// Explode arrays when indexing non-geo fields in 2dsphere, and make sure that // we find them with queries. t = db.geo_s2nongeoarray; oldPoint = [40, 5]; var data = {geo: oldPoint, nonGeo: [123, 456], otherNonGeo: [{b: [1, 2]}, {b: [3, 4]}]}; t.drop(); assert.commandWorked(t.insert(data)); assert.commandWorked(t.createIndex({otherNonGeo: 1})); assert.eq(1, t.find({otherNonGeo: {b: [1, 2]}}).itcount()); assert.eq(0, t.find({otherNonGeo: 1}).itcount()); assert.eq(1, t.find({'otherNonGeo.b': 1}).itcount()); t.drop(); t.insert(data); t.createIndex({geo: "2d", nonGeo: 1, otherNonGeo: 1}); assert.eq(t.find({nonGeo: 123, geo: {$nearSphere: oldPoint}}).itcount(), 1); assert.eq(t.find({'otherNonGeo.b': 1, geo: {$nearSphere: oldPoint}}).itcount(), 1); t.drop(); t.insert(data); t.createIndex({geo: "2dsphere", nonGeo: 1, otherNonGeo: 1}); assert.eq(t.find({nonGeo: 123, geo: {$nearSphere: oldPoint}}).itcount(), 1); assert.eq(t.find({'otherNonGeo.b': 1, geo: {$nearSphere: oldPoint}}).itcount(), 1);