// Check key match with sub matchers - part of SERVER-3192 t = db.jstests_and3; t.drop(); t.save({a: 1}); t.save({a: 'foo'}); t.ensureIndex({a: 1}); function checkScanMatch(query, docsExamined, n) { var e = t.find(query).hint({a: 1}).explain("executionStats"); assert.eq(docsExamined, e.executionStats.totalDocsExamined); assert.eq(n, e.executionStats.nReturned); } checkScanMatch({a: /o/}, 1, 1); checkScanMatch({a: /a/}, 0, 0); checkScanMatch({a: {$not: /o/}}, 2, 1); checkScanMatch({a: {$not: /a/}}, 2, 2); checkScanMatch({$and: [{a: /o/}]}, 1, 1); checkScanMatch({$and: [{a: /a/}]}, 0, 0); checkScanMatch({$and: [{a: {$not: /o/}}]}, 2, 1); checkScanMatch({$and: [{a: {$not: /a/}}]}, 2, 2); checkScanMatch({$and: [{a: /o/}, {a: {$not: /o/}}]}, 1, 0); checkScanMatch({$and: [{a: /o/}, {a: {$not: /a/}}]}, 1, 1); checkScanMatch({$or: [{a: /o/}]}, 1, 1); checkScanMatch({$or: [{a: /a/}]}, 0, 0); checkScanMatch({$nor: [{a: /o/}]}, 2, 1); checkScanMatch({$nor: [{a: /a/}]}, 2, 2); checkScanMatch({$and: [{$and: [{a: /o/}]}]}, 1, 1); checkScanMatch({$and: [{$and: [{a: /a/}]}]}, 0, 0); checkScanMatch({$and: [{$and: [{a: {$not: /o/}}]}]}, 2, 1); checkScanMatch({$and: [{$and: [{a: {$not: /a/}}]}]}, 2, 2); checkScanMatch({$and: [{$or: [{a: /o/}]}]}, 1, 1); checkScanMatch({$and: [{$or: [{a: /a/}]}]}, 0, 0); checkScanMatch({$or: [{a: {$not: /o/}}]}, 2, 1); checkScanMatch({$and: [{$or: [{a: {$not: /o/}}]}]}, 2, 1); checkScanMatch({$and: [{$or: [{a: {$not: /a/}}]}]}, 2, 2); checkScanMatch({$and: [{$nor: [{a: /o/}]}]}, 2, 1); checkScanMatch({$and: [{$nor: [{a: /a/}]}]}, 2, 2); checkScanMatch({$where: 'this.a==1'}, 2, 1); checkScanMatch({$and: [{$where: 'this.a==1'}]}, 2, 1); checkScanMatch({a: 1, $where: 'this.a==1'}, 1, 1); checkScanMatch({a: 1, $and: [{$where: 'this.a==1'}]}, 1, 1); checkScanMatch({$and: [{a: 1}, {$where: 'this.a==1'}]}, 1, 1); checkScanMatch({$and: [{a: 1, $where: 'this.a==1'}]}, 1, 1); checkScanMatch({a: 1, $and: [{a: 1}, {a: 1, $where: 'this.a==1'}]}, 1, 1); assert.eq(0, t.find({a: 1, $and: [{a: 2}]}).itcount()); assert.eq(0, t.find({$and: [{a: 1}, {a: 2}]}).itcount());