// @tags: [ // requires_getmore, // ] // Tests where the QueryOptimizerCursor enters takeover mode during a query rather than a get more. t = db.jstests_finda; t.drop(); numDocs = 200; function clearQueryPlanCache() { t.createIndex({c: 1}); t.dropIndex({c: 1}); } function assertAllFound(matches) { // printjson( matches ); found = new Array(numDocs); for (var i = 0; i < numDocs; ++i) { found[i] = false; } for (var i in matches) { m = matches[i]; found[m._id] = true; } for (var i = 0; i < numDocs; ++i) { assert(found[i], i.toString()); } } function makeCursor(query, projection, sort, batchSize, returnKey) { print("\n*** query:"); printjson(query); print("proj:"); printjson(projection); cursor = t.find(query, projection); if (sort) { cursor.sort(sort); print("sort:"); printjson(sort); } if (batchSize) { cursor.batchSize(batchSize); print("bs: " + batchSize); } if (returnKey) { cursor.returnKey(); } return cursor; } function checkCursorWithBatchSizeProjection( query, projection, sort, batchSize, expectedLeftInBatch) { clearQueryPlanCache(); cursor = makeCursor(query, projection, sort, batchSize); // XXX: this assert.eq(expectedLeftInBatch, cursor.objsLeftInBatch()); assertAllFound(cursor.toArray()); } function checkCursorWithBatchSize(query, sort, batchSize, expectedLeftInBatch) { checkCursorWithBatchSizeProjection(query, {}, sort, batchSize, expectedLeftInBatch); checkCursorWithBatchSizeProjection(query, {a: 1, _id: 1}, sort, batchSize, expectedLeftInBatch); // In the cases tested, when expectedLeftInBatch is high enough takeover will occur during // the query operation rather than getMore and the last few matches should properly return keys // from the a,_id index. clearQueryPlanCache(); if (expectedLeftInBatch > 110) { cursor = makeCursor(query, {}, sort, batchSize, true); lastNonAIndexResult = -1; for (var i = 0; i < expectedLeftInBatch; ++i) { next = cursor.next(); // Identify the query plan used by checking the fields of a returnKey query. if (!friendlyEqual(['a', '_id'], Object.keySet(next))) { lastNonAIndexResult = i; } } // The last results should come from the a,_id index. assert.lt(lastNonAIndexResult, expectedLeftInBatch - 5); } } function queryWithPlanTypes(withDups) { t.drop(); for (var i = 1; i < numDocs; ++i) { t.save({_id: i, a: i, b: 0}); } if (withDups) { t.save({_id: 0, a: [0, numDocs], b: 0}); // Add a dup on a:1 index. } else { t.save({_id: 0, a: 0, b: 0}); } t.createIndex({a: 1, _id: 1}); // Include _id for a covered index projection. // All plans in order. checkCursorWithBatchSize({a: {$gte: 0}}, null, 150, 150); // All plans out of order. checkCursorWithBatchSize({a: {$gte: 0}}, {c: 1}, null, 101); // Some plans in order, some out of order. checkCursorWithBatchSize({a: {$gte: 0}, b: 0}, {a: 1}, 150, 150); checkCursorWithBatchSize({a: {$gte: 0}, b: 0}, {a: 1}, null, 101); } queryWithPlanTypes(false); queryWithPlanTypes(true);