var mydb = db.getSiblingDB('auth1_db'); mydb.dropAllUsers(); pass = "a" + Math.random(); //print( "password [" + pass + "]" ); mydb.createUser({user: "eliot" ,pwd: pass, roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}); assert( mydb.auth( "eliot" , pass ) , "auth failed" ); assert( ! mydb.auth( "eliot" , pass + "a" ) , "auth should have failed" ); pass2 = "b" + Math.random(); mydb.changeUserPassword("eliot", pass2); assert( ! mydb.auth( "eliot" , pass ) , "failed to change password failed" ); assert( mydb.auth( "eliot" , pass2 ) , "new password didn't take" ); assert( mydb.auth( "eliot" , pass2 ) , "what?" ); mydb.dropUser( "eliot" ); assert( ! mydb.auth( "eliot" , pass2 ) , "didn't drop user" ); var a = mydb.getMongo().getDB( "admin" ); a.dropAllUsers(); pass = "c" + Math.random(); a.createUser({user: "super", pwd: pass, roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles}); assert( a.auth( "super" , pass ) , "auth failed" ); assert( !a.auth( "super" , pass + "a" ) , "auth should have failed" ); mydb.dropAllUsers(); pass = "a" + Math.random(); mydb.createUser({user: "eliot" , pwd: pass, roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}); assert.commandFailed( mydb.runCommand( { authenticate: 1, user: "eliot", nonce: "foo", key: "bar" } ) ); // check sanity check SERVER-3003 var before = a.system.users.count({db: mydb.getName()}); assert.throws( function(){ mydb.createUser({ user: "" , pwd: "abc", roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}); } , null , "C1" ) assert.throws( function(){ mydb.createUser({ user: "abc" , pwd: "", roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}); } , null , "C2" ) var after = a.system.users.count({db: mydb.getName()}); assert( before > 0 , "C3" ) assert.eq( before , after , "C4" ) // Clean up after ourselves so other tests using authentication don't get messed up. mydb.dropAllUsers()