// Test to check whether the number of intervals in a geoNear query equals // the number of inputStages it completes var t = db.jstests_geo_s2explain; t.drop(); var point1 = {loc: {type: "Point", coordinates: [10, 10]}}; var point2 = {loc: {type: "Point", coordinates: [10.001, 10]}}; assert.commandWorked(t.insert([point1, point2])); assert.commandWorked(t.createIndex({loc: "2dsphere"})); var explain = t.find({loc: {$nearSphere: {type: "Point", coordinates: [10, 10]}}}) .limit(1) .explain("executionStats"); var inputStage = explain.executionStats.executionStages.inputStage; assert.eq(1, inputStage.searchIntervals.length); // Populates the collection with a few hundred points at varying distances var points = []; for (var i = 10; i < 70; i += 0.1) { points.push({loc: {type: "Point", coordinates: [i, i]}}); } assert.commandWorked(t.insert(points)); explain = t.find({loc: {$nearSphere: {type: "Point", coordinates: [10, 10]}}}) .limit(10) .explain("executionStats"); inputStage = explain.executionStats.executionStages.inputStage; assert.eq(inputStage.inputStages.length, inputStage.searchIntervals.length); explain = t.find({loc: {$nearSphere: {type: "Point", coordinates: [10, 10]}}}) .limit(50) .explain("executionStats"); inputStage = explain.executionStats.executionStages.inputStage; assert.eq(inputStage.inputStages.length, inputStage.searchIntervals.length); explain = t.find({loc: {$nearSphere: {type: "Point", coordinates: [10, 10]}}}) .limit(200) .explain("executionStats"); inputStage = explain.executionStats.executionStages.inputStage; assert.eq(inputStage.inputStages.length, inputStage.searchIntervals.length);