// @tags: [requires_fastcount] t = db.geo_circle1; t.drop(); searches = [ [[5, 5], 3], [[5, 5], 1], [[5, 5], 5], [[0, 5], 5], ]; correct = searches.map(function(z) { return []; }); num = 0; for (x = 0; x <= 20; x++) { for (y = 0; y <= 20; y++) { o = {_id: num++, loc: [x, y]}; t.save(o); for (i = 0; i < searches.length; i++) if (Geo.distance([x, y], searches[i][0]) <= searches[i][1]) correct[i].push(o); } } t.ensureIndex({loc: "2d"}); for (i = 0; i < searches.length; i++) { // print( tojson( searches[i] ) + "\t" + correct[i].length ) q = {loc: {$within: {$center: searches[i]}}}; // correct[i].forEach( printjson ) // printjson( q ); // t.find( q ).forEach( printjson ) // printjson( Array.sort( correct[i].map( function(z){ return z._id; } ) ) ) // printjson( Array.sort( t.find(q).map( function(z){ return z._id; } ) ) ) assert.eq(correct[i].length, t.find(q).itcount(), "itcount : " + tojson(searches[i])); assert.eq(correct[i].length, t.find(q).count(), "count : " + tojson(searches[i])); var explain = t.find(q).explain("executionStats"); print('explain for ' + tojson(q, '', true) + ' = ' + tojson(explain)); // The index should be at least minimally effective in preventing the full collection // scan. assert.gt(t.find().count(), explain.executionStats.totalKeysExamined, "nscanned : " + tojson(searches[i])); }