// SERVER-11781 Don't crash when converting deeply nested or cyclical JS objects to BSON. function test() { function assertTooBig(obj) { // This used to crash rather than throwing an exception. assert.throws(function(){Object.bsonsize(obj)}); } function assertNotTooBig(obj) { assert.doesNotThrow(function(){Object.bsonsize(obj)}); } function objWithDepth(depth) { var out = 1; while (depth--) { out = {o: out}; } return out; } function arrayWithDepth(depth) { var out = 1; while (depth--) { out = [out]; } return out; } assertNotTooBig({}); assertNotTooBig({array: []}); var objCycle = {}; objCycle.cycle = objCycle; assertTooBig(objCycle); var arrayCycle = []; arrayCycle.push(arrayCycle); assertTooBig({array: arrayCycle}); var objDepthLimit = 150; assertNotTooBig(objWithDepth(objDepthLimit - 1)); assertTooBig(objWithDepth(objDepthLimit)); var arrayDepthLimit = objDepthLimit - 1; // one lower due to wrapping object assertNotTooBig({array: arrayWithDepth(arrayDepthLimit - 1)}); assertTooBig({array: arrayWithDepth(arrayDepthLimit)}); } // test in shell test(); // test on server db.depth_limit.drop(); db.depth_limit.insert({}); db.depth_limit.find({$where: test}).itcount(); // itcount ensures that cursor is executed on server