/** * Tests that a synthetic high-water-mark (HWM) token obeys the same semantics as a regular token. */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/collection_drop_recreate.js"); // For assert[Drop|Create]Collection. load("jstests/libs/change_stream_util.js"); // For runCommandChangeStreamPassthroughAware. // Drop the test collections to assure a clean run. const collName = jsTestName(); const otherCollName = "unrelated_" + collName; assertDropCollection(db, collName); assertDropCollection(db, otherCollName); // Helper function to ensure that the specified command is not modified by the passthroughs. function runExactCommand(db, cmdObj) { const doNotModifyInPassthroughs = true; return runCommandChangeStreamPassthroughAware(db, cmdObj, doNotModifyInPassthroughs); } let docId = 0; // Tracks _id of documents inserted to ensure that we do not duplicate. // Open a stream on the test collection, before the collection has actually been created. Make // sure that this command is not modified in the passthroughs, since this behaviour is only // relevant for single-collection streams. let cmdResBeforeCollExists = assert.commandWorked( runExactCommand(db, {aggregate: collName, pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], cursor: {}})); // We should be able to retrieve a postBatchResumeToken (PBRT) even with no collection present. let csCursor = new DBCommandCursor(db, cmdResBeforeCollExists); let pbrtBeforeCollExists = csCursor.getResumeToken(); assert.neq(undefined, pbrtBeforeCollExists); csCursor.close(); // We can resumeAfter and startAfter the token while the collection still does not exist. for (let resumeType of["startAfter", "resumeAfter"]) { cmdResBeforeCollExists = assert.commandWorked(runExactCommand(db, { aggregate: collName, pipeline: [ {$changeStream: {[resumeType]: pbrtBeforeCollExists}}, { $match: { $or: [ {"fullDocument._id": "INSERT_ONE"}, {"fullDocument._id": "INSERT_TWO"} ] } } ], cursor: {} })); } csCursor = new DBCommandCursor(db, cmdResBeforeCollExists); // If the collection is then created with a case-insensitive collation, the resumed stream // continues to use the simple collation. We see 'INSERT_TWO' but not 'insert_one'. const testCollationCollection = assertCreateCollection(db, collName, {collation: {locale: "en_US", strength: 2}}); assert.commandWorked(testCollationCollection.insert({_id: "insert_one"})); assert.commandWorked(testCollationCollection.insert({_id: "INSERT_TWO"})); assert.soon(() => csCursor.hasNext()); assert.docEq(csCursor.next().fullDocument, {_id: "INSERT_TWO"}); csCursor.close(); // We can resume from the pre-creation high water mark if we do not specify a collation... let cmdResResumeFromBeforeCollCreated = assert.commandWorked(runExactCommand(db, { aggregate: collName, pipeline: [ {$changeStream: {resumeAfter: pbrtBeforeCollExists}}, { $match: {$or: [{"fullDocument._id": "INSERT_ONE"}, {"fullDocument._id": "INSERT_TWO"}]} } ], cursor: {} })); // ... but we will not inherit the collection's case-insensitive collation, instead defaulting // to the simple collation. We will therefore match 'INSERT_TWO' but not 'insert_one'. csCursor = new DBCommandCursor(db, cmdResResumeFromBeforeCollCreated); assert.soon(() => csCursor.hasNext()); assert.docEq(csCursor.next().fullDocument, {_id: "INSERT_TWO"}); csCursor.close(); // If we do specify a non-simple collation, it will be adopted by the pipeline. cmdResResumeFromBeforeCollCreated = assert.commandWorked(runExactCommand(db, { aggregate: collName, pipeline: [ {$changeStream: {resumeAfter: pbrtBeforeCollExists}}, { $match: {$or: [{"fullDocument._id": "INSERT_ONE"}, {"fullDocument._id": "INSERT_TWO"}]} } ], collation: {locale: "en_US", strength: 2}, cursor: {} })); // Now we match both 'insert_one' and 'INSERT_TWO'. csCursor = new DBCommandCursor(db, cmdResResumeFromBeforeCollCreated); assert.soon(() => csCursor.hasNext()); assert.docEq(csCursor.next().fullDocument, {_id: "insert_one"}); assert.soon(() => csCursor.hasNext()); assert.docEq(csCursor.next().fullDocument, {_id: "INSERT_TWO"}); csCursor.close(); // Now open a change stream with batchSize:0 in order to produce a new high water mark. const cmdResCollWithCollation = assert.commandWorked(runExactCommand(db, { aggregate: collName, pipeline: [ {$changeStream: {}}, ], cursor: {batchSize: 0} })); csCursor = new DBCommandCursor(db, cmdResCollWithCollation); const hwmFromCollWithCollation = csCursor.getResumeToken(); assert.neq(undefined, hwmFromCollWithCollation); csCursor.close(); // Insert two more documents into the collection for testing purposes. assert.commandWorked(testCollationCollection.insert({_id: "insert_three"})); assert.commandWorked(testCollationCollection.insert({_id: "INSERT_FOUR"})); // We can resume the stream on the collection using the HWM... const cmdResResumeWithCollation = assert.commandWorked(runExactCommand(db, { aggregate: collName, pipeline: [ {$changeStream: {resumeAfter: hwmFromCollWithCollation}}, { $match: { $or: [ {"fullDocument._id": "INSERT_THREE"}, {"fullDocument._id": "INSERT_FOUR"} ] } } ], cursor: {} })); csCursor = new DBCommandCursor(db, cmdResResumeWithCollation); // ... but we do not inherit the collection's case-insensitive collation, matching 'INSERT_FOUR' // but not the preceding 'insert_three'. assert.soon(() => csCursor.hasNext()); assert.docEq(csCursor.next().fullDocument, {_id: "INSERT_FOUR"}); csCursor.close(); // Drop