// @tags: [requires_getmore, requires_non_retryable_writes] var t = db.get_s2nearcomplex; t.drop(); t.ensureIndex({geo: "2dsphere"}); /* Short names for math operations */ Random.setRandomSeed(); var random = Random.rand; var PI = Math.PI; var asin = Math.asin; var sin = Math.sin; var cos = Math.cos; var atan2 = Math.atan2; var originGeo = {type: "Point", coordinates: [20.0, 20.0]}; // Center point for all tests. var origin = {name: "origin", geo: originGeo}; /* * Convenience function for checking that coordinates match. threshold let's you * specify how accurate equals should be. */ function coordinateEqual(first, second, threshold) { threshold = threshold || 0.001; first = first['geo']['coordinates']; second = second['geo']['coordinates']; if (Math.abs(first[0] - second[0]) <= threshold) { if (Math.abs(first[1] - second[1]) <= threshold) { return true; } } return false; } /* * Creates `count` random and uniformly distributed points centered around `origin` * no points will be closer to origin than minDist, and no points will be further * than maxDist. Points will be inserted into the global `t` collection, and will * be returned. * based on this algorithm: http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm#LL */ function uniformPoints(origin, count, minDist, maxDist) { var i; var lng = origin['geo']['coordinates'][0]; var lat = origin['geo']['coordinates'][1]; var distances = []; var points = []; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { distances.push((random() * (maxDist - minDist)) + minDist); } distances.sort(); while (points.length < count) { var angle = random() * 2 * PI; var distance = distances[points.length]; var pointLat = asin((sin(lat) * cos(distance)) + (cos(lat) * sin(distance) * cos(angle))); var pointDLng = atan2(sin(angle) * sin(distance) * cos(lat), cos(distance) - sin(lat) * sin(pointLat)); var pointLng = ((lng - pointDLng + PI) % 2 * PI) - PI; // Latitude must be [-90, 90] var newLat = lat + pointLat; if (newLat > 90) newLat -= 180; if (newLat < -90) newLat += 180; // Longitude must be [-180, 180] var newLng = lng + pointLng; if (newLng > 180) newLng -= 360; if (newLng < -180) newLng += 360; var newPoint = { geo: { type: "Point", // coordinates: [lng + pointLng, lat + pointLat] coordinates: [newLng, newLat] } }; points.push(newPoint); } for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { t.insert(points[i]); } return points; } /* * Creates a random uniform field as above, excepting for `numberOfHoles` gaps that * have `sizeOfHoles` points missing centered around a random point. */ function uniformPointsWithGaps(origin, count, minDist, maxDist, numberOfHoles, sizeOfHoles) { var points = uniformPoints(origin, count, minDist, maxDist); var i; for (i = 0; i < numberOfHoles; i++) { var randomPoint = points[Math.floor(random() * points.length)]; removeNearest(randomPoint, sizeOfHoles); } } /* * Creates a random uniform field as above, expcepting for `numberOfClusters` clusters, * which will consist of N points where `minClusterSize` <= N <= `maxClusterSize. * you may specify an optional `distRatio` parameter which will specify the area that the cluster * covers as a fraction of the full area that points are created on. Defaults to 10. */ function uniformPointsWithClusters( origin, count, minDist, maxDist, numberOfClusters, minClusterSize, maxClusterSize, distRatio) { distRatio = distRatio || 10; var points = uniformPoints(origin, count, minDist, maxDist); for (j = 0; j < numberOfClusters; j++) { var randomPoint = points[Math.floor(random() * points.length)]; var clusterSize = (random() * (maxClusterSize - minClusterSize)) + minClusterSize; uniformPoints(randomPoint, clusterSize, minDist / distRatio, maxDist / distRatio); } } /* * Function used to create gaps in existing point field. Will remove the `number` nearest * geo objects to the specified `point`. */ function removeNearest(point, number) { var pointsToRemove = t.find({geo: {$geoNear: {$geometry: point['geo']}}}).limit(number); var idsToRemove = []; while (pointsToRemove.hasNext()) { point = pointsToRemove.next(); idsToRemove.push(point['_id']); } t.remove({_id: {$in: idsToRemove}}); } /* * Validates the ordering of the nearest results is the same no matter how