// SERVER-848 and SERVER-1191. db.places.drop(); n = 0; db.places.save({"_id": n++, "loc": {"x": 4.9999, "y": 52}}); db.places.save({"_id": n++, "loc": {"x": 5, "y": 52}}); db.places.save({"_id": n++, "loc": {"x": 5.0001, "y": 52}}); db.places.save({"_id": n++, "loc": {"x": 5, "y": 52.0001}}); db.places.save({"_id": n++, "loc": {"x": 5, "y": 51.9999}}); db.places.save({"_id": n++, "loc": {"x": 4.9999, "y": 52.0001}}); db.places.save({"_id": n++, "loc": {"x": 5.0001, "y": 52.0001}}); db.places.save({"_id": n++, "loc": {"x": 4.9999, "y": 51.9999}}); db.places.save({"_id": n++, "loc": {"x": 5.0001, "y": 51.9999}}); db.places.createIndex({loc: "2d"}); radius = 0.0001; center = [5, 52]; // print(db.places.find({"loc" : {"$within" : {"$center" : [center, radius]}}}).count()) // FIXME: we want an assert, e.g., that there be 5 answers in the find(). db.places.find({"loc": {"$within": {"$center": [center, radius]}}}).forEach(printjson); // the result: // { "_id" : ObjectId("4bb1f2f088df513435bcb4e1"), "loc" : { "x" : 5, "y" : 52 } } // { "_id" : ObjectId("4bb1f54383459c40223a8ae7"), "loc" : { "x" : 5, "y" : 51.9999 } } // { "_id" : ObjectId("4bb1f54583459c40223a8aeb"), "loc" : { "x" : 5.0001, "y" : 51.9999 } } // { "_id" : ObjectId("4bb1f2e588df513435bcb4e0"), "loc" : { "x" : 4.9999, "y" : 52 } } // { "_id" : ObjectId("4bb1f30888df513435bcb4e2"), "loc" : { "x" : 5.0001, "y" : 52 } } // { "_id" : ObjectId("4bb1f54383459c40223a8ae8"), "loc" : { "x" : 4.9999, "y" : 52.0001 } }