// Cannot implicitly shard accessed collections because the error response from the shard about // using the empty string as the out collection name is converted to an error and no longer retains // the "code" property. // The test runs commands that are not allowed with security token: cleanupOrphaned, // cloneCollectionAsCapped, compact, dataSize, enableSharding, godinsert, mapreduce, mergeChunks, // moveChunk, movePrimary, planCacheClear, planCacheClearFilters, planCacheListFilters, // planCacheSetFilter, reIndex, shardCollection, split, updateZoneKeyRange. // @tags: [ // not_allowed_with_security_token, // assumes_unsharded_collection, // does_not_support_stepdowns, // requires_fastcount, // requires_getmore, // requires_non_retryable_commands, // uses_testing_only_commands, // uses_map_reduce_with_temp_collections, // no_selinux, // # This test has statements that do not support non-local read concern. // does_not_support_causal_consistency, // uses_compact, // ] // This file tests that commands namespace parsing rejects embedded null bytes. // Note that for each command, a properly formatted command object must be passed to the helper // function, regardless of the namespace used in the command object. (function() { "use strict"; const isFullyQualified = true; const isNotFullyQualified = false; const isAdminCommand = true; const isNotAdminCommand = false; // If the command expects the namespace to be fully qualified, set `isFullyQualified` to true. // If the command must be run against the admin database, set `isAdminCommand` to true. function assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( field, command, isFullyQualified, isAdminCommand) { const invalidNamespaces = []; invalidNamespaces.push(isFullyQualified ? "mydb." : ""); invalidNamespaces.push(isFullyQualified ? "mydb.\0" : "\0"); invalidNamespaces.push(isFullyQualified ? "mydb.a\0b" : "a\0b"); const cmds = []; for (let ns of invalidNamespaces) { const cmd = Object.extend({}, command, /* deep copy */ true); const fieldNames = field.split("."); const lastFieldNameIndex = fieldNames.length - 1; let objToUpdate = cmd; for (let i = 0; i < lastFieldNameIndex; i++) { objToUpdate = objToUpdate[fieldNames[i]]; } objToUpdate[fieldNames[lastFieldNameIndex]] = ns; cmds.push(cmd); } const dbCmd = isAdminCommand ? db.adminCommand : db.runCommand; const expErrors = [ErrorCodes.InvalidNamespace, ErrorCodes.NamespaceNotFound]; for (let cmd of cmds) { jsTestLog(`running ${tojson(cmd)}`); assert.commandFailedWithCode(dbCmd.apply(db, [cmd]), expErrors); } } const hello = db.runCommand("hello"); assert.commandWorked(hello); const isMongos = (hello.msg === "isdbgrid"); db.commands_namespace_parsing.drop(); assert.commandWorked(db.commands_namespace_parsing.insert({a: 1})); // Test aggregate fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "aggregate", {aggregate: "", pipeline: []}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test aggregate with stages which involve foreign collections fail with an invalid collection // name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "pipeline.$out", {aggregate: "commands_namespace_parsing", pipeline: [{$out: ""}], cursor: {}}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "pipeline.$merge", {aggregate: "commands_namespace_parsing", pipeline: [{$merge: ""}], cursor: {}}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test count fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "count", {count: ""}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test distinct fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "distinct", {distinct: "", key: "a"}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test mapReduce fails with an invalid input collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField("mapreduce", { mapreduce: "", map: function() { emit(this.a, 1); }, reduce: function(key, values) { return Array.sum(values); }, out: "commands_namespace_parsing_out" }, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test mapReduce fails with an invalid output collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField("out", { mapreduce: "commands_namespace_parsing", map: function() { emit(this.a, 1); }, reduce: function(key, values) { return Array.sum(values); }, out: "" }, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField("out.merge", { mapreduce: "commands_namespace_parsing", map: function() { emit(this.a, 1); }, reduce: function(key, values) { return Array.sum(values); }, out: {merge: ""} }, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField("out.reduce", { mapreduce: "commands_namespace_parsing", map: function() { emit(this.a, 1); }, reduce: function(key, values) { return Array.sum(values); }, out: {reduce: ""} }, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test find fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "find", {find: ""}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test insert fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField("insert", {insert: "", documents: [{q: {a: 1}, u: {a: 2}}]}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test update fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField("update", {update: "", updates: [{q: {a: 1}, u: {a: 2}}]}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test delete fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField("delete", {delete: "", deletes: [{q: {a: 1}, limit: 1}]}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test findAndModify fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "findAndModify", {findAndModify: "", update: {a: 2}}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test getMore fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField("collection", {getMore: NumberLong("123456"), collection: ""}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); if (!isMongos) { // Test godinsert fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "godinsert", {godinsert: "", obj: {_id: 1}}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); } // Test planCacheListFilters fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "planCacheListFilters", {planCacheListFilters: ""}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test planCacheSetFilter fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField("planCacheSetFilter", {planCacheSetFilter: "", query: {}, indexes: [{a: 1}]}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test planCacheClearFilters fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "planCacheClearFilters", {planCacheClearFilters: ""}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test planCacheClear fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "planCacheClear", {planCacheClear: ""}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); if (!isMongos) { // Test cleanupOrphaned fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "cleanupOrphaned", {cleanupOrphaned: ""}, isFullyQualified, isAdminCommand); } if (isMongos) { // Test enableSharding fails with an invalid database name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "enableSharding", {enableSharding: ""}, isNotFullyQualified, isAdminCommand); // Test mergeChunks fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "mergeChunks", {mergeChunks: "", bounds: [{_id: MinKey()}, {_id: MaxKey()}]}, isFullyQualified, isAdminCommand); // Test shardCollection fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "shardCollection", {shardCollection: "", key: {_id: 1}}, isFullyQualified, isAdminCommand); // Test split fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "split", {split: "", find: {}}, isFullyQualified, isAdminCommand); // Test moveChunk fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "moveChunk", {moveChunk: "", find: {}, to: "commands_namespace_parsing_out"}, isNotFullyQualified, isAdminCommand); // Test movePrimary fails with an invalid database name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "movePrimary", {movePrimary: "", to: "dummy"}, isNotFullyQualified, isAdminCommand); // Test updateZoneKeyRange fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "updateZoneKeyRange", {updateZoneKeyRange: "", min: {_id: MinKey()}, max: {_id: MaxKey()}, zone: "3"}, isNotFullyQualified, isAdminCommand); } // Test renameCollection fails with an invalid source collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "renameCollection", {renameCollection: "", to: "test.b"}, isFullyQualified, isAdminCommand); // Test renameCollection fails with an invalid target collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "to", {renameCollection: "test.b", to: ""}, isFullyQualified, isAdminCommand); // Test drop fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "drop", {drop: ""}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test create fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "create", {create: ""}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); if (!isMongos) { // Test cloneCollectionAsCapped fails with an invalid source collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "cloneCollectionAsCapped", {cloneCollectionAsCapped: "", toCollection: "b", size: 1024}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test cloneCollectionAsCapped fails with an invalid target collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "toCollection", {cloneCollectionAsCapped: "commands_namespace_parsing", toCollection: "", size: 1024}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test convertToCapped fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField("convertToCapped", {convertToCapped: "", size: 1024}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); } // Test filemd5 fails with an invalid collection name. // Note: for this command, it is OK to pass 'root: ""', so do not use the helper function. assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.runCommand({filemd5: ObjectId(), root: "\0"}), ErrorCodes.InvalidNamespace); assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.runCommand({filemd5: ObjectId(), root: "a\0b"}), ErrorCodes.InvalidNamespace); // Test createIndexes fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField("createIndexes", {createIndexes: "", indexes: [{key: {a: 1}, name: "a1"}]}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test listIndexes fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "listIndexes", {listIndexes: ""}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test dropIndexes fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "dropIndexes", {dropIndexes: "", index: "*"}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); if (!isMongos) { // Test compact fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "compact", {compact: ""}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); } // Test collMod fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "collMod", {collMod: "", index: {keyPattern: {a: 1}, expireAfterSeconds: 60}}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test reIndex fails with an invalid collection name. if (!isMongos) { assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "reIndex", {reIndex: ""}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); } // Test collStats fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "collStats", {collStats: ""}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test dataSize fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "dataSize", {dataSize: ""}, isFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test explain of aggregate fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField("aggregate", {aggregate: "", pipeline: [], explain: true}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test explain of count fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "explain.count", {explain: {count: ""}}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test explain of distinct fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField("explain.distinct", {explain: {distinct: "", key: "a"}}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test explain of find fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "explain.find", {explain: {find: ""}}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test explain of findAndModify fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField("explain.findAndModify", {explain: {findAndModify: "", update: {a: 2}}}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test explain of delete fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField("explain.delete", {explain: {delete: "", deletes: [{q: {a: 1}, limit: 1}]}}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test explain of update fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField("explain.update", {explain: {update: "", updates: [{q: {a: 1}, u: {a: 2}}]}}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); // Test validate fails with an invalid collection name. assertFailsWithInvalidNamespacesForField( "validate", {validate: ""}, isNotFullyQualified, isNotAdminCommand); })();