// Tests for $elemMatch projections and $ positional operator projection. t = db.SERVER828Test; t.drop(); date1 = new Date(); // Insert various styles of arrays for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) { t.insert({ group: 1, x: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }); t.insert({ group: 2, x: [ { a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 2, c: 3 }, { a:1, d:5 } ] }); t.insert({ group: 3, x: [ { a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 2, c: 3 }, { a:1, d:5 } ], y: [ { aa: 1, bb: 2 }, { aa: 2, cc: 3 }, { aa:1, dd:5 } ] }); t.insert({ group: 3, x: [ { a: 1, b: 3 }, { a: -6, c: 3 } ] }); t.insert({ group: 4, x: [ { a: 1, b: 4 }, { a: -6, c: 3 } ] }); t.insert({ group: 5, x: [ new Date(), 5, 10, 'string', new ObjectId(), 123.456 ] }); t.insert({ group: 6, x: [ { a: 'string', b: date1 }, { a: new ObjectId(), b: 1.2345 }, { a: 'string2', b: date1 } ] }); t.insert({ group: 7, x: [ { y: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] } ] }); t.insert({ group: 8, x: [ { y: [ { a: 1, b: 2 }, {a: 3, b: 4} ] } ] }); t.insert({ group: 9, x: [ { y: [ { a: 1, b: 2 }, {a: 3, b: 4} ] }, { z: [ { a: 1, b: 2 }, {a: 3, b: 4} ] } ] }); t.insert({ group: 10, x: [ { a: 1, b: 2 }, {a: 3, b: 4} ], y: [ { c: 1, d: 2 }, {c: 3, d: 4} ] }); t.insert({ group: 10, x: [ { a: 1, b: 2 }, {a: 3, b: 4} ], y: [ { c: 1, d: 2 }, {c: 3, d: 4} ] }); t.insert({ group: 11, x: [ { a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 2, c: 3 }, { a:1, d:5 } ], covered: [ { aa: 1, bb: 2 }, { aa: 2, cc: 3 }, { aa:1, dd:5 } ] }); t.insert({ group: 12, x: { y : [ { a: 1, b: 1 }, { a: 1, b: 2} ] } } ); t.insert({ group: 13, x: [ { a: 1, b: 1 }, {a: 1, b: 2 } ] } ); t.insert({ group: 13, x: [ { a: 1, b: 2 }, {a: 1, b: 1 } ] } ); } t.ensureIndex({group:1, 'y.d':1}); // for regular index test (not sure if this is really adding anything useful) t.ensureIndex({group:1, covered:1}); // for covered index test // // SERVER-828: Positional operator ($) projection tests // assert.eq( 1, t.find( { group:3, 'x.a':2 }, { 'x.$':1 } ).toArray()[0].x.length, "single object match (array length match)" ); assert.eq( 2, t.find( { group:3, 'x.a':1 }, { 'x.$':1 } ).toArray()[0].x[0].b, "single object match first" ); assert.eq( undefined, t.find( { group:3, 'x.a':2 }, { _id:0, 'x.$':1 } ).toArray()[0]._id, "single object match with filtered _id" ); assert.eq( 1, t.find( { group:3, 'x.a':2 }, { 'x.$':1 } ).sort( { _id:1 } ).toArray()[0].x.length, "sorted single object match with filtered _id (array length match)" ); assert.eq( 1, t.find( { 'group':2, 'x': { '$elemMatch' : { 'a':1, 'b':2 } } }, { 'x.$':1 } ).toArray()[0].x.length, "single object match with elemMatch" ); assert.eq( 1, t.find( { 'group':2, 'x': { '$elemMatch' : { 'a':1, 'b':2 } } }, { 'x.$':{'$slice':1} } ).toArray()[0].x.length, "single object match with elemMatch and positive slice" ); assert.eq( 1, t.find( { 'group':2, 'x': { '$elemMatch' : { 'a':1, 'b':2 } } }, { 'x.$':{'$slice':-1} } ).toArray()[0].x.length, "single object match with elemMatch and negative slice" ); assert.eq( 1, t.find( { 'group':12, 'x.y.a':1 }, { 'x.y.$': 1 } ).toArray()[0].x.y.length, "single object match with two level dot notation" ); assert.eq( 1, t.find( { group:3, 'x.a':2 }, { 'x.$':1 } ).sort( { x:1 } ).toArray()[0].x.length, "sorted object match (array length match)" ); assert.eq( { aa:1, dd:5 }, t.find( { group:3, 'y.dd':5 }, { 'y.$':1 } ).toArray()[0].y[0], "single object match (value match)" ); assert.throws( function() { t.find( { group:3, 'x.a':2 }, { 'y.