var coll = db.jstests_drop2; coll.drop(); function debug(x) { printjson(x); }{}); function getOpId(drop) { var inProg = db.currentOp().inprog; debug(inProg); for (var id in inProg) { var op = inProg[id]; if (drop) { if (op.query && op.query.drop && op.query.drop == coll.getName()) { return op.opid; } } else { if (op.query && op.query.query && op.query.query.$where && op.ns == (coll + "")) { return op.opid; } } } return null; } var awaitCount = startParallelShell( "print(\"Count thread started\");" + "db.getMongo().getCollection(\"" + (coll + "") + "\")" + ".count( { $where: function() {" + "while( 1 ) { sleep( 1 ); } } } );" + "print(\"Count thread terminating\");"); countOpId = null; assert.soon(function() { countOpId = getOpId(false); return countOpId; }); var awaitDrop = startParallelShell("print(\"Drop thread started\");" + "print(\"drop result: \" + " + "db.getMongo().getCollection(\"" + (coll + "") + "\")" + ".drop() );" + "print(\"Drop thread terminating\")"); dropOpId = null; assert.soon(function() { dropOpId = getOpId(true); return dropOpId; }); db.killOp(dropOpId); db.killOp(countOpId); var exitCode = awaitCount({checkExitSuccess: false}); assert.neq(0, exitCode, "expected shell to exit abnormally due to JS execution being terminated"); // The drop operation may or may not have been killed. awaitDrop({checkExitSuccess: false}); coll.drop(); // in SERVER-1818, this fails