(function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js"); // For arrayEq and orderedArrayEq. // Note that the "getParameter" command is expected to fail in versions of mongod that do not yet // include the slot-based execution engine. When that happens, however, 'isSBEEnabled' still // correctly evaluates to false. const isSBEEnabled = db.adminCommand({ getParameter: 1, internalQueryEnableSlotBasedExecutionEngine: 1 }).internalQueryEnableSlotBasedExecutionEngine; if (isSBEEnabled) { // Override error-code-checking APIs. We only load this when SBE is explicitly enabled, because // it causes failures in the parallel suites. load("jstests/libs/sbe_assert_error_override.js"); } // It is safe for other tests to run while this failpoint is active, so long as those tests do not // use documents containing a field with "POISON" as their name. Note that this command can fail. // This failpoint does not exist on mongos and on older version of mongod, which we may be talking // to in sharding and/or multi-version passthrough suites. The test still functions but with reduced // coverage. const isPoisonFailPointEnabled = db.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: "failOnPoisonedFieldLookup", mode: "alwaysOn"}).ok; if (!isPoisonFailPointEnabled) { print("Unable to set 'failOnPoisonedFieldLookup' failpoint."); } const coll = db.computed_projection; coll.drop(); const documents = [ {_id: 0, a: 1, b: "x", c: 10}, {_id: 1, a: 2, b: "y", c: 11}, {_id: 2, a: 3, b: "z", c: 12}, {_id: 3, x: {y: 1}}, {_id: 4, x: {y: 2}}, {_id: 5, x: {y: [1, 2, 3]}, v: {w: [4, 5, 6]}}, {_id: 6, x: {y: 4}, v: {w: 4}}, {_id: 7, x: [{y: 1}], v: [{w: 1}]}, {_id: 8, x: [{y: 1}, {y: 2}], v: [{w: 5}, {w: 6}]}, {_id: 9, x: [{y: 1}, {y: [1, 2, 3]}], v: [{w: 4}, {w: [4, 5, 6]}]}, {_id: 10, z: 1}, {_id: 11, z: 2}, {_id: 12, z: [1, 2, 3]}, {_id: 13, z: 3}, {_id: 14, z: 4}, {_id: 15, a: 10, x: 1}, {_id: 16, a: 10, x: 10}, {_id: 17, x: {y: [{z: 1}, {z: 2}]}}, {_id: 18, x: [[{y: 1}, {y: 2}], {y: 3}, {y: 4}, [[[{y: 5}]]], {y: 6}]}, {_id: 19, i: {j: 5}, k: {l: 10}}, {_id: 20, x: [[{y: 1}, {y: 2}], {y: 3}, {y: 4}, [[[{y: 5}]]], {y: 6}]}, {_id: 21, x: [[{y: {z: 1}}, {y: 2}], {y: 3}, {y: {z: 2}}, [[[{y: 5}, {y: {z: 3}}]]], {y: 6}]}, {_id: 22, tf: [true, false], ff: [false, false], t: true, f: false, n: null, a: 1, b: 0}, {_id: 23, i1: NumberInt(1), i2: NumberInt(-1), i3: NumberInt(-2147483648)}, {_id: 24, l1: NumberLong("12345678900"), l2: NumberLong("-12345678900")}, {_id: 25, s: "string", l: NumberLong("-9223372036854775808"), n: null}, {_id: 26, d1: 4.6, d2: -4.6, dec1: NumberDecimal("4.6"), dec2: NumberDecimal("-4.6")} ]; assert.commandWorked(coll.insert(documents)); // A concise way to express an "expected" result that takes the form // [{_id: 0, foo: }, {_id, 1, foo: }, ..., {_id: 26, foo: }] by passing an object // of the form {foo: [INTEGER_LIST]}, where INTEGER_LIST is the list of '_id' values for documents // where "foo" should be true. function computedProjectionWithBoolValues(boolProj) { return documents.map(doc => { const projectedDoc = {_id: doc._id}; Object.keys(boolProj).forEach(key => { projectedDoc[key] = boolProj[key].includes(doc._id); }); return projectedDoc; }); } const testCases = [ { desc: "Single-level path 1", expected: [ {_id: 0, foo: 1}, {_id: 1, foo: 2}, {_id: 2, foo: 3}, {_id: 3}, {_id: 4}, {_id: 5}, {_id: 6}, {_id: 7}, {_id: 8}, {_id: 9}, {_id: 10}, {_id: 11}, {_id: 12}, {_id: 13}, {_id: 14}, {_id: 15, foo: 10}, {_id: 16, foo: 10}, {_id: 17}, {_id: 18}, {_id: 