(function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); var coll = db.explain_multikey; var keyPattern = { a: 1, "b.c": 1, "b.d": 1, }; /** * Creates an index with a key pattern of 'keyPattern' on a collection containing a single * document and runs the specified command under explain. * * @param {Object} testOptions * @param {Object} testOptions.docToInsert - The document to insert into the collection. * @param {Object} testOptions.commandObj - The operation to run "explain" on. * @param {string} testOptions.stage - The plan summary name of the winning plan. * * @returns {Object} The "queryPlanner" information of the stage with the specified plan summary * name. */ function createIndexAndRunExplain(testOptions) { coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex(keyPattern)); assert.writeOK(coll.insert(testOptions.docToInsert)); var explain = db.runCommand({explain: testOptions.commandObj}); assert.commandWorked(explain); assert(planHasStage(explain.queryPlanner.winningPlan, testOptions.stage), "expected stage to be present: " + tojson(explain)); return getPlanStage(explain.queryPlanner.winningPlan, testOptions.stage); } // Calls createIndexAndRunExplain() twice: once with a document that causes the created index to // be multikey, and again with a document that doesn't cause the created index to be multikey. function verifyMultikeyInfoInExplainOutput(testOptions) { // Insert a document that should cause the index to be multikey. testOptions.docToInsert = { a: 1, b: [{c: ["w", "x"], d: 3}, {c: ["y", "z"], d: 4}], }; var stage = createIndexAndRunExplain(testOptions); assert.eq(true, stage.isMultiKey, "expected index to be multikey: " + tojson(stage)); if (jsTest.options().storageEngine !== "mmapv1") { assert.eq( {a: [], "b.c": ["b", "b.c"], "b.d": ["b"]}, stage.multiKeyPaths, tojson(stage)); } else { // Path-level multikey tracking is supported for all storage engines that use the // KVCatalog. MMAPv1 is the only storage engine that does not. // // TODO SERVER-22727: Store path-level multikey information in MMAPv1 index catalog. assert(!stage.hasOwnProperty("multiKeyPaths"), tojson(stage)); } // Drop the collection and insert a document that shouldn't cause the index to be multikey. testOptions.docToInsert = { a: 1, b: {c: "w", d: 4}, }; stage = createIndexAndRunExplain(testOptions); assert.eq(false, stage.isMultiKey, "expected index not to be multikey: " + tojson(stage)); if (jsTest.options().storageEngine !== "mmapv1") { assert.eq({a: [], "b.c": [], "b.d": []}, stage.multiKeyPaths, tojson(stage)); } else { // Path-level multikey tracking is supported for all storage engines that use the // KVCatalog. MMAPv1 is the only storage engine that does not. // // TODO SERVER-22727: Store path-level multikey information in MMAPv1 index catalog. assert(!stage.hasOwnProperty("multiKeyPaths"), tojson(stage)); } } verifyMultikeyInfoInExplainOutput({ commandObj: {find: coll.getName(), hint: keyPattern}, stage: "IXSCAN", }); verifyMultikeyInfoInExplainOutput({ commandObj: {count: coll.getName(), hint: keyPattern}, stage: "COUNT_SCAN", }); verifyMultikeyInfoInExplainOutput({ commandObj: {distinct: coll.getName(), key: "a"}, stage: "DISTINCT_SCAN", }); })();