the collection and obtain a new pre-creation high water mark. We will use this later. assertDropCollection(db, collName); cmdResBeforeCollExists = assert.commandWorked( runExactCommand(db, {aggregate: collName, pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], cursor: {}})); csCursor = new DBCommandCursor(db, cmdResBeforeCollExists); pbrtBeforeCollExists = csCursor.getResumeToken(); assert.neq(undefined, pbrtBeforeCollExists); csCursor.close(); // Now create each of the test collections with the default simple collation. const testCollection = assertCreateCollection(db, collName); const otherCollection = assertCreateCollection(db, otherCollName); const adminDB = db.getSiblingDB("admin"); // Open a stream on the test collection, and write a document to it. csCursor = testCollection.watch(); assert.commandWorked(testCollection.insert({_id: docId++})); // Write an event to the unrelated collection in order to advance the PBRT, and then consume all // events. When we see a PBRT that is greater than the timestamp of the last event (stored in // 'relatedEvent'), we know it must be a synthetic high-water-mark token. // // Note that the first insert into the unrelated collection may not be enough to advance the // PBRT; some passthroughs will group the unrelated write into a transaction with the related // write, giving them the same timestamp. We put the unrelated insert into the assert.soon loop, // so that it will eventually get its own transaction with a new timestamp. let relatedEvent = null; let hwmToken = null; assert.soon(() => { assert.commandWorked(otherCollection.insert({})); if (csCursor.hasNext()) { relatedEvent = csCursor.next(); } assert.eq(csCursor.objsLeftInBatch(), 0); hwmToken = csCursor.getResumeToken(); assert.neq(undefined, hwmToken); return relatedEvent && bsonWoCompare(hwmToken, relatedEvent._id) > 0; }); csCursor.close(); // Now write some further documents to the collection before attempting to resume. for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { assert.commandWorked(testCollection.insert({_id: docId++})); } // We can resumeAfter and startAfter the high water mark. We only see the latest 5 documents. for (let resumeType of["startAfter", "resumeAfter"]) { csCursor = testCollection.watch([], {[resumeType]: hwmToken}); assert.soon(() => { if (csCursor.hasNext()) { relatedEvent = csCursor.next(); assert.gt(bsonWoCompare(relatedEvent._id, hwmToken), 0); // We never see the first document, whose _id was 0. assert.gt(relatedEvent.fullDocument._id, 0); } // The _id of the last document inserted is (docId-1). return relatedEvent.fullDocument._id === (docId - 1); }); csCursor.close(); } // Now resumeAfter the token that was generated before the collection was created... cmdResResumeFromBeforeCollCreated = assert.commandWorked(runExactCommand(db, { aggregate: collName, pipeline: [{$changeStream: {resumeAfter: pbrtBeforeCollExists}}], cursor: {} })); // ... and confirm that we see all the events that have occurred since then. csCursor = new DBCommandCursor(db, cmdResResumeFromBeforeCollCreated); let docCount = 0; assert.soon(() => { if (csCursor.hasNext()) { relatedEvent = csCursor.next(); assert.eq(relatedEvent.fullDocument._id, docCount++); } return docCount === docId; }); // Despite the fact that we just resumed from a token which was generated before the collection // existed and had no UUID, all subsequent HWMs should now have UUIDs. To test this, we first // get the current resume token, then write a document to the unrelated collection. We then wait // until the PBRT advances, which means that we now have a new HWM token. let hwmPostCreation = csCursor.getResumeToken(); assert.commandWorked(otherCollection.insert({})); assert.soon(() => { assert(!csCursor.hasNext()); return bsonWoCompare(csCursor.getResumeToken(), hwmPostCreation) > 0; }); hwmPostCreation = csCursor.getResumeToken(); csCursor.close(); // We can resume from the token if the collection is dropped... assertDropCollection(db, collName); assert.commandWorked(runExactCommand(db, { aggregate: collName, pipeline: [{$changeStream: {resumeAfter: hwmPostCreation}}], cursor: {} })); // ... or if the collection is recreated with a different UUID... assertCreateCollection(db, collName); assert.commandWorked(runExactCommand(db, { aggregate: collName, pipeline: [{$changeStream: {resumeAfter: hwmPostCreation}}], cursor: {} })); // ... or if we specify an explicit collation. assert.commandWorked(runExactCommand(db, { aggregate: collName, pipeline: [{$changeStream: {resumeAfter: hwmPostCreation}}], collation: {locale: "simple"}, cursor: {} })); // Even after the collection is recreated, we can still resume from the pre-creation HWM... cmdResResumeFromBeforeCollCreated = assert.commandWorked(runExactCommand(db, { aggregate: collName, pipeline: [{$changeStream: {resumeAfter: pbrtBeforeCollExists}}], cursor: {} })); // ...and we can still see all the events from the collection's original incarnation... csCursor = new DBCommandCursor(db, cmdResResumeFromBeforeCollCreated); docCount = 0; assert.soon(() => { if (csCursor.hasNext()) { relatedEvent = csCursor.next(); assert.eq(relatedEvent.fullDocument._id, docCount++); } return docCount === docId; }); // ... this time followed by an invalidate, as the collection is dropped. assert.soon(() => { return csCursor.hasNext() && csCursor.next().operationType === "invalidate"; }); csCursor.close(); })();