// minimal test to check handling of batch size when explain info is requested // expected behavior is to return explain.n = total number of documents matching query // batch size is also tested in another smoke test jstest/explain1.js but that test // also covers the use of an indexed collection and includes a couple of test cases // using limit() // // @tags: [ // requires_fastcount, // sbe_incompatible, // ] t = db.explain_batch_size; t.drop(); var n = 3; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { t.save({x: i}); } var q = {}; assert.eq(n, t.find(q).count(), "A"); assert.eq(n, t.find(q).itcount(), "B"); assert.eq(n, t.find(q).batchSize(1).explain("executionStats").executionStats.nReturned, "C");