// If our $within is enormous, create a coarse covering for the search so it // doesn't take forever. t = db.geo_s2largewithin t.drop() t.ensureIndex( { geo : "2dsphere" } ); testPoint = { name: "origin", geo: { type: "Point", coordinates: [0.0, 0.0] } }; testHorizLine = { name: "horiz", geo: { type: "LineString", coordinates: [[-2.0, 10.0], [2.0, 10.0]] } }; testVertLine = { name: "vert", geo: { type: "LineString", coordinates: [[10.0, -2.0], [10.0, 2.0]] } }; t.insert(testPoint); t.insert(testHorizLine); t.insert(testVertLine); //Test a poly that runs horizontally along the equator. longPoly = {type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [[30.0, 1.0], [-30.0, 1.0], [-30.0, -1.0], [30.0, -1.0], [30.0, 1.0]] ]}; result = t.find({geo: {$geoWithin: {$geometry: longPoly}}}); assert.eq(result.itcount(), 1); result = t.find({geo: {$geoWithin: {$geometry: longPoly}}}); assert.eq("origin", result[0].name)