/** * Test fsyncLock functionality * - Skip for all storage engines which don't support fsync * - Run the fsyncLock command, confirm we lock correctly with currentOp * - Confirm that we cannot insert during fsyncLock * - Confirm that writes can progress after fsyncUnlock * - Confirm that the command can be run repeatedly without breaking things * - Confirm that the pseudo commands and eval can perform fsyncLock/Unlock * * @tags: [requires_eval_command, requires_fastcount, uses_parallel_shell] */ (function() { "use strict"; // Start with a clean DB. var fsyncLockDB = db.getSisterDB('fsyncLockTestDB'); fsyncLockDB.dropDatabase(); // Tests the db.fsyncLock/fsyncUnlock features. var storageEngine = db.serverStatus().storageEngine.name; // As of SERVER-18899 fsyncLock/fsyncUnlock will error when called on a storage engine // that does not support the begin/end backup commands. var supportsFsync = db.fsyncLock(); if (!supportsFsync.ok) { assert.commandFailedWithCode(supportsFsync, ErrorCodes.CommandNotSupported); jsTestLog("Skipping test for " + storageEngine + " as it does not support fsync"); return; } db.fsyncUnlock(); var resFail = fsyncLockDB.runCommand({fsync: 1, lock: 1}); // Start with a clean DB var fsyncLockDB = db.getSisterDB('fsyncLockTestDB'); fsyncLockDB.dropDatabase(); // Test that a single, regular write works as expected. assert.writeOK(fsyncLockDB.coll.insert({x: 1})); // Test that fsyncLock doesn't work unless invoked against the admin DB. var resFail = fsyncLockDB.runCommand({fsync: 1, lock: 1}); assert(!resFail.ok, "fsyncLock command succeeded against DB other than admin."); // Uses admin automatically and locks the server for writes. var fsyncLockRes = db.fsyncLock(); assert(fsyncLockRes.ok, "fsyncLock command failed against admin DB"); assert(db.currentOp().fsyncLock, "Value in db.currentOp incorrect for fsyncLocked server"); // Make sure writes are blocked. Spawn a write operation in a separate shell and make sure it // is blocked. There is really no way to do that currently, so just check that the write didn't // go through. var writeOpHandle = startParallelShell("db.getSisterDB('fsyncLockTestDB').coll.insert({x:1});"); sleep(3000); // Make sure reads can still run even though there is a pending write and also that the write // didn't get through. assert.eq(1, fsyncLockDB.coll.find({}).itcount()); // Unlock and make sure the insert succeeded. var fsyncUnlockRes = db.fsyncUnlock(); assert(fsyncUnlockRes.ok, "fsyncUnlock command failed"); assert(db.currentOp().fsyncLock == null, "fsyncUnlock is not null in db.currentOp"); // Make sure the db is unlocked and the initial write made it through. writeOpHandle(); assert.writeOK(fsyncLockDB.coll.insert({x: 2})); assert.eq(3, fsyncLockDB.coll.count({})); // Issue the fsyncLock and fsyncUnlock a second time, to ensure that we can // run this command repeatedly with no problems. var fsyncLockRes = db.fsyncLock(); assert(fsyncLockRes.ok, "Second execution of fsyncLock command failed"); var fsyncUnlockRes = db.fsyncUnlock(); assert(fsyncUnlockRes.ok, "Second execution of fsyncUnlock command failed"); // Ensure eval is not allowed to invoke fsyncLock assert(!db.eval('db.fsyncLock()').ok, "eval('db.fsyncLock()') should fail."); // Make sure that insert attempts made during multiple fsyncLock requests will not execute until // all locks have been released. fsyncLockRes = db.fsyncLock(); assert.commandWorked(fsyncLockRes); assert(fsyncLockRes.lockCount == 1, tojson(fsyncLockRes)); let currentOp = db.currentOp(); assert.commandWorked(currentOp); assert(currentOp.fsyncLock, "Value in db.currentOp incorrect for fsyncLocked server"); let shellHandle1 = startParallelShell("db.getSisterDB('fsyncLockTestDB').multipleLock.insert({x:1});"); fsyncLockRes = db.fsyncLock(); assert.commandWorked(fsyncLockRes); assert(fsyncLockRes.lockCount == 2, tojson(fsyncLockRes)); currentOp = db.currentOp(); assert.commandWorked(currentOp); assert(currentOp.fsyncLock, "Value in db.currentOp incorrect for fsyncLocked server"); let shellHandle2 = startParallelShell("db.getSisterDB('fsyncLockTestDB').multipleLock.insert({x:1});"); sleep(3000); assert.eq(0, fsyncLockDB.multipleLock.find({}).itcount()); fsyncUnlockRes = db.fsyncUnlock(); assert.commandWorked(fsyncUnlockRes); assert(fsyncUnlockRes.lockCount == 1, tojson(fsyncLockRes)); sleep(3000); assert.eq(0, fsyncLockDB.multipleLock.find({}).itcount()); fsyncUnlockRes = db.fsyncUnlock(); assert.commandWorked(fsyncUnlockRes); assert(fsyncUnlockRes.lockCount == 0, tojson(fsyncLockRes)); shellHandle1(); shellHandle2(); assert.eq(2, fsyncLockDB.multipleLock.find({}).itcount()); }());