$':1 } ).toArray(); }, [], "throw on invalid projection (field mismatch)" ); assert.throws( function() { t.find( { group:3, 'x.a':2 }, { 'y.$':1 } ).sort( { x:1 } ).toArray(); }, [], "throw on invalid sorted projection (field mismatch)" ); assert.throws( function() {x; t.find( { group:3, 'x.a':2 }, { 'x.$':1, group:0 } ).sort( { x:1 } ).toArray(); }, [], "throw on invalid projection combination (include and exclude)" ); assert.throws( function() { t.find( { group:3, 'x.a':1, 'y.aa':1 }, { 'x.$':1, 'y.$':1 } ).toArray(); }, [], "throw on multiple projections" ); assert.throws( function() { t.find( { group:3}, { 'g.$':1 } ).toArray(); }, [], "throw on invalid projection (non-array field)" ); assert.eq( { aa:1, dd:5 }, t.find( { group:11, 'covered.dd':5 }, { 'covered.$':1 } ).toArray()[0].covered[0], "single object match (covered index)" ); assert.eq( { aa:1, dd:5 }, t.find( { group:11, 'covered.dd':5 }, { 'covered.$':1 } ).sort( { covered:1 } ).toArray()[0].covered[0], "single object match (sorted covered index)" ); assert.eq( 1, t.find( { group:10, 'y.d': 4 }, { 'y.$':1 } ).toArray()[0].y.length, "single object match (regular index" ); if (false) { assert.eq( 2, // SERVER-1013: allow multiple positional operators t.find( { group:3, 'y.bb':2, 'x.d':5 }, { 'y.$':1, 'x.$':1 } ).toArray()[0].y[0].bb, "multi match, multi proj 1" ); assert.eq( 5, // SSERVER-1013: allow multiple positional operators t.find( { group:3, 'y.bb':2, 'x.d':5 }, { 'y.$':1, 'x.$':1 } ).toArray()[0].x[0].d, "multi match, multi proj 2" ); assert.eq( 2, // SERVER-1243: allow multiple results from same matcher t.find( { group:2, x: { $elemMatchAll: { a:1 } } }, { 'x.$':1 } ).toArray()[0].x.length, "multi element match, single proj" ); assert.eq( 2, // SERVER-1013: multiple array matches with one prositional operator t.find( { group:3, 'y.bb':2, 'x.d':5 }, { 'y.$':1 } ).toArray()[0].y[0].bb, "multi match, single proj 1" ); assert.eq( 2, // SERVER-1013: multiple array matches with one positional operator t.find( { group:3, 'y.cc':3, 'x.b':2 }, { 'x.$':1 } ).toArray()[0].x[0].b, "multi match, single proj 2" ); } // // SERVER-2238: $elemMatch projections // assert.eq( -6, t.find( { group:4 }, { x: { $elemMatch: { a:-6 } } } ).toArray()[0].x[0].a, "single object match" ); assert.eq( 1, t.find( { group:4 }, { x: { $elemMatch: { a:-6 } } } ).toArray()[0].x.length, "filters non-matching array elements" ); assert.eq( 1, t.find( { group:4 }, { x: { $elemMatch: { a:-6, c:3 } } } ).toArray()[0].x.length, "filters non-matching array elements with multiple elemMatch criteria" ); assert.eq( 1, t.find( { group: 13 }, { 'x' : {'$elemMatch' : { a: {$gt: 0, $lt: 2} } } } ).toArray()[0].x.length, "filters non-matching array elements with multiple criteria for a single element in the array" ); assert.eq( 3, t.find( { group:4 }, { x: { $elemMatch: { a:{ $lt:1 } } } } ).toArray()[0].x[0].c, "object operator match" ); assert.eq( [ 4 ], t.find( { group:1 }, { x: { $elemMatch: { $in:[100, 4, -123] } } } ).toArray()[0].x, "$in number match" ); assert.eq( [ {a : 1, b : 2} ], t.find( { group:2 }, { x: { $elemMatch: { a: { $in:[1] } } } } ).toArray()[0].x, "$in number match" ); assert.eq( [1], t.find( { group:1 }, { x: { $elemMatch: { $nin:[4, 5, 6] } } } ).toArray()[0].x, "$nin number match" ); // but this may become a user assertion, since a single element of an array can't match more than one value assert.eq( [ 1], t.find( { group:1 }, { x: { $elemMatch: { $all:[1] } } } ).toArray()[0].x, "$in number match" ); assert.eq( [ { a: 'string', b: date1 } ], t.find( { group:6 }, { x: { $elemMatch: { a:'string' } } } ).toArray()[0].x, "mixed object match on string eq" ); assert.eq( [ { a: 'string2', b: date1 } ], t.find( { group:6 }, { x: { $elemMatch: { a:/ring2/ } } } ).toArray()[0].x, "mixed object match on regexp" ); assert.eq( [ { a: 'string', b: date1 } ], t.find( { group:6 }, { x: { $elemMatch: { a: { $type: 2 } } } } ).toArray()[0].x, "mixed object match on type" ); assert.eq( [ { a : 2, c : 3} ], t.find( { group:2 }, { x: { $elemMatch: { a: { $ne: 1 } } } } ).toArray()[0].x, "mixed object match on ne" ); assert.eq( [ {a : 1, d : 5} ], t.find( { group:3 }, { x: { $elemMatch: { d: { $exists: true } } } } ).toArray()[0].x, "mixed object match on exists" ); assert.eq( [ {a : 2, c : 3} ], t.find( { group:3 }, { x: { $elemMatch: { a: { $mod : [2, 0 ] } } } } ).toArray()[0].x, "mixed object match on mod" ); assert.eq( {"x" : [ { "a" : 1, "b" : 2 } ], "y" : [ { "c" : 3, "d" : 4 } ] }, t.find( { group:10 }, { _id : 0, x: { $elemMatch: { a: 1 } }, y: { $elemMatch: { c: 3 } } } ).toArray()[0], "multiple $elemMatch on unique fields 1" ); if (false) { assert.eq( 2 , // SERVER-1243: handle multiple $elemMatch results t.find( { group:4 }, { x: { $elemMatchAll: { a:{ $lte:2 } } } } ).toArray()[0].x.length, "multi object match" ); assert.eq( 3 , // SERVER-1243: handle multiple $elemMatch results t.find( { group:1 }, { x: { $elemMatchAll: { $in:[1, 2, 3] } } } ).toArray()[0].x.length, "$in number match" ); assert.eq( 1 , // SERVER-1243: handle multiple $elemMatch results t.find( { group:5 }, { x: { $elemMatchAll: { $ne: 5 } } } ).toArray()[0].x.length, "single mixed type match 1" ); assert.eq( 1 , // SERVER-831: handle nested arrays t.find( { group:9 }, { 'x.y': { $elemMatch: { a: 1 } } } ).toArray()[0].x.length, "single dotted match" ); } // // Batch/getMore tests // // test positional operator across multiple batches a = t.find( { group:3, 'x.b':2 }, { 'x.$':1 } ).batchSize(1); while ( a.hasNext() ) { assert.eq( 2, a.next().x[0].b, "positional getMore test"); } // test $elemMatch operator across multiple batches a = t.find( { group:3 }, { x:{$elemMatch:{a:1}} } ).batchSize(1); while ( a.hasNext() ) { assert.eq( 1, a.next().x[0].a, "positional getMore test"); } // verify the positional update operator matches the same element as the the positional find. this // is to ensure consistent behavior with updates until SERVER-1013 is resolved, at which point the // following tests should be updated. t.update({ group: 10, 'x.a': 3, 'y.c':1 }, { $set:{'x.$':100} }, false, true ); // updated the wrong element, so the following assertions should be true assert.eq( 100, t.find( { group:10, 'y.c':1 , x:100 }, { 'x.$':1 } ).toArray()[0].x[0], "wrong single element match after update" ); assert.eq( 100, t.find( { group:10 , x:100 , 'y.c':1 }, { 'x.$':1 } ).toArray()[0].x[0], "wrong single element match after update" ); t.remove({ group: 10 }); t.insert({ group: 10, x: [ { a: 1, b: 2 }, {a: 3, b: 4} ], y: [ { c: 1, d: 2 }, {c: 3, d: 4} ] }); t.update({ group: 10, 'y.c':1, 'x.a': 3 }, { $set:{'x.$':100} }, false, true ); // updated the correct element assert.eq( 100, t.find( { group:10, 'y.c':1 , x:100 }, { 'x.$':1 } ).toArray()[0].x[0], "right single element match after update" ); assert.eq( 100, t.find( { group:10 , x:100 , 'y.c':1 }, { 'x.$':1 } ).toArray()[0].x[0], "right single element match after update" );