/** * This file tests commands that do not support write concern. It passes both valid and invalid * writeConcern fields to commands and expects the commands to fail with a writeConcernNotSupported * error. */ (function() { "use strict"; var collName = 'leaves'; var commands = []; commands.push({count: collName, query: {type: 'oak'}}); commands.push({aggregate: collName, pipeline: [{$sort: {type: 1}}]}); commands.push({ mapReduce: collName, map: function() { this.tags.forEach(function(z) { emit(z, 1); }); }, reduce: function(key, values) { return {count: values.length}; }, out: {inline: 1} }); function assertWriteConcernNotSupportedError(res) { assert.commandFailed(res); assert.eq(res.code, ErrorCodes.InvalidOptions); assert(!res.writeConcernError); } // Test a variety of valid and invalid writeConcerns to confirm that they still all get // the correct error. var writeConcerns = [{w: 'invalid'}, {w: 1}]; function testUnsupportedWriteConcern(wc, cmd) { cmd.writeConcern = wc; jsTest.log("Testing " + tojson(cmd)); var res = db.runCommand(cmd); assertWriteConcernNotSupportedError(res); } // Verify that each command gets a writeConcernNotSupported error. commands.forEach(function(cmd) { writeConcerns.forEach(function(wc) { testUnsupportedWriteConcern(wc, cmd); }); }); })();