// From SERVER-2381 // Tests to make sure that nested multi-key indexing works for geo indexes and is not used for // direct position // lookups var coll = db.geo_circle2a; coll.drop(); coll.insert({p: [1112, 3473], t: [{k: 'a', v: 'b'}, {k: 'c', v: 'd'}]}); coll.createIndex({p: '2d', 't.k': 1}, {min: 0, max: 10000}); // Succeeds, since on direct lookup should not use the index assert(1 == coll.find({p: [1112, 3473], 't.k': 'a'}).count(), "A"); // Succeeds and uses the geo index assert(1 == coll.find({p: {$within: {$box: [[1111, 3472], [1113, 3475]]}}, 't.k': 'a'}).count(), "B"); coll.drop(); coll.insert({point: [1, 10], tags: [{k: 'key', v: 'value'}, {k: 'key2', v: 123}]}); coll.insert({point: [1, 10], tags: [{k: 'key', v: 'value'}]}); coll.createIndex({point: "2d", "tags.k": 1, "tags.v": 1}); // Succeeds, since should now lookup multi-keys correctly assert(2 == coll.find({point: {$within: {$box: [[0, 0], [12, 12]]}}}).count(), "C"); // Succeeds, and should not use geoindex assert(2 == coll.find({point: [1, 10]}).count(), "D"); assert(2 == coll.find({point: [1, 10], "tags.v": "value"}).count(), "E"); assert(1 == coll.find({point: [1, 10], "tags.v": 123}).count(), "F"); coll.drop(); coll.insert({point: [1, 10], tags: [{k: {'hello': 'world'}, v: 'value'}, {k: 'key2', v: 123}]}); coll.insert({point: [1, 10], tags: [{k: 'key', v: 'value'}]}); coll.createIndex({point: "2d", "tags.k": 1, "tags.v": 1}); // Succeeds, should be able to look up the complex element assert(1 == coll.find({point: {$within: {$box: [[0, 0], [12, 12]]}}, 'tags.k': {'hello': 'world'}}) .count(), "G");