// Test that the plan summary string appears in db.currentOp() for count operations. SERVER-14064. // // @tags: [ // # This test attempts to perform a find command and find it using the currentOp command. The // # former operation may be routed to a secondary in the replica set, whereas the latter must be // # routed to the primary. // assumes_read_preference_unchanged, // does_not_support_stepdowns, // ] var t = db.jstests_count_plan_summary; t.drop(); for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { t.insert({x: 1}); } // Mock a long-running count operation by sleeping for each of // the documents in the collection. var awaitShell = startParallelShell("db.jstests_count_plan_summary.find({x: 1, $where: 'sleep(100)'}).count()"); // Find the count op in db.currentOp() and check for the plan summary. assert.soon(function() { var current = db.currentOp({ns: t.getFullName(), "command.count": t.getName()}); assert("inprog" in current); if (current.inprog.length === 0) { print("Did not find count op. db.currentOp() output:"); printjson(current); return false; } // There are no indices, so the plan summary should be a collscan. var countOp = current.inprog[0]; if (!("planSummary" in countOp)) { print("count op does not yet contain planSummary:"); printjson(countOp); return false; } // There are no indices, so the planSummary should be "COLLSCAN". print("Found count op with planSummary:"); printjson(countOp); assert.eq("COLLSCAN", countOp.planSummary, "wrong planSummary string"); // Kill the op so that the test won't run for a long time. db.killOp(countOp.opid); return true; }); var exitCode = awaitShell({checkExitSuccess: false}); assert.neq(0, exitCode, "expected shell to exit abnormally due to JS execution being terminated");