// Cannot implicitly shard accessed collections because of following errmsg: A single // update/delete on a sharded collection must contain an exact match on _id or contain the shard // key. // @tags: [assumes_unsharded_collection, requires_non_retryable_writes] var collectionName = "bulk_api_ordered"; var coll = db.getCollection(collectionName); coll.drop(); var request; var result; jsTest.log("Starting bulk api ordered tests..."); /******************************************************** * * Unordered tests should return same results for write command as * well as for the legacy operations * *******************************************************/ var executeTests = function() { /** * find() requires selector. */ var bulkOp = coll.initializeOrderedBulkOp(); assert.throws(function() { bulkOp.find(); }); /** * Single successful ordered bulk operation */ var bulkOp = coll.initializeOrderedBulkOp(); bulkOp.insert({a: 1}); bulkOp.find({a: 1}).updateOne({$set: {b: 1}}); // no-op, should increment nMatched but not nModified bulkOp.find({a: 1}).updateOne({$set: {b: 1}}); bulkOp.find({a: 2}).upsert().updateOne({$set: {b: 2}}); bulkOp.insert({a: 3}); bulkOp.find({a: 3}).update({$set: {b: 1}}); bulkOp.find({a: 3}).upsert().update({$set: {b: 2}}); bulkOp.find({a: 10}).upsert().update({$set: {b: 2}}); bulkOp.find({a: 2}).replaceOne({a: 11}); bulkOp.find({a: 11}).removeOne(); bulkOp.find({a: 3}).remove({a: 3}); var result = bulkOp.execute(); assert.eq(2, result.nInserted); assert.eq(2, result.nUpserted); assert.eq(5, result.nMatched); // only check nModified if write commands are enabled if (coll.getMongo().writeMode() == "commands") { assert.eq(4, result.nModified); } assert.eq(2, result.nRemoved); var upserts = result.getUpsertedIds(); assert.eq(2, upserts.length); assert.eq(3, upserts[0].index); assert(upserts[0]._id != null); var upsert = result.getUpsertedIdAt(0); assert.eq(3, upsert.index); assert(upsert._id != null); assert.eq(2, coll.find({}).itcount(), "find should return two documents"); // illegal to try to convert a multi-op batch into a SingleWriteResult assert.throws(function() { result.toSingleResult(); }); // attempt to re-run bulk operation assert.throws(function() { bulkOp.execute(); }); // Test SingleWriteResult var singleBatch = coll.initializeOrderedBulkOp(); singleBatch.find({a: 4}).upsert().updateOne({$set: {b: 1}}); var singleResult = singleBatch.execute().toSingleResult(); assert(singleResult.getUpsertedId() != null); // Create unique index coll.remove({}); coll.ensureIndex({a: 1}, {unique: true}); /** * Single error ordered bulk operation */ var bulkOp = coll.initializeOrderedBulkOp(); bulkOp.insert({b: 1, a: 1}); bulkOp.find({b: 2}).upsert().updateOne({$set: {a: 1}}); bulkOp.insert({b: 3, a: 2}); var result = assert.throws(function() { bulkOp.execute(); }); assert(result instanceof BulkWriteError); assert(result instanceof Error); // Basic properties check assert.eq(1, result.nInserted); assert.eq(true, result.hasWriteErrors()); assert.eq(1, result.getWriteErrorCount()); // Get the first error var error = result.getWriteErrorAt(0); assert.eq(11000, error.code); assert(error.errmsg != null); // Get the operation that caused the error var op = error.getOperation(); assert.eq(2, op.q.b); assert.eq(1, op.u['$set'].a); assert.eq(false, op.multi); assert.eq(true, op.upsert); // Get the first error var error = result.getWriteErrorAt(1); assert.eq(null, error); // Create unique index coll.dropIndexes(); coll.remove({}); coll.ensureIndex({a: 1}, {unique: true}); /** * Multiple error ordered bulk operation */ var bulkOp = coll.initializeOrderedBulkOp(); bulkOp.insert({b: 1, a: 1}); bulkOp.find({b: 2}).upsert().updateOne({$set: {a: 1}}); bulkOp.find({b: 3}).upsert().updateOne({$set: {a: 2}}); bulkOp.find({b: 2}).upsert().updateOne({$set: {a: 1}}); bulkOp.insert({b: 4, a: 3}); bulkOp.insert({b: 5, a: 1}); var result = assert.throws(function() { bulkOp.execute(); }); // Basic properties check assert.eq(1, result.nInserted); assert.eq(true, result.hasWriteErrors()); assert.eq(1, result.getWriteErrorCount()); // Individual error checking var error = result.getWriteErrorAt(0); assert.eq(1, error.index); assert.eq(11000, error.code); assert(error.errmsg != null); assert.eq(2, error.getOperation().q.b); assert.eq(1, error.getOperation().u['$set'].a); assert.eq(false, error.getOperation().multi); assert.eq(true, error.getOperation().upsert); // Create unique index coll.dropIndexes(); coll.remove({}); coll.ensureIndex({a: 1}, {unique: true}); }; var buildVersion = parseInt(db.runCommand({buildInfo: 1}).versionArray.slice(0, 3).join(""), 10); // Save the existing useWriteCommands function var _useWriteCommands = coll.getMongo().useWriteCommands; // // Only execute write command tests if we have > 2.5.5 otherwise // execute the down converted version if (buildVersion >= 255) { // Force the use of useWriteCommands coll._mongo.useWriteCommands = function() { return true; }; // Execute tests using legacy operations executeTests(); } // Force the use of legacy commands coll._mongo.useWriteCommands = function() { return false; }; // Execute tests using legacy operations executeTests(); // Reset the function coll.getMongo().useWriteCommands = _useWriteCommands;