/** * Tests some of the find command's semantics with respect to how arrays are handled. */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js"); // arrayEq const t = db.jstests_arrayfind10; t.drop(); function runWithAndWithoutIndex(keyPattern, testFunc) { testFunc(); assert.commandWorked(t.createIndex(keyPattern)); testFunc(); } assert.commandWorked(t.insert([{a: "foo"}, {a: ["foo"]}, {a: [["foo"]]}, {a: [[["foo"]]]}])); runWithAndWithoutIndex({a: 1}, () => { assert(arrayEq(t.find({a: "foo"}, {_id: 0}).toArray(), [{a: "foo"}, {a: ["foo"]}])); }); assert(t.drop()); assert.commandWorked(t.insert([ {a: [123, "foo"]}, {a: ["foo", 123]}, {a: ["bar", "foo"]}, {a: ["bar", "baz", "foo"]}, {a: ["bar", "baz", 123]} ])); runWithAndWithoutIndex({a: 1}, () => { assert(arrayEq( t.find({a: "foo"}, {_id: 0}).toArray(), [{a: [123, "foo"]}, {a: ["foo", 123]}, {a: ["bar", "foo"]}, {a: ["bar", "baz", "foo"]}])); }); assert(t.drop()); assert.commandWorked(t.insert([ {a: [{}, {b: "foo"}]}, {a: [{b: "foo"}, {}]}, {a: [{b: 123}, {b: "foo"}]}, {a: [{b: "foo"}, {b: 123}]}, {a: [{b: "bar"}, {b: "foo"}]}, {a: [{b: "bar"}, {b: "baz"}, {b: "foo"}]}, {a: [{b: "bar"}, {b: "baz"}, {b: 123}]} ])); runWithAndWithoutIndex({"a.b": 1}, () => { assert(arrayEq(t.find({"a.b": "foo"}, {_id: 0}).toArray(), [ {a: [{}, {b: "foo"}]}, {a: [{b: "foo"}, {}]}, {a: [{b: 123}, {b: "foo"}]}, {a: [{b: "foo"}, {b: 123}]}, {a: [{b: "bar"}, {b: "foo"}]}, {a: [{b: "bar"}, {b: "baz"}, {b: "foo"}]} ])); }); assert(t.drop()); assert.commandWorked( t.insert([{"a": [{"b": [{"c": [5, 7]}]}]}, {"a": [{"b": []}, {"b": [{"c": [5, 7]}]}]}])); runWithAndWithoutIndex({"a.b": 1}, () => { assert(arrayEq(t.find({"a.b.c": 5}, {_id: 0}).toArray(), [{"a": [{"b": [{"c": [5, 7]}]}]}, {"a": [{"b": []}, {"b": [{"c": [5, 7]}]}]}])); assert(arrayEq(t.find({"a.b.c": {$eq: 5}}, {_id: 0}).toArray(), [{"a": [{"b": [{"c": [5, 7]}]}]}, {"a": [{"b": []}, {"b": [{"c": [5, 7]}]}]}])); assert(arrayEq(t.find({"a.b.c": {$in: [5]}}, {_id: 0}).toArray(), [{"a": [{"b": [{"c": [5, 7]}]}]}, {"a": [{"b": []}, {"b": [{"c": [5, 7]}]}]}])); assert(arrayEq(t.find({"a.b.c": {$size: 2}}, {_id: 0}).toArray(), [{"a": [{"b": [{"c": [5, 7]}]}]}, {"a": [{"b": []}, {"b": [{"c": [5, 7]}]}]}])); assert(arrayEq(t.find({"a.b.c": {$elemMatch: {$eq: 5}}}, {_id: 0}).toArray(), [{"a": [{"b": [{"c": [5, 7]}]}]}, {"a": [{"b": []}, {"b": [{"c": [5, 7]}]}]}])); }); assert(t.drop()); assert.commandWorked(t.insert([ {a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 3}, {a: [1]}, {a: [1, 2]}, {a: [2]}, {a: [3]}, {a: [3, 1]}, {a: [3, 2]}, {a: [3, 2, 1]}, {a: [[1]]}, {a: [[2]]}, {a: [[3]]}, {a: [[[1]]]}, {a: [[[2]]]}, {a: [[[3]]]}, {a: [1, [[2]]]}, {a: [3, [1]]}, {a: [3, [[2]]]}, {a: [3, [[2]], 1]}, {a: [[1], 2]}, {a: [[1], [2]]}, {a: [[3], 1]}, {a: [[3], 2]}, {a: [[3], 2, 1]}, {a: [[3], [1]]}, {a: [[3], [[2]]]}, {a: [[3], [[2]], 1]} ])); runWithAndWithoutIndex({a: 1}, () => { assert(arrayEq(t.find({a: {$eq: [2]}}, {_id: 0}).toArray(), [{a: [2]}, {a: [[2]]}, {a: [[1], [2]]}])); assert(arrayEq(t.find({a: {$lt: [2]}}, {_id: 0}).toArray(), [ {a: [1]}, {a: [1, 2]}, {a: [[1]]}, {a: [1, [[2]]]}, {a: [3, [1]]}, {a: [[1], 2]}, {a: [[1], [2]]}, {a: [[3], [1]]} ])); assert(arrayEq(t.find({a: {$gt: [2]}}, {_id: 0}).toArray(), [ {a: [3]}, {a: [3, 1]}, {a: [3, 2]}, {a: [3, 2, 1]}, {a: [[1]]}, {a: [[2]]}, {a: [[3]]}, {a: [[[1]]]}, {a: [[[2]]]}, {a: [[[3]]]}, {a: [1, [[2]]]}, {a: [3, [1]]}, {a: [3, [[2]]]}, {a: [3, [[2]], 1]}, {a: [[1], 2]}, {a: [[1], [2]]}, {a: [[3], 1]}, {a: [[3], 2]}, {a: [[3], 2, 1]}, {a: [[3], [1]]}, {a: [[3], [[2]]]}, {a: [[3], [[2]], 1]} ])); assert(arrayEq(t.find({a: {$eq: [1, 2]}}, {_id: 0}).toArray(), [{a: [1, 2]}])); assert(arrayEq( t.find({a: {$lt: [1, 2]}}, {_id: 0}).toArray(), [{a: [1]}, {a: [[1]]}, {a: [3, [1]]}, {a: [[1], 2]}, {a: [[1], [2]]}, {a: [[3], [1]]}])); assert(arrayEq(t.find({a: {$gt: [1, 2]}}, {_id: 0}).toArray(), [ {a: [2]}, {a: [3]}, {a: [3, 1]}, {a: [3, 2]}, {a: [3, 2, 1]}, {a: [[1]]}, {a: [[2]]}, {a: [[3]]}, {a: [[[1]]]}, {a: [[[2]]]}, {a: [[[3]]]}, {a: [1, [[2]]]}, {a: [3, [1]]}, {a: [3, [[2]]]}, {a: [3, [[2]], 1]}, {a: [[1], 2]}, {a: [[1], [2]]}, {a: [[3], 1]}, {a: [[3], 2]}, {a: [[3], 2, 1]}, {a: [[3], [1]]}, {a: [[3], [[2]]]}, {a: [[3], [[2]], 1]} ])); }); assert(t.drop()); assert.commandWorked(t.insert([ {a: [1]}, {a: [1, 1]}, {a: [1, 2]}, {a: [1, 2, 3]}, {a: [1, 3]}, {a: [2]}, {a: [2, 1]}, {a: [2, 1, 3]}, {a: [2, 2]}, {a: [2, 3]}, {a: [3, 1]}, {a: [3, 2]}, {a: [3, 3]}, ])); runWithAndWithoutIndex({a: 1}, () => { assert.eq(1, t.find({a: {$eq: [2, 2]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(8, t.find({a: {$lt: [2, 2]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(9, t.find({a: {$lte: [2, 2]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(4, t.find({a: {$gt: [2, 2]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(5, t.find({a: {$gte: [2, 2]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: {$eq: [1]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(0, t.find({a: {$lt: [1]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: {$lte: [1]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(12, t.find({a: {$gt: [1]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(13, t.find({a: {$gte: [1]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(0, t.find({a: {$eq: [3]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(10, t.find({a: {$lt: [3]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(10, t.find({a: {$lte: [3]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(3, t.find({a: {$gt: [3]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(3, t.find({a: {$gte: [3]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: {$eq: [1, 2, 3]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(3, t.find({a: {$lt: [1, 2, 3]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(4, t.find({a: {$lte: [1, 2, 3]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(9, t.find({a: {$gt: [1, 2, 3]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(10, t.find({a: {$gte: [1, 2, 3]}}).itcount()); }); })();