// Some correctness checks for fast and normal count modes, including with skip and limit. t = db.jstests_count6; function checkCountForObject( obj ) { t.drop(); t.ensureIndex( {b:1,a:1} ); function checkCounts( query, expected ) { assert.eq( expected, t.count( query ) , "A1" ); assert.eq( expected, t.find( query ).skip( 0 ).limit( 0 ).count( true ) , "A2" ); // Check proper counts with various skip and limit specs. for( var skip = 1; skip <= 2; ++skip ) { for( var limit = 1; limit <= 2; ++limit ) { assert.eq( Math.max( expected - skip, 0 ), t.find( query ).skip( skip ).count( true ) , "B1" ); assert.eq( Math.min( expected, limit ), t.find( query ).limit( limit ).count( true ) , "B2" ); assert.eq( Math.min( Math.max( expected - skip, 0 ), limit ), t.find( query ).skip( skip ).limit( limit ).count( true ) , "B4" ); // Check limit(x) = limit(-x) assert.eq( t.find( query ).limit( limit ).count( true ), t.find( query ).limit( -limit ).count( true ) , "C1" ); assert.eq( t.find( query ).skip( skip ).limit( limit ).count( true ), t.find( query ).skip( skip ).limit( -limit ).count( true ) , "C2" ); } } // Check limit(0) has no effect assert.eq( expected, t.find( query ).limit( 0 ).count( true ) , "D1" ); assert.eq( Math.max( expected - skip, 0 ), t.find( query ).skip( skip ).limit( 0 ).count( true ) , "D2" ); assert.eq( expected, t.getDB().runCommand({ count: t.getName(), query: query, limit: 0 }).n , "D3" ); assert.eq( Math.max( expected - skip, 0 ), t.getDB().runCommand({ count: t.getName(), query: query, limit: 0, skip: skip }).n , "D4" ); } for( var i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) { checkCounts( {a:obj.a,b:obj.b}, i ); checkCounts( {b:obj.b,a:obj.a}, i ); t.insert( obj ); } t.insert( {a:true,b:true} ); t.insert( {a:true,b:1} ); t.insert( {a:false,b:1} ); t.insert( {a:false,b:true} ); t.insert( {a:false,b:false} ); checkCounts( {a:obj.a,b:obj.b}, i ); checkCounts( {b:obj.b,a:obj.a}, i ); // Check with no query checkCounts( {}, 10 ); } // Check fast count mode. checkCountForObject( {a:true,b:false} ); // Check normal count mode. checkCountForObject( {a:1,b:0} );