// Cannot implicitly shard accessed collections because of use of $near query instead of geoNear // command. // @tags: [assumes_unsharded_collection] t = db.geo9; t.drop(); t.save({_id: 1, a: [10, 10], b: [50, 50]}); t.save({_id: 2, a: [11, 11], b: [51, 52]}); t.save({_id: 3, a: [12, 12], b: [52, 52]}); t.save({_id: 4, a: [50, 50], b: [10, 10]}); t.save({_id: 5, a: [51, 51], b: [11, 11]}); t.save({_id: 6, a: [52, 52], b: [12, 12]}); t.ensureIndex({a: "2d"}); t.ensureIndex({b: "2d"}); function check(field) { var q = {}; q[field] = {$near: [11, 11]}; arr = t.find(q).limit(3).map(function(z) { return Geo.distance([11, 11], z[field]); }); assert.eq(2 * Math.sqrt(2), Array.sum(arr), "test " + field); } check("a"); check("b");