPaths: { "obj.sub.obj.d.o.t.t.e.d.a.r.r.a.y...0": ["obj", "sub.obj", "d.o.t.t.e.d.a.r.r.a.y..", 0], "obj.sub.obj.d.o.t.t.e.d.a.r.r.a.y...0.0.a.b.c": ["obj", "sub.obj", "d.o.t.t.e.d.a.r.r.a.y..", 0, 0, "a", "b.c"], } }, }; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: changeStreamCursor, expectedChanges: [expected]}); // Test that an update which modifies a path containing dotted, numeric and array index fields // distinguishes all three in 'disambiguatedPaths'. assert.commandWorked( db.coll.update({_id: 100}, [{ $replaceWith: { $setField: { field: "arrayWithDotted.AndNumericFields", input: '$$ROOT', value: {$literal: [[{'0': [{'1.2': {'a.b': true, c: kLargeStr}}]}]]} } } }])); expected = { documentKey: {_id: 100}, ns: {db: "test", coll: "coll"}, operationType: "update", updateDescription: { updatedFields: {"arrayWithDotted.AndNumericFields.": true}, removedFields: [], truncatedArrays: [], disambiguatedPaths: { "arrayWithDotted.AndNumericFields.": ["arrayWithDotted.AndNumericFields", 0, 0, "0", 0, "1.2", "a.b"] } }, }; cst.assertNextChangesEqual({cursor: changeStreamCursor, expectedChanges: [expected]}); cst.cleanUp(); }());