// Basic js tests for the collMod command. // Test setting the usePowerOf2Sizes flag, and modifying TTL indexes. var coll = "collModTest"; var t = db.getCollection( coll ); t.drop(); db.createCollection( coll ); // Verify the new collection has userFlags set to 0 assert.eq( t.stats().userFlags , 0 , "fresh collection doesn't have userFlags = 0 "); // Modify the collection with the usePowerOf2Sizes flag. Verify userFlags now = 1. var res = db.runCommand( { "collMod" : coll, "usePowerOf2Sizes" : true } ); printjson( res ); assert.eq( res.ok , 1 , "collMod failed" ); assert.eq( t.stats().userFlags , 1 , "modified collection should have userFlags = 1 "); // Try to modify it with some unrecognized value var res = db.runCommand( { "collMod" : coll, "unrecognized" : true } ); printjson( res ); assert.eq( res.ok , 0 , "collMod shouldn't return ok with unrecognized value" ); // add a TTL index t.ensureIndex( {a : 1}, { "expireAfterSeconds": 50 } ) assert.eq( 1, db.system.indexes.count( { key : {a:1}, expireAfterSeconds : 50 } ), "TTL index not added" ); // try to modify it with a bad key pattern var res = db.runCommand( { "collMod" : coll, "index" : { "keyPattern" : "bad" , "expireAfterSeconds" : 100 } } ); printjson( res ); assert.eq( 0 , res.ok , "mod shouldn't work with bad keypattern"); // try to modify it without expireAfterSeconds field var res = db.runCommand( { "collMod" : coll, "index" : { "keyPattern" : {a : 1} } } ); printjson( res ); assert.eq( 0 , res.ok , "TTL mod shouldn't work without expireAfterSeconds"); // try to modify it with a non-numeric expireAfterSeconds field var res = db.runCommand( { "collMod" : coll, "index" : { "keyPattern" : {a : 1}, "expireAfterSeconds" : "100" } } ); printjson( res ); assert.eq( 0 , res.ok , "TTL mod shouldn't work with non-numeric expireAfterSeconds"); // this time modifying should finally work var res = db.runCommand( { "collMod" : coll, "index" : { "keyPattern" : {a : 1}, "expireAfterSeconds" : 100 } } ); printjson( res ); assert.eq( 1, db.system.indexes.count( { key : {a:1}, expireAfterSeconds : 100 } ), "TTL index not modified" ); // try to modify a faulty TTL index with a non-numeric expireAfterSeconds field t.dropIndex( {a : 1 } ); t.ensureIndex( {a : 1} , { "expireAfterSeconds": "50" } ) var res = db.runCommand( { "collMod" : coll, "index" : { "keyPattern" : {a : 1} , "expireAfterSeconds" : 100 } } ); printjson( res ); assert.eq( 0, res.ok, "shouldn't be able to modify faulty index spec" ); // try with new index, this time set both expireAfterSeconds and the usePowerOf2Sizes flag t.dropIndex( {a : 1 } ); t.ensureIndex( {a : 1} , { "expireAfterSeconds": 50 } ) var res = db.runCommand( { "collMod" : coll , "usePowerOf2Sizes" : false, "index" : { "keyPattern" : {a : 1} , "expireAfterSeconds" : 100 } } ); printjson( res ); assert.eq( 1, res.ok, "should be able to modify both userFlags and expireAfterSeconds" ); assert.eq( t.stats().userFlags , 0 , "userflags should be 0 now"); assert.eq( 1, db.system.indexes.count( { key : {a:1}, expireAfterSeconds : 100 } ), "TTL index should be 100 now" );