// // We should prohibit polygons with holes not bounded by their exterior shells. // // From spec: // // "For Polygons with multiple rings, the first must be the exterior ring and // any others must be interior rings or holes." // http://geojson.org/geojson-spec.html#polygon // var t = db.geo_s2disjoint_holes, coordinates = [ // One square. [[9, 9], [9, 11], [11, 11], [11, 9], [9, 9]], // Another disjoint square. [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [0, 0]] ], poly = {type: 'Polygon', coordinates: coordinates}, multiPoly = { type: 'MultiPolygon', // Multi-polygon's coordinates are wrapped in one more array. coordinates: [coordinates] }; t.drop(); jsTest.log("We're going to print some error messages, don't be alarmed."); // // Can't query with a polygon or multi-polygon that has a non-contained hole. // print(assert.throws(function() { t.findOne({geo: {$geoWithin: {$geometry: poly}}}); }, [], "parsing a polygon with non-overlapping holes.")); print(assert.throws(function() { t.findOne({geo: {$geoWithin: {$geometry: multiPoly}}}); }, [], "parsing a multi-polygon with non-overlapping holes.")); // // Can't insert a bad polygon or a bad multi-polygon with a 2dsphere index. // t.createIndex({p: '2dsphere'}); assert.writeError(t.insert({p: poly})); assert.writeError(t.insert({p: multiPoly})); // // Can't create a 2dsphere index when the collection contains a bad polygon or // bad multi-polygon. // t.drop(); t.insert({p: poly}); res = t.createIndex({p: '2dsphere'}); assert(!res.ok, tojson(res)); assert.eq(1, t.getIndexes().length); t.drop(); t.insert({p: multiPoly}); res = t.createIndex({p: '2dsphere'}); assert(!res.ok, tojson(res)); assert.eq(1, t.getIndexes().length); // // But with no index we can insert bad polygons and bad multi-polygons. // t.drop(); assert.writeOK(t.insert({p: poly})); assert.writeOK(t.insert({p: multiPoly})); t.drop(); jsTest.log("Success.");