// // Tests 2dsphere with descending fields, ensures correct lookup // var coll = db.getCollection("twodspheredesc"); var descriptors = [["field1", -1], ["field2", -1], ["coordinates", "2dsphere"]] var docA = {field1 : "a", field2 : 1, coordinates : [-118.2400013, 34.073893]} var docB = {field1 : "b", field2 : 1, coordinates : [-118.2400012, 34.073894]} // Try both regular and near index cursors var query = {coordinates : {$geoWithin : {$centerSphere : [[-118.240013, 34.073893], 0.44915760491198753]}}}; var queryNear = {coordinates : {$geoNear : {"type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [0, 0]}}}; // // The idea here is we try "2dsphere" indexes in combination with descending // other fields in various // positions and ensure that we return correct results. // for ( var t = 0; t < descriptors.length; t++) { var descriptor = {}; for ( var i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i++) { descriptor[descriptors[i][0]] = descriptors[i][1]; } jsTest.log("Trying 2dsphere index with descriptor " + tojson(descriptor)); coll.drop(); coll.ensureIndex(descriptor); coll.insert(docA); coll.insert(docB); assert.eq(1, coll.count(Object.merge(query, {field1 : "a"}))); assert.eq(1, coll.count(Object.merge(query, {field1 : "b"}))); assert.eq(2, coll.count(Object.merge(query, {field2 : 1}))); assert.eq(0, coll.count(Object.merge(query, {field2 : 0}))); var firstEls = descriptors.splice(1); descriptors = firstEls.concat(descriptors); } // // Data taken from previously-hanging result // jsTest.log("Trying case found in wild..."); coll.drop(); coll.ensureIndex({coordinates : "2dsphere", field : -1}); coll.insert({coordinates : [-118.240013, 34.073893]}); var query = {coordinates : {$geoWithin : {$centerSphere : [[-118.240013, 34.073893], 0.44915760491198753]}}, field : 1}; assert.eq(null, coll.findOne(query)); coll.remove({}) coll.insert({coordinates : [-118.240013, 34.073893], field : 1}); assert.neq(null, coll.findOne(query)); jsTest.log("Success!");