// Cannot implicitly shard accessed collections because of use of $near query instead of geoNear // command. // @tags: [assumes_unsharded_collection] t = db.geo3; t.drop(); n = 1; arr = []; for (var x = -100; x < 100; x += 2) { for (var y = -100; y < 100; y += 2) { arr.push({_id: n++, loc: [x, y], a: Math.abs(x) % 5, b: Math.abs(y) % 5}); } } t.insert(arr); assert.eq(t.count(), 100 * 100); assert.eq(t.count(), n - 1); t.ensureIndex({loc: "2d"}); fast = db.runCommand({geoNear: t.getName(), near: [50, 50], num: 10}); // test filter filtered1 = db.runCommand({geoNear: t.getName(), near: [50, 50], num: 10, query: {a: 2}}); assert.eq(10, filtered1.results.length, "B1"); filtered1.results.forEach(function(z) { assert.eq(2, z.obj.a, "B2: " + tojson(z)); }); // printjson( filtered1.stats ); function avgA(q, len) { if (!len) len = 10; var realq = {loc: {$near: [50, 50]}}; if (q) Object.extend(realq, q); var as = t.find(realq).limit(len).map(function(z) { return z.a; }); assert.eq(len, as.length, "length in avgA"); return Array.avg(as); } function testFiltering(msg) { assert.gt(2, avgA({}), msg + " testFiltering 1 "); assert.eq(2, avgA({a: 2}), msg + " testFiltering 2 "); assert.eq(4, avgA({a: 4}), msg + " testFiltering 3 "); } testFiltering("just loc"); t.dropIndex({loc: "2d"}); assert.eq(1, t.getIndexKeys().length, "setup 3a"); t.ensureIndex({loc: "2d", a: 1}); assert.eq(2, t.getIndexKeys().length, "setup 3b"); filtered2 = db.runCommand({geoNear: t.getName(), near: [50, 50], num: 10, query: {a: 2}}); assert.eq(10, filtered2.results.length, "B3"); filtered2.results.forEach(function(z) { assert.eq(2, z.obj.a, "B4: " + tojson(z)); }); assert.eq(filtered1.stats.avgDistance, filtered2.stats.avgDistance, "C1"); assert.gt(filtered1.stats.objectsLoaded, filtered2.stats.objectsLoaded, "C3"); testFiltering("loc and a"); t.dropIndex({loc: "2d", a: 1}); assert.eq(1, t.getIndexKeys().length, "setup 4a"); t.ensureIndex({loc: "2d", b: 1}); assert.eq(2, t.getIndexKeys().length, "setup 4b"); testFiltering("loc and b"); q = { loc: {$near: [50, 50]} }; assert.eq(100, t.find(q).limit(100).itcount(), "D1"); assert.eq(100, t.find(q).limit(100).size(), "D2"); assert.eq(20, t.find(q).limit(20).itcount(), "D3"); assert.eq(20, t.find(q).limit(20).size(), "D4"); // SERVER-14039 Wrong limit after skip with $nearSphere, 2d index assert.eq(10, t.find(q).skip(10).limit(10).itcount(), "D5"); assert.eq(10, t.find(q).skip(10).limit(10).size(), "D6");