/** * Test that applyOps ignores updates intended for array elements or subdocument fields, if the * target document lacks the expected array/subdocument. This can arise when re-applying past * operations that happened before the array/subdoc field was removed. The applyOps command must be * able to continue past these errors for the sake of idempotency. * * Additionally, if an update to one field fails, updates to other fields in the same applyOps * operation should succeed. * * The original motivation for this test is MongoMirror. * * @tags: [ * requires_non_retryable_commands, * * # applyOps uses the oplog which requires replication support. * requires_replication, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; const coll = db.getCollection(jsTestName()); coll.drop(); // Run applyOps as MongoMirror does, with a dummy command to make it non-atomic. MongoMirror does // not use allowAtomic: false. function applyOps(ops) { ops.push({op: "c", ns: "admin.$cmd", o: {applyOps: [{op: "n", ns: "", o: {"msg": "noop"}}]}}); let command = {applyOps: ops, writeConcern: {w: "majority"}}; assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand(command)); } const originalDoc = { _id: 1, a: null }; coll.insert(originalDoc); // Update field "a", which is null, but apply an operation intended for an array. applyOps([{ns: coll.getFullName(), op: "u", o2: {_id: 1}, o: {$set: {'a.0': 2}}}]); assert.eq(originalDoc, coll.findOne()); // Same, but also set a new field 'b' to 1. applyOps([{ns: coll.getFullName(), op: "u", o2: {_id: 1}, o: {$set: {'a.0': 2, b: 1}}}]); assert.eq({_id: 1, a: null, b: 1}, coll.findOne()); // An operation intended for a subdocument. applyOps([{ns: coll.getFullName(), op: "u", o2: {_id: 1}, o: {$set: {'a.field': 2}}}]); assert.eq({_id: 1, a: null, b: 1}, coll.findOne()); // Same, but set 'b' to 2. applyOps([{ns: coll.getFullName(), op: "u", o2: {_id: 1}, o: {$set: {'a.field': 2, b: 2}}}]); assert.eq({_id: 1, a: null, b: 2}, coll.findOne()); }());