// Vaildate input to distinct command. SERVER-12642 (function() { "use strict"; var t = db.distinct4; t.drop(); t.save({a: null}); t.save({a: 1}); t.save({a: 1}); t.save({a: 2}); t.save({a: 3}); // first argument should be a string or error // from shell helper assert.throws(function() { t.distinct({a: 1}); }); // from command interface assert.commandFailedWithCode(t.runCommand("distinct", {"key": {a: 1}}), ErrorCodes.TypeMismatch); // second argument should be a document or error // from shell helper assert.throws(function() { t.distinct('a', '1'); }); // from command interface assert.commandFailedWithCode(t.runCommand("distinct", {"key": "a", "query": "a"}), ErrorCodes.TypeMismatch); // empty query clause should not cause error // from shell helper var a = assert.doesNotThrow(function() { return t.distinct('a'); }); // [ null, 1, 2, 3 ] assert.eq(4, a.length, tojson(a)); assert.contains(null, a); assert.contains(1, a); assert.contains(2, a); assert.contains(3, a); // from command interface assert.commandWorked(t.runCommand("distinct", {"key": "a"})); })();