19}, {_id: 20}, {_id: 21}, {_id: 22, foo: 1}, {_id: 23}, {_id: 24}, {_id: 25}, {_id: 26} ], query: {}, proj: {_id: 1, foo: "$a"} }, { desc: "Single-level path 2", expected: [ {_id: 0, foo: 1}, {_id: 1, foo: 2}, {_id: 2, foo: 3}, {_id: 3}, {_id: 4}, {_id: 5}, {_id: 6}, {_id: 7}, {_id: 8}, {_id: 9}, {_id: 10}, {_id: 11}, {_id: 12}, {_id: 13}, {_id: 14}, {_id: 15, foo: 10}, {_id: 16, foo: 10}, {_id: 17}, {_id: 18}, {_id: 19}, {_id: 20}, {_id: 21}, {_id: 22, foo: 1}, {_id: 23}, {_id: 24}, {_id: 25}, {_id: 26} ], query: {}, proj: {foo: "$a"} }, { desc: "Single-level path 3", expected: [ {foo: 1}, {foo: 2}, {foo: 3}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {foo: 10}, {foo: 10}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {foo: 1}, {}, {}, {}, {} ], query: {}, proj: {_id: 0, foo: "$a"} }, { desc: "Two single-level paths", expected: [ {_id: 0, foo: 1, bar: "x"}, {_id: 1, foo: 2, bar: "y"}, {_id: 2, foo: 3, bar: "z"}, {_id: 3}, {_id: 4}, {_id: 5}, {_id: 6}, {_id: 7}, {_id: 8}, {_id: 9}, {_id: 10}, {_id: 11}, {_id: 12}, {_id: 13}, {_id: 14}, {_id: 15, foo: 10}, {_id: 16, foo: 10}, {_id: 17}, {_id: 18}, {_id: 19}, {_id: 20}, {_id: 21}, {_id: 22, foo: 1, bar: 0}, {_id: 23}, {_id: 24}, {_id: 25}, {_id: 26} ], query: {}, proj: {_id: 1, foo: "$a", bar: "$b"} }, { desc: "Simple addition", expected: [{_id: 0, foo: 11}, {_id: 1, foo: 13}, {_id: 2, foo: 15}], query: {c: {$gt: 0}}, proj: {foo: {$add: ["$a", "$c"]}} }, { desc: "Single-level path 4", expected: [ {_id: 0, a: 1, foo: "x"}, {_id: 1, a: 2, foo: "y"}, {_id: 2, a: 3, foo: "z"}, {_id: 3}, {_id: 4}, {_id: 5}, {_id: 6}, {_id: 7}, {_id: 8}, {_id: 9}, {_id: 10}, {_id: 11}, {_id: 12}, {_id: 13}, {_id: 14}, {_id: 15, a: 10}, {_id: 16, a: 10}, {_id: 17}, {_id: 18}, {_id: 19}, {_id: 20}, {_id: 21}, {_id: 22, a: 1, foo: 0}, {_id: 23}, {_id: 24}, {_id: 25}, {_id: 26} ], query: {}, proj: {a: 1, foo: "$b"} }, { desc: "Two-level path 1", expected: [ {_id: 0}, {_id: 1}, {_id: 2}, {_id: 3, foo: 1}, {_id: 4, foo: 2}, {_id: 5, foo: [1, 2, 3]}, {_id: 6, foo: 4}, {_id: 7, foo: [1]}, {_id: 8, foo: [1, 2]}, {_id: 9, foo: [1, [1, 2, 3]]}, {_id: 10}, {_id: 11}, {_id: 12}, {_id: 13}, {_id: 14}, {_id: 15}, {_id: 16}, {_id: 17, foo: [{z: 1}, {z: 2}]}, {_id: 18, foo: [3, 4, 6]}, {_id: 19}, {_id: 20, foo: [3, 4, 6]}, {_id: 21, foo: [3, {z: 2}, 6]}, {_id: 22}, {_id: 23}, {_id: 24}, {_id: 25}, {_id: 26} ], query: {}, proj: {_id: 1, foo: "$x.y"} }, { desc: "Two-level path 2", expected: [ {_id: 0}, {_id: 1}, {_id: 2}, {_id: 3, foo: 1}, {_id: 4, foo: 2}, {_id: 5, foo: [1, 2, 3]}, {_id: 6, foo: 4}, {_id: 7, foo: [1]}, {_id: 8, foo: [1, 2]}, {_id: 9, foo: [1, [1, 2, 3]]}, {_id: 10}, {_id: 11}, {_id: 12}, {_id: 13}, {_id: 14}, {_id: 15}, {_id: 16}, {_id: 17, foo: [{z: 1}, {z: 2}]}, {_id: 18, foo: [3, 4, 6]}, {_id: 19}, {_id: 20, foo: [3, 4, 6]}, {_id: 21, foo: [3, {z: 2}, 6]}, {_id: 22}, {_id: 23}, {_id: 24}, {_id: 25}, {_id: 26} ], query: {}, proj: {foo: "$x.y"} }, { desc: "Two-level path 3", expected: [ {}, {}, {}, {foo: 1}, {foo: 2}, {foo: [1, 2, 3]}, {foo: 4}, {foo: [1]}, {foo: [1, 2]}, {foo: [1, [1, 2, 3]]}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {foo: [{z: 1}, {z: 2}]}, {foo: [3, 4, 6]}, {}, {foo: [3, 4, 6]}, {foo: [3, {z: 2}, 6]}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} ], query: {}, proj: {_id: 0, foo: "$x.y"} }, { desc: "Two two-level paths", expected: [ {_id: 0}, {_id: 1}, {_id: 2}, {_id: 3, foo: 1}, {_id: 4, foo: 2}, {_id: 5, foo: [1, 2, 3], bar: [4, 5, 6]}, {_id: 6, foo: 4, bar: 4}, {_id: 7, foo: [1], bar: [1]}, {_id: 8, foo: [1, 2], bar: [5, 6]}, {_id: 9, foo: [1, [1, 2, 3]], bar: [4, [4, 5, 6]]}, {_id: 10}, {_id: 11}, {_id: 12}, {_id: 13}, {_id: 14}, {_id: 15}, {_id: 16}, {_id: 17, foo: [{z: 1}, {z: 2}]}, {_id: 18, foo: [3, 4, 6]}, {_id: 19}, {_id: 20, foo: [3, 4, 6]}, {_id: 21, foo: [3, {z: 2}, 6]}, {_id: 22}, {_id: 23}, {_id: 24}, {_id: 25}, {_id: 26} ], query: {}, proj: {foo: "$x.y", bar: "$v.w"} }, { desc: "Addition of two-level paths", expected: [{_id: 19, foo: 15}], query: {"i.j": {$gt: 0}}, proj: {foo: {$add: ["$i.j", "$k.l"]}} }, { desc: "Dotted-path projection and two-level path", expected: [ {_id: 0}, {_id: 1}, {_id: 2}, {_id: 3, x: {y: 1}}, {_id: 4, x: {y: 2}}, {_id: 5, x: {y: [1, 2, 3]}, foo: [4, 5, 6]}, {_id: 6, x: {y: 4}, foo: 4}, {_id: 7, x: [{y: 1}], foo: [1]}, {_id: 8, x: [{y: 1}, {y: 2}], foo: [5, 6]}, {_id: 9, x: [{y: 1}, {y: [1, 2, 3]}], foo: [4, [4, 5, 6]]}, {_id: 10}, {_id: 11}, {_id: 12}, {_id: 13}, {_id: 14}, {_id: 15}, {_id: 16}, {_id: 17, x: {y: [{z: 1}, {z: 2}]}}, {_id: 18, x: [[{y: 1}, {y: 2}], {y: 3}, {y: 4}, [[[{y: 5}]]], {y: 6}]}, {_id: 19}, {_id: 20, x: [[{y: 1}, {y: 2}], {y: 3}, {y: 4}, [[[{y: 5}]]], {y: 6}]}, { _id: 21, x: [[{y: {z: 1}}, {y: 2}], {y: 3}, {y: {z: 2}}, [[[{y: 5}, {y: {z: 3}}]]], {y: 6}] }, {_id: 22}, {_id: 23}, {_id: 24}, {_id: 25}, {_id: 26} ], query: {}, proj: {"x.y": 1, foo: "$v.w"} }, // // Test simple expressions with the $abs operator. // { desc: "$abs operator", expected: [{_id: 23, abs_i1: 1, abs_i2: 1, abs_i3: NumberLong("2147483648")}], query: {i1: 1}, proj: {abs_i1: {$abs: "$i1"}, abs_i2: {$abs: "$i2"}, abs_i3: {$abs: "$i3"}} }, { desc: "$abs with NumberLong input", expected: [{_id: 24, abs_l1: NumberLong("12345678900"), abs_l2: NumberLong("12345678900")}], query: {l1: NumberLong("12345678900")}, proj: {abs_l1: {$abs: "$l1"}, abs_l2: {$abs: "$l2"}} }, { desc: "$abs with NumberDecimal input", expected: [{ _id: 26, abs_d1: 4.6, abs_d2: 4.6, abs_dec1: NumberDecimal("4.6"), abs_dec2: NumberDecimal("4.6") }], query: {d1: 4.6}, proj: { abs_d1: {$abs: "$d1"}, abs_d2: {$abs: "$d2"}, abs_dec1: {$abs: "$dec1"}, abs_dec2: {$abs: "$dec2"} } }, { desc: "$abs with string input", expectedErrorCode: 28765, query: {s: "string"}, proj: {abs_s: {$abs: "$s"}} }, { desc: "$abs with MIN_LONG_LONG input", expectedErrorCode: 28680, query: {s: "string"}, proj: {abs_l: {$abs: "$l"}} }, { desc: "$abs with missing input", expected: [{_id: 25, abs_n: null, abs_ne: null}], query: {s: "string"}, proj: {abs_n: {$abs: "$n"}, abs_ne: {$abs: "$non_existent"}} }, // // Test $and/$or. // { desc: "Single-branch $and", expected: [ {_id: 0, foo: true}, {_id: 1, foo: true}, {_id: 2, foo: true}, {_id: 3, foo: false}, {_id: 4, foo: false}, {_id: 5, foo: false}, {_id: 6, foo: false}, {_id: 7, foo: false}, {_id: 8, foo: false}, {_id: 9, foo: false}, {_id: 10, foo: false}, {_id: 11, foo: false}, {_id: 12, foo: false}, {_id: 13, foo: false}, {_id: 14, foo: false}, {_id: 15, foo: true}, {_id: 16, foo: true}, {_id: 17, foo: false}, {_id: 18, foo: false}, {_id: 19, foo: false}, {_id: 20, foo: false}, {_id: 21, foo: false}, {_id: 22, foo: true}, {_id: 23, foo: false}, {_id: 24, foo: false}, {_id: 25, foo: false}, {_id: 26, foo: false} ], query: {}, proj: {foo: {$and: ["$a"]}} }, { desc: "Single-branch $or", expected: [ {_id: 0, foo: true}, {_id: 1, foo: true}, {_id: 2, foo: true}, {_id: 3, foo: false}, {_id: 4, foo: false}, {_id: 5, foo: false}, {_id: 6, foo: false}, {_id: 7, foo: false}, {_id: 8, foo: false}, {_id: 9, foo: false}, {_id: 10, foo: