// Cannot implicitly shard accessed collections because queries on a sharded collection are not // able to be covered when they aren't on the shard key since the document needs to be fetched in // order to apply the SHARDING_FILTER stage. // @tags: [ // assumes_unsharded_collection, // ] // Simple covered index query test with unique index // Include helpers for analyzing explain output. load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); var coll = db.getCollection("covered_simple_2"); coll.drop(); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { coll.insert({foo: i}); } coll.insert({foo: "string"}); coll.insert({foo: {bar: 1}}); coll.insert({foo: null}); coll.createIndex({foo: 1}, {unique: true}); // Test equality with int value var plan = coll.find({foo: 1}, {foo: 1, _id: 0}).hint({foo: 1}).explain("executionStats"); assert(isIndexOnly(db, plan.queryPlanner.winningPlan), "simple.2.1 - indexOnly should be true on covered query"); assert.eq(0, plan.executionStats.totalDocsExamined, "simple.2.1 - docs examined should be 0 for covered query"); // Test equality with string value var plan = coll.find({foo: "string"}, {foo: 1, _id: 0}).hint({foo: 1}).explain("executionStats"); assert(isIndexOnly(db, plan.queryPlanner.winningPlan), "simple.2.2 - indexOnly should be true on covered query"); assert.eq(0, plan.executionStats.totalDocsExamined, "simple.2.2 - docs examined should be 0 for covered query"); // Test equality with int value on a dotted field var plan = coll.find({foo: {bar: 1}}, {foo: 1, _id: 0}).hint({foo: 1}).explain("executionStats"); assert(isIndexOnly(db, plan.queryPlanner.winningPlan), "simple.2.3 - indexOnly should be true on covered query"); assert.eq(0, plan.executionStats.totalDocsExamined, "simple.2.3 - docs examined should be 0 for covered query"); // Test no query var plan = coll.find({}, {foo: 1, _id: 0}).hint({foo: 1}).explain("executionStats"); assert(isIndexOnly(db, plan.queryPlanner.winningPlan), "simple.2.4 - indexOnly should be true on covered query"); assert.eq(0, plan.executionStats.totalDocsExamined, "simple.2.4 - docs examined should be 0 for covered query"); // Test range query var plan = coll.find({foo: {$gt: 2, $lt: 6}}, {foo: 1, _id: 0}).hint({foo: 1}).explain("executionStats"); assert(isIndexOnly(db, plan.queryPlanner.winningPlan), "simple.2.5 - indexOnly should be true on covered query"); assert.eq(0, plan.executionStats.totalDocsExamined, "simple.2.5 - docs examined should be 0 for covered query"); // Test in query var plan = coll.find({foo: {$in: [5, 8]}}, {foo: 1, _id: 0}).hint({foo: 1}).explain("executionStats"); assert(isIndexOnly(db, plan.queryPlanner.winningPlan), "simple.2.6 - indexOnly should be true on covered query"); assert.eq(0, plan.executionStats.totalDocsExamined, "simple.2.6 - docs examined should be 0 for covered query"); print('all tests pass');