// test max docs in capped collection var t = db.capped_max1; t.drop(); var max = 10; var maxSize = 64 * 1024; db.createCollection(t.getName(), {capped: true, size: maxSize, max: max}); assert.eq(max, t.stats().max); assert.eq(maxSize, t.stats().maxSize); assert.eq(Math.floor(maxSize / 1000), t.stats(1000).maxSize); for (var i = 0; i < max * 2; i++) { t.insert({x: i}); } assert.eq(max, t.count()); // Test invalidation of cursors var cursor = t.find().batchSize(4); assert(cursor.hasNext()); var myX = cursor.next(); for (var j = 0; j < max * 2; j++) { t.insert({x: j + i}); } // Cursor should now be dead. assert.throws(function() { cursor.toArray(); });