// Tests geo near with 2 points diametrically opposite to each other // on the equator // First reported in SERVER-11830 as a regression in 2.5 var t = db.geos2nearequatoropposite; t.drop(); t.insert({loc: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0]}}); t.insert({loc: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [-1, 0]}}); t.ensureIndex({loc: '2dsphere'}); // upper bound for half of earth's circumference in meters var dist = 40075000 / 2 + 1; var nearSphereCount = t.find({ loc: {$nearSphere: {$geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [180, 0]}, $maxDistance: dist}} }).itcount(); var nearCount = t.find({loc: {$near: {$geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [180, 0]}, $maxDistance: dist}}}) .itcount(); var geoNearResult = db.runCommand( {geoNear: t.getName(), near: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [180, 0]}, spherical: true}); print('nearSphere count = ' + nearSphereCount); print('near count = ' + nearCount); print('geoNearResults = ' + tojson(geoNearResult)); assert.eq(2, nearSphereCount, 'unexpected document count for nearSphere'); assert.eq(2, nearCount, 'unexpected document count for near'); assert.eq(2, geoNearResult.results.length, 'unexpected document count in geoNear results'); assert.gt(dist, geoNearResult.stats.maxDistance, 'unexpected maximum distance in geoNear results');