// Tests the basics of the filemd5 command. // @tags: [ // # Cannot implicitly shard accessed collections because of following error: GridFS fs.chunks // # collection must be sharded on either {files_id:1} or {files_id:1, n:1} // assumes_unsharded_collection, // // # filemd5 command is not available on embedded // incompatible_with_embedded, // ] (function() { "use strict"; db.fs.chunks.drop(); assert.commandWorked(db.fs.chunks.insert({files_id: 1, n: 0, data: new BinData(0, "test")})); assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.runCommand({filemd5: 1, root: "fs"}), ErrorCodes.NoQueryExecutionPlans); db.fs.chunks.createIndex({files_id: 1, n: 1}); assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({filemd5: 1, root: "fs"})); assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.runCommand({filemd5: 1, root: "fs", partialOk: 1, md5state: 5}), 50847); assert.commandWorked(db.fs.chunks.insert({files_id: 2, n: 0})); assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.runCommand({filemd5: 2, root: "fs"}), 50848); assert.commandWorked(db.fs.chunks.update({files_id: 2, n: 0}, {$set: {data: 5}})); assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.runCommand({filemd5: 2, root: "fs"}), 50849); }());