many * geo objects are requested. This could fail if two points have the same dist * from origin, because they may not be well-ordered. If we see strange failures, * we should consider that. */ function validateOrdering(query) { var near10 = t.find(query).limit(10); var near20 = t.find(query).limit(20); var near30 = t.find(query).limit(30); var near40 = t.find(query).limit(40); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { assert(coordinateEqual(near10[i], near20[i])); assert(coordinateEqual(near10[i], near30[i])); assert(coordinateEqual(near10[i], near40[i])); } for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { assert(coordinateEqual(near20[i], near30[i])); assert(coordinateEqual(near20[i], near40[i])); } for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) { assert(coordinateEqual(near30[i], near40[i])); } } var query = {geo: {$geoNear: {$geometry: originGeo}}}; // Test a uniform distribution of 1000 points. uniformPoints(origin, 1000, 0.5, 1.5); validateOrdering({geo: {$geoNear: {$geometry: originGeo}}}); print("Millis for uniform:"); print(t.find(query).explain("executionStats").executionStats.executionTimeMillis); print("Total points:"); print(t.find(query).itcount()); t.drop(); t.ensureIndex({geo: "2dsphere"}); // Test a uniform distribution with 5 gaps each with 10 points missing. uniformPointsWithGaps(origin, 1000, 1, 10.0, 5, 10); validateOrdering({geo: {$geoNear: {$geometry: originGeo}}}); print("Millis for uniform with gaps:"); print(t.find(query).explain("executionStats").executionStats.executionTimeMillis); print("Total points:"); print(t.find(query).itcount()); t.drop(); t.ensureIndex({geo: "2dsphere"}); // Test a uniform distribution with 5 clusters each with between 10 and 100 points. uniformPointsWithClusters(origin, 1000, 1, 10.0, 5, 10, 100); validateOrdering({geo: {$geoNear: {$geometry: originGeo}}}); print("Millis for uniform with clusters:"); print(t.find(query).explain("executionStats").executionStats.executionTimeMillis); print("Total points:"); print(t.find(query).itcount()); t.drop(); t.ensureIndex({geo: "2dsphere"}); // Test a uniform near search with origin around the pole. // Center point near pole. originGeo = { type: "Point", coordinates: [0.0, 89.0] }; origin = { name: "origin", geo: originGeo }; uniformPoints(origin, 50, 0.5, 1.5); validateOrdering({geo: {$geoNear: {$geometry: originGeo}}}); print("Millis for uniform near pole:"); print(t.find({geo: {$geoNear: {$geometry: originGeo}}}) .explain("executionStats") .executionStats.executionTimeMillis); assert.eq(t.find({geo: {$geoNear: {$geometry: originGeo}}}).itcount(), 50); t.drop(); t.ensureIndex({geo: "2dsphere"}); // Center point near the meridian originGeo = { type: "Point", coordinates: [179.0, 0.0] }; origin = { name: "origin", geo: originGeo }; uniformPoints(origin, 50, 0.5, 1.5); validateOrdering({geo: {$geoNear: {$geometry: originGeo}}}); print("Millis for uniform on meridian:"); print(t.find({geo: {$geoNear: {$geometry: originGeo}}}) .explain("executionStats") .executionStats.executionTimeMillis); assert.eq(t.find({geo: {$geoNear: {$geometry: originGeo}}}).itcount(), 50); t.drop(); t.ensureIndex({geo: "2dsphere"}); // Center point near the negative meridian originGeo = { type: "Point", coordinates: [-179.0, 0.0] }; origin = { name: "origin", geo: originGeo }; uniformPoints(origin, 50, 0.5, 1.5); validateOrdering({geo: {$near: {$geometry: originGeo}}}); print("Millis for uniform on negative meridian:"); print(t.find({geo: {$geoNear: {$geometry: originGeo}}}) .explain("executionStats") .executionStats.executionTimeMillis); assert.eq(t.find({geo: {$near: {$geometry: originGeo}}}).itcount(), 50); // Near search with points that are really far away. t.drop(); t.ensureIndex({geo: "2dsphere"}); originGeo = { type: "Point", coordinates: [0.0, 0.0] }; origin = { name: "origin", geo: originGeo }; uniformPoints(origin, 10, 89, 90); cur = t.find({geo: {$near: {$geometry: originGeo}}}); assert.eq(cur.itcount(), 10); cur = t.find({geo: {$near: {$geometry: originGeo}}}); print("Near search on very distant points:"); print(t.find({geo: {$geoNear: {$geometry: originGeo}}}) .explain("executionStats") .executionStats.executionTimeMillis); pt = cur.next(); assert(pt);