false}, {_id: 11, foo: false}, {_id: 12, foo: false}, {_id: 13, foo: false}, {_id: 14, foo: false}, {_id: 15, foo: true}, {_id: 16, foo: true}, {_id: 17, foo: false}, {_id: 18, foo: false}, {_id: 19, foo: false}, {_id: 20, foo: false}, {_id: 21, foo: false}, {_id: 22, foo: true}, {_id: 23, foo: false}, {_id: 24, foo: false}, {_id: 25, foo: false}, {_id: 26, foo: false} ], query: {}, proj: {foo: {$or: ["$a"]}} }, { desc: "$and with BSONNull branch", expected: [{_id: 22, foo: false}], query: {_id: 22, a: 1}, proj: {foo: {$and: ["$n"]}} }, { desc: "$or with BSONNull branch", expected: [{_id: 22, foo: false}], query: {_id: 22, a: 1}, proj: {foo: {$or: ["$n"]}} }, { desc: "$and with missing path in branch", expected: [{_id: 22, foo: false}], query: {_id: 22, a: 1}, proj: {foo: {$and: ["$nonexistent"]}} }, { desc: "$or with missing path in branch", expected: [{_id: 22, foo: false}], query: {_id: 22, a: 1}, proj: {foo: {$or: ["$nonexistent"]}} }, { desc: "$and with array branch", expected: [{_id: 22, foo: true, bar: true}], query: {_id: 22, a: 1}, proj: {foo: {$and: []}, bar: {$and: ["$tf", "$t", "$a"]}} }, { desc: "Three-branch $or", expected: [{_id: 22, foo: false, bar: false}], query: {_id: 22, a: 1}, proj: {foo: {$or: []}, bar: {$or: ["$f", "$n", "$nonexistent"]}} }, { desc: "Multiple computed $and projections 1", expected: [{_id: 22, foo: false, bar: false, baz: false}], query: {_id: 22, a: 1}, proj: {foo: {$and: ["$a", "$b"]}, bar: {$and: ["$a", "$f"]}, baz: {$and: ["$a", "$n"]}} }, { desc: "Multiple computed $or projections", expected: [{_id: 22, foo: true, bar: true, baz: true}], query: {_id: 22, a: 1}, proj: {foo: {$or: ["$a", "$b"]}, bar: {$or: ["$a", "$f"]}, baz: {$or: ["$a", "$n"]}} }, { desc: "Multiple computed $and projections 2", expected: [{_id: 22, foo: true, bar: false}], query: {_id: 22, a: 1}, proj: {foo: {$and: ["$ff", "$t"]}, bar: {$and: ["$nonexistent", "$t"]}} }, // // $switch and $cond tests. // { desc: "Single-case $switch with default", expected: [ {_id: 0, foo: "x"}, {_id: 1, foo: 11}, {_id: 2, foo: 12}, {_id: 3}, {_id: 4}, {_id: 5}, {_id: 6}, {_id: 7}, {_id: 8}, {_id: 9}, {_id: 10}, {_id: 11}, {_id: 12}, {_id: 13}, {_id: 14}, {_id: 15}, {_id: 16}, {_id: 17}, {_id: 18}, {_id: 19}, {_id: 20}, {_id: 21}, {_id: 22, foo: 0}, {_id: 23}, {_id: 24}, {_id: 25}, {_id: 26} ], query: {}, proj: {foo: {$switch: {branches: [{case: {$eq: ["$a", 1]}, then: "$b"}], default: "$c"}}} }, { desc: "$cond", expected: [ {_id: 0, foo: "x"}, {_id: 1, foo: 11}, {_id: 2, foo: 12}, {_id: 3}, {_id: 4}, {_id: 5}, {_id: 6}, {_id: 7}, {_id: 8}, {_id: 9}, {_id: 10}, {_id: 11}, {_id: 12}, {_id: 13}, {_id: 14}, {_id: 15}, {_id: 16}, {_id: 17}, {_id: 18}, {_id: 19}, {_id: 20}, {_id: 21}, {_id: 22, foo: 0}, {_id: 23}, {_id: 24}, {_id: 25}, {_id: 26} ], query: {}, proj: {foo: {$cond: {if: {$eq: ["$a", 1]}, then: "$b", else: "$c"}}} }, { desc: "Two-case $switch with default", expected: [ {_id: 0, foo: "x"}, {_id: 1, foo: 2}, {_id: 2, foo: 12}, {_id: 3}, {_id: 4}, {_id: 5}, {_id: 6}, {_id: 7}, {_id: 8}, {_id: 9}, {_id: 10}, {_id: 11}, {_id: 12}, {_id: 13}, {_id: 14}, {_id: 15}, {_id: 16}, {_id: 17}, {_id: 18}, {_id: 19}, {_id: 20}, {_id: 21}, {_id: 22, foo: 0}, {_id: 23}, {_id: 24}, {_id: 25}, {_id: 26} ], query: {}, proj: { foo: { $switch: { branches: [ {case: {$eq: ["$a", 1]}, then: "$b"}, {case: {$eq: ["$b", "y"]}, then: "$a"} ], default: "$c" } } } }, // // Failing expressions // { desc: "$abs with string input as $and branch", expectedErrorCode: 28765, query: {s: "string"}, proj: {foo: {$and: [{$abs: ["$s"]}, "$n"]}} }, { desc: "$abs with string input as $or branch", expectedErrorCode: 28765, query: {s: "string"}, proj: {foo: {$or: [{$abs: ["$s"]}, "$s"]}} }, { desc: "Switch fall-through with no default", expectedErrorCode: 40066, query: {}, proj: { foo: { $switch: { branches: [ {case: {$eq: ["$a", 1]}, then: "$b"}, {case: {$eq: ["$b", "y"]}, then: "$a"} ] // No default case. } } } }, { desc: "$abs with string input as case condition", expectedErrorCode: 28765, query: {s: "string"}, proj: {foo: {$switch: {branches: [{case: {$gt: [{$abs: ["$s"]}, 0]}, then: "$n"}]}}} }, { desc: "$abs with string input as case result", expectedErrorCode: 28765, query: {s: "string"}, proj: {foo: {$switch: {branches: [{case: {$eq: ["$s", "string"]}, then: {$abs: ["$s"]}}]}}} }, { desc: "$abs with string input as $switch default", expectedErrorCode: 28765, query: {s: "string"}, proj: { foo: {$switch: {branches: [{case: {$eq: ["$s", 0]}, then: "$n"}], default: {$abs: "$s"}}} } }, { desc: "$abs with string input as $cond condition", expectedErrorCode: 28765, query: {s: "string"}, proj: {foo: {$cond: {if: {$eq: [{$abs: "$s"}, "$n"]}, then: "$b", else: "$c"}}} }, { desc: "$abs with string input as $cond result (then)", expectedErrorCode: 28765, query: {s: "string"}, proj: {foo: {$cond: {if: {$eq: ["$s", "string"]}, then: {$abs: ["$s"]}, else: "$c"}}} }, { desc: "$abs with string input as $cond result (else)", expectedErrorCode: 28765, query: {s: "string"}, proj: {foo: {$cond: {if: {$eq: ["$s", "gnirts"]}, then: "$b", else: {$abs: ["$s"]}}}} }, // // Test short circuiting: these queries have expressions that would fail (because |$x| is // invalid) but won't because they do not execute. // { desc: "$abs with string input as short-circuited $and branch", expected: [{_id: 25, foo: false}], query: {s: "string"}, proj: {foo: {$and: ["$n", {$abs: ["$s"]}]}} }, { desc: "$abs with string input as short-circuited $or branch", expected: [{_id: 25, foo: true}], query: {s: "string"}, proj: {foo: {$or: ["$s", {$abs: ["$s"]}]}} }, // // Test that short-circuited branches do not do any work, such as traversing an array. The // 'failOnPoisonedFieldLookup' failpoint ensures that none of the "$POISON" lookups, which are // in short-circuited branches, ever execute. If they were to execute, it would result in an // error from the query that would cause the test to fail. // { desc: "$POISON in short-circuited $and/$or branches", expected: [{_id: 22, foo: false, bar: true}], query: {_id: 22, a: 1}, proj: {foo: {$and: ["$f", "$POISON"]}, bar: {$or: ["$t", "$POISON"]}} }, { desc: "$POISON in nested short-circuited $or branches", expected: [{_id: 22, foo: false, bar: true}], query: {_id: 22, a: 1}, proj: { foo: {$and: ["$f", {$or: ["$f", "$POISON"]}, {$eq: ["$a", 1]}]}, bar: {$and: ["$t", {$or: ["$t", "$POISON"]}, {$eq: ["$a", 1]}]} } }, { desc: "$POISON in untaken $switch cases", expected: [{_id: 0, foo: "x"}, {_id: 22, foo: 0}], query: {a: 1}, proj: { foo: { $switch: { branches: [ {case: {$eq: ["$a", 2]}, then: "$POISON"}, {case: {$eq: ["$a", 3]}, then: "$POISON"} ], default: "$b" } } } }, { desc: "$POISON in unevaluated case condition and untaken $switch default branch", expected: [{_id: 0, foo: "x"}, {_id: 22, foo: 0}], query: {a: 1}, proj: { foo: { $switch: { branches: [{case: {$eq: ["$a", 1]}, then: "$b"}, {case: "$POISON", then: "$POISON"}], default: "$POISON" } } } }, { desc: "$POISON in untaken $cond branch (else)", expected: [{_id: 0, foo: "x"}, {_id: 22, foo: 0}], query: {a: 1}, proj: {foo: {$cond: {if: {$eq: ["$a", 1]}, then: "$b", else: "$POISON"}}} }, { desc: "$POISON in untaken $cond branch (then)", expected: [{_id: 0, foo: "x"}, {_id: 22, foo: 0}], query: {a: 1}, proj: {foo: {$cond: {if: {$eq: ["$a", 2]}, then: "$POISON", else: "$b"}}} }, // // $let tests. // { desc: "$let with single-path variable definitions 1", expected: computedProjectionWithBoolValues({foo: [0, 1, 2, 15, 16, 22]}), query: {}, proj: {foo: {$let: {vars: {va: "$a", vb: "$b"}, "in": {$and: "$$va"}}}} }, { desc: "$let with single-path variable definitions 2", expected: computedProjectionWithBoolValues({foo: [0, 1, 2]}), query: {}, proj: {foo: {$let: {vars: {va: "$a", vb: "$b"}, "in": {$and: "$$vb"}}}} }, { desc: "$let with single-path variable definitions 3", expected: computedProjectionWithBoolValues({foo: [0, 1, 2]}), query: {}, proj: {foo: {$let: {vars: {va: "$a", vb: "$b"}, "in": {$and: ["$$va", "$$vb"]}}}} }, { desc: "$let with $and variable definition", expected: computedProjectionWithBoolValues({foo: [0, 1, 2]}), query: {}, proj: {foo: {$let: {vars: {va: {$and: ["$a", "$b"]}}, "in": "$$va"}}} }, { desc: "Two-level path including $let variable", expected: [ {_id: 0}, {_id: 1}, {_id: 2}, {_id: 3, foo: 1}, {_id: 4, foo: 2}, {_id: 5, foo: [1, 2, 3]}, {_id: 6, foo: 4}, {_id: 7, foo: [1]}, {_id: 8, foo: [1, 2]}, {_id: 9, foo: [1, [1, 2, 3]]}, {_id: 10}, {_id: 11}, {_id: 12}, {_id: 13}, {_id: 14}, {_id: 15}, {_id: 16}, {_id: 17, foo: [{z: 1}, {z: 2}]}, {_id: 18, foo: [3, 4, 6]}, {_id: 19}, {_id: 20, foo: [3, 4, 6]}, {_id: 21, foo: [3, {z: 2}, 6]}, {_id: 22}, {_id: 23}, {_id: 24}, {_id: 25}, {_id: 26} ], query: {}, proj: {foo: {$let: {vars: {va: "$x"}, "in": "$$va.y"}}} }, { desc: "Nested $let expressions", expected: computedProjectionWithBoolValues({foo: [22]}), query: {}, proj: { foo: { $let: { vars: {vt: "$t", vf: "$f"}, "in": { $let: {vars: {vf: "$$vt", va: "$a"}, "in": {$and: ["$$vt", "$$vf", "$$va"]}} } } } } }, { desc: "$let with variable definition including nested $let", expected: [{_id: 22, foo: false}], query: {_id: 22, a: 1}, proj: { foo: { $let: { vars: {va: {$let: {vars: {vt: "$t", va: "$va"}, "in": {$and: ["$$vt", "$$va"]}}}}, "in": "$$va" } } } }, { desc: "$let renaming $$CURRENT", expected: [ {_id: 0, foo: 1}, {_id: 1, foo: 2}, {_id: 2, foo: 3}, {_id: 3}, {_id: 4}, {_id: 5}, {_id: 6}, {_id: 7}, {_id: 8}, {_id: 9}, {_id: 10}, {_id: 11}, {_id: 12}, {_id: 13}, {_id: 14}, {_id: 15, foo: 10}, {_id: 16, foo: 10}, {_id: 17}, {_id: 18}, {_id: 19}, {_id: 20}, {_id: 21}, {_id: 22, foo: 1}, {_id: 23}, {_id: 24}, {_id: 25}, {_id: 26} ], query: {}, proj: {foo: {$let: {vars: {doc: "$$CURRENT"}, "in": "$$doc.a"}}} }, { desc: "$let shadowing $$CURRENT", expected: [ {_id: 0, foo: 1}, {_id: 1, foo: 2}, {_id: 2, foo: 3}, {_id: 3}, {_id: 4}, {_id: 5}, {_id: 6}, {_id: 7}, {_id: 8}, {_id: 9}, {_id: 10}, {_id: 11}, {_id: 12}, {_id: 13}, {_id: 14}, {_id: 15, foo: 10}, {_id: 16, foo: 10}, {_id: 17}, {_id: 18}, {_id: 19}, {_id: 20}, {_id: 21}, {_id: 22, foo: 1}, {_id: 23}, {_id: 24}, {_id: 25}, {_id: 26} ], query: {}, proj: {foo: {$let: {vars: {CURRENT: "$$CURRENT.a"}, "in": "$$CURRENT"}}} }, { desc: "$$REMOVE", expected: documents.map(doc => ({_id: doc._id})), query: {}, proj: {a: "$$REMOVE"} }, { desc: "$$REMOVE with additional path components", expected: documents.map(doc => ({_id: doc._id})), query: {}, proj: {a: "$$REMOVE.x.y"} }, { desc: "$lt", expected: computedProjectionWithBoolValues( {foo: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 20, 21], bar: [0, 1, 2], baz: [5, 8, 9], qux: []}), query: {}, proj: { foo: {$lt: ["$a", "$x"]}, bar: {$lt: ["$a", "$b"]}, baz: {$lt: ["$x.y", "$v.w"]}, qux: {$lt: ["$a", "$nonexistent"]} } }, { desc: "$lte", expected: computedProjectionWithBoolValues({ foo: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26], bar: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26 ], baz: [0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26], qux: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26] }), query: {}, proj: { foo: {$lte: ["$a", "$x"]}, bar: {$lte: ["$a", "$b"]}, baz: {$lte: ["$x.y", "$v.w"]}, qux: {$lte: ["$a", "$nonexistent"]} } }, { desc: "$gt", expected: computedProjectionWithBoolValues({ foo: [0, 1, 2, 15, 22], bar: [15, 16, 22], baz: [3, 4, 17, 18, 20, 21], qux: [0, 1, 2, 15, 16, 22] }), query: {}, proj: { foo: {$gt: ["$a", "$x"]}, bar: {$gt: ["$a", "$b"]}, baz: {$gt: ["$x.y", "$v.w"]}, qux: {$gt: ["$a", "$nonexistent"]} } }, { desc: "$gte", expected: computedProjectionWithBoolValues({ foo: [0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26], bar: [ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ], baz: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ], qux: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ] }), query: {}, proj: { foo: {$gte: ["$a", "$x"]}, bar: {$gte: ["$a", "$b"]}, baz: {$gte: ["$x.y", "$v.w"]}, qux: {$gte: ["$a", "$nonexistent"]} } }, { desc: "$eq", expected: computedProjectionWithBoolValues({ foo: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26], bar: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26], baz: [0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26], qux: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26] }), query: {}, proj: { foo: {$eq: ["$a", "$x"]}, bar: {$eq: ["$a", "$b"]}, baz: {$eq: ["$x.y", "$v.w"]}, qux: {$eq: ["$a", "$nonexistent"]} } }, { desc: "$ne", expected: computedProjectionWithBoolValues({ foo: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22], bar: [0, 1, 2, 15, 16, 22], baz: [3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 17, 18, 20, 21], qux: [0, 1, 2, 15, 16, 22] }), query: {}, proj: { foo: {$ne: ["$a", "$x"]}, bar: {$ne: ["$a", "$b"]}, baz: {$ne: ["$x.y", "$v.w"]}, qux: {$ne: ["$a", "$nonexistent"]} } }, { desc: "$cmp", expected: [ {_id: 0, foo: 1, bar: -1, baz: 0, qux: 1}, {_id: 1, foo: 1, bar: -1, baz: 0, qux: 1}, {_id: 2, foo: 1, bar: -1, baz: 0, qux: 1}, {_id: 3, foo: -1, bar: 0, baz: 1, qux: 0}, {_id: 4, foo: -1, bar: 0, baz: 1, qux: 0}, {_id: 5, foo: -1, bar: 0, baz: -1, qux: 0}, {_id: 6, foo: -1, bar: 0, baz: 0, qux: 0}, {_id: 7, foo: -1, bar: 0, baz: 0, qux: 0}, {_id: 8, foo: -1, bar: 0, baz: -1, qux: 0}, {_id: 9, foo: -1, bar: 0, baz: -1, qux: 0}, {_id: 10, foo: 0, bar: 0, baz: 0, qux: 0}, {_id: 11, foo: 0, bar: 0, baz: 0, qux: 0}, {_id: 12, foo: 0, bar: 0, baz: 0, qux: 0}, {_id: 13, foo: 0, bar: 0, baz: 0, qux: 0}, {_id: 14, foo: 0, bar: 0, baz: 0, qux: 0}, {_id: 15, foo: 1, bar: 1, baz: 0, qux: 1}, {_id: 16, foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 0, qux: 1}, {_id: 17, foo: -1, bar: 0, baz: 1, qux: 0}, {_id: 18, foo: -1, bar: 0, baz: 1, qux: 0}, {_id: 19, foo: 0, bar: 0, baz: 0, qux: 0}, {_id: 20, foo: -1, bar: 0, baz: 1, qux: 0}, {_id: 21, foo: -1, bar: 0, baz: 1, qux: 0}, {_id: 22, foo: 1, bar: 1, baz: 0, qux: 1}, {_id: 23, foo: 0, bar: 0, baz: 0, qux: 0}, {_id: 24, foo: 0, bar: 0, baz: 0, qux: 0}, {_id: 25, foo: 0, bar: 0, baz: 0, qux: 0}, {_id: 26, foo: 0, bar: 0, baz: 0, qux: 0} ], query: {}, proj: { foo: {$cmp: ["$a", "$x"]}, bar: {$cmp: ["$a", "$b"]}, baz: {$cmp: ["$x.y", "$v.w"]}, qux: {$cmp: ["$a", "$nonexistent"]} } }, // // Nesting torture tests. // { desc: "Nesting torture test 1", expected: computedProjectionWithBoolValues({foo: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}), query: {}, proj: { foo: { $let: { vars: {v1: {$or: ["$x.y", "$v.w"]}, vx: "$x"}, "in": {$and: ["$$vx.y", "$v.w"]} } } } }, { desc: "Nesting torture test 2", expected: computedProjectionWithBoolValues({foo: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}), query: {}, proj: { foo: { $let: { vars: {v1: "$x.y"}, "in": { $let: { vars: {v2: {$let: {vars: {v3: "$v.w"}, "in": {$and: ["$$v1", "$$v3"]}}}}, "in": "$$v2" } } } } } }, { desc: "Nesting torture test 3", expected: computedProjectionWithBoolValues( {foo: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22]}), query: {}, proj: {foo: {$or: ["$a", {$lt: [{$and: ["$a", "$c"]}, {$or: ["$c", "$x"]}]}, "$x"]}} }, { desc: "Ludicrous nesting torture test with multiple computed fields", expected: [ {_id: 0, foo: false, baz: false}, {_id: 1, foo: false, baz: false}, {_id: 2, foo: false, baz: false}, {_id: 3, foo: 2, baz: false}, {_id: 4, bar: 2, baz: false}, {_id: 5, foo: true, bar: [1, 2, 3], baz: true}, {_id: 6, foo: true, bar: 4, baz: false}, {_id: 7, foo: true, bar: [1], baz: false}, {_id: 8, foo: true, bar: [1, 2], baz: true}, {_id: 9, foo: true, bar: [1, [1, 2, 3]], baz: true}, {_id: 10, foo: false, baz: false}, {_id: 11, foo: false, baz: false}, {_id: 12, foo: false, baz: false}, {_id: 13, foo: false, baz: false}, {_id: 14, foo: false, baz: false}, {_id: 15, foo: false, baz: false}, {_id: 16, foo: false, baz: false}, {_id: 17, foo: true, bar: [{z: 1}, {z: 2}], baz: false}, {_id: 18, foo: true, bar: [3, 4, 6], baz: false}, {_id: 19, foo: false, baz: false}, {_id: 20, foo: true, bar: [3, 4, 6], baz: false}, {_id: 21, foo: true, bar: [3, {z: 2}, 6], baz: false}, {_id: 22, foo: true, baz: false}, {_id: 23, foo: false, baz: false}, {_id: 24, foo: false, baz: false}, {_id: 25, foo: false, baz: false}, {_id: 26, foo: false, baz: false} ], query: {}, proj: { foo: { $let: { vars: { v1: {$or: ["$x.y", "$v.w"]}, v2: {$switch: {branches: [{case: "$v.w", then: 1}], default: 2}}, v3: "$b" }, "in": { $switch: { branches: [ {case: {$eq: ["$x.y", 1]}, then: "$$v2"}, {case: {$eq: ["$x.y", 2]}, then: "$v.w"}, {case: {$eq: ["$$v3", 2]}, then: "$c"} ], default: {$or: ["$$v1", "$tf"]} } } } }, bar: { $switch: { branches: [ {case: {$gt: ["$x.y", 1]}, then: "$x.y"}, {case: {$let: {vars: {v4: "$v.w1"}, "in": "$$v4"}}, then: "$v.w2"} ], default: "$x.y.z" } }, baz: { $let: { vars: {v5: "$x.y", v6: "$v.w"}, "in": { $cond: { if: {$lt: ["$$v5", "$$v6"]}, then: { $switch: { branches: [ {case: {$eq: ["$v.w", 5]}, then: "$v.w"}, {case: {$eq: ["$v.w", 4]}, then: "$x.y"} ], default: {$or: ["$$v5", "$$v6"]} } }, else: false } } } } } } ]; testCases.forEach(function(test) { if (test.expected) { let actual; assert.doesNotThrow(() => { actual = coll.find(test.query, test.proj).toArray(); }, [], test); assert(arrayEq(actual, test.expected), Object.assign({actual: actual}, test)); } else { assert(test.expectedErrorCode, test); const result = db.runCommand({find: coll.getName(), filter: test.query, projection: test.proj}); assert.commandFailedWithCode( result, test.expectedErrorCode, Object.assign({result: result}, test)); } }); if (isPoisonFailPointEnabled) { db.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: "failOnPoisonedFieldLookup", mode: "off"}); } }());