t = db.text_blog; t.drop(); t.save({_id: 1, title: "my blog post", text: "this is a new blog i am writing. yay"}); t.save({_id: 2, title: "my 2nd post", text: "this is a new blog i am writing. yay"}); t.save({_id: 3, title: "knives are Fun", text: "this is a new blog i am writing. yay"}); // default weight is 1 // specify weights if you want a field to be more meaningull t.ensureIndex({"title": "text", text: "text"}, {weights: {title: 10}}); res = t.find({"$text": {"$search": "blog"}}, {score: {"$meta": "textScore"}}).sort({ score: {"$meta": "textScore"} }); assert.eq(3, res.length()); assert.eq(1, res[0]._id); res = t.find({"$text": {"$search": "write"}}, {score: {"$meta": "textScore"}}); assert.eq(3, res.length()); assert.eq(res[0].score, res[1].score); assert.eq(res[0].score, res